movieLoader's Replies

Yep, writers and directors failed to make a good movie here unfortunately. Actors did their best with the material, and some bits were funny, but sadly most of the movie was bad. Could have been really good, if they'd taken Ghostbusters a bit more seriously rather than trying to be slapstick, goofy, cheesy and "hilarious" every second. That tactic just pushes away the viewer, as reality is thrown out the window and we basically are watching a bad cartoon. The original Ghostbusters had genuine grit, more suspense and much better pace and timing. Back when they knew how to make movies. These days, studios want "instagram movies" where everything is about applying a filter to enhance the look to gain maximum impression. Over-saturated creativity lacks heart and soul. Stupid OP post, the gender of director or actor or writer does not make any difference to how good the movie will be. There are good and bad writers and directors, both genders. Yeh I agree with OP, the problem was whole approach - writing and directing. But I thought Kristen Wiig was funny, there were some funny moments for sure. Just not enough to lift this movie from the shithole it dug itself. I found it cheap and irritating, too over-cooked. The original Ghostbusters was funny, but wasn't "wink wink nudge nudge" every 2 seconds. Back when writers knew how to make movies. The Chris Hemsworth character, I mean... really? Was not needed. Perhaps they were aiming to please girls or something? cheap. It's still an awful movie. I just watched the extended version, and haven't seen any other version. Apart from a few early funny moments, the movie is a disaster and really was just cheap thrills and over the top crappy effects. Would have been nice to get a quality Ghostbusters remake worthy of respect, but we didn't get that. We got "Police Academy 7" cartoon graphics and trying too hard to be epic and funny. Even Ghostbusters needs an element of "scary" and this had none, only one-liners every 2 seconds. Didn't bother me they were female. That has nothing to do with whether a movie is good or not, and whether the directors and writers know how to make a good movie. It's awkward that people think the hate is because of a female cast when actually it's because it's a mostly shit movie. I think they probably killed themselves. Maybe they went for space walk together and untethered. They both would not have died of old age at same time, so one of them should have got in medical pod to see the Homestead place. If they didn't do that, then they must have killed themselves. When they both got really old, one of them should have got in the medical pod so at least one could see the Homestead place. Kind of silly they didn't do that but instead both chose to die on the ship. One of them would have died first anyway, so even more silly they didn't do that. There's a plot hole in your post. Obviously the pod is designed for a single person. The computer would say "no" when detecting two people inside. Idiot. 1. It's not "intergalactic", they are still within the Milky Way. The message he sends back to Earth will take only "19 years" travelling at speed of light. Don't underestimate the size of our galaxy! 2. The ship has a shield, obviously a very good one that can deflect obstacles. It sounds like you want an explanation for how the shield works! LOL, this movie is set in the future where technology is better. That's all you need to know. The pod obviously had a design fault where circuits could malfunction when the ship's main power source is compromised. No doubt they will fix the design flaw so it doesn't happen again. That's how life is. 3. Obviously in the future energy is not as difficult to generate as it is now. The ship generates its own power, and that's all we need to know. The spinning motion of the ship must be well within the power capabilities of the ship for that length of time. It's only 100 years or so, not 1000 or "forever". It would have been interesting to flip the characters and have her wake him up because she needed a man. I did enjoy this movie. As it turned out, if he hadn't woken her up the ship would have blown up as the manual override was a 2 person job. I watched Fire Walk With Me a few years ago. I remember liking Chris Issac's performance. Maybe I will watch again. OK I watched all season 2, and now up to ep7 of season 3. Great stuff, really liking the new season. Haha, ok I will stick it out until the end. I wouldn't click your trashy link if you paid me What? The film is awful and the cast wooden and boring. Garrett Hedlund who plays Dean Moriarty.. LOL, worst casting choice ever, he can't act. Avoid this movie at all costs, read the book instead. "[i]When we pitched it and we thought about it, we were thinking five to six seasons down the line because we wanted to make sure it could hold that much material. So we certainly have ideas for where everything could go and hopefully where everything will go.[/i]" [url][/url] I thought season 2 was good, I think most fans enjoyed season 2. Apparently the creator originally had 5 seasons in mind. I just read that yesterday after I posted my previous comment above. This surprises me because S3 is so underwhelming, but may be the victim of story squashing and "wrap-up" syndrome. The third season unfortunately is devoted to finding an ending, a way out, rather than telling a story. Disappointing final season. It's obvious they never had a solid story figured out beyond season 2. Can't blame them, there's only so many places the story could have gone without flogging a dead horse, such as "what did Kevin do now". Season 2 should have just had 2 or 3 more episodes to wrap things up after Kevin killed the cop. That should have been when everything was exposed and unravelled. It's very scrappy and messy, just a multi-episode hangover from events in season 2. It lost its charm, character and originality of the first two seasons. It's bizarre how Meg just disappears mid-way through... almost like she had other acting commitments so they had to write her out. Kevin getting shot by the coroner - that whole scene was bizarre, and the idea very unrealistic. Was it the same writers as before? Maybe less money went into the production. "When is it going to end" is the tag-line said by Danny the ghost. I think the writers were having a chuckle at themselves. If you didn't like it why didn't you stop watching after S2. Yeh the ending was superb, when he looked at camera.. that was a nice touch and very poetic. The whole film has many poetic elements, and a visual style that takes us on a journey. The dream sequences were very effective.