MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks (2017) Discussion > Redeemed from the shockingly bad season ...

Redeemed from the shockingly bad season 2?

I just watched original series up until episode 15 of season 2 when I can't take it anymore. What an embarrassing production it turns into after the murder is solved.

Should I watch this latest season? What's the point when the main mystery is solved?

Did I miss anything important between ep15 - 22 of season 2? Please tell me what I need to know.

I really can't believe how bad season 2 was after about ep8. They resorted to bad slapstick and juvenile half-baked trash. Writing took a nose dive, everything nose-dived.


Just skip ahead to season two's finale. The scenes in The Black Lodge will blow your mind.


It does get better. The last couple of episodes are pretty good. (imo)


Don't skip ahead. There are some gems in those S2 episodes. Cole and Shelly in the diner is one of the best scenes of the series. I like the brilliant villain Windom Earle even if his potential wasn't fully realized and the greater role that Pete takes. There are also great scenes involving Major Briggs and various stuff it's helpful to have seen before watching S3. If you're a guy, Heather Graham is gorgeous, especially in her early 20s. Plus the finale will be more impactful if you've seen the few episodes leading up to it. You've come this far. Have the patience to fully watch the show in the proper order.


Haha, ok I will stick it out until the end.


OK I watched all season 2, and now up to ep7 of season 3. Great stuff, really liking the new season.


Between S2 and S3 did you watch the prequel movie Fire Walk With Me?

and now up to ep7 of season 3. Great stuff, really liking the new season.

Heh heh.


I watched Fire Walk With Me a few years ago. I remember liking Chris Issac's performance. Maybe I will watch again.


I love you for saying this. No doubt season 2 could've done without billy zane and james' affair, but it also had some of the most classic tp scenes. I fully agree about windom earl, he's one of my favorite villains ever. I get so tired of the old "david lynch didn't even like season 2" as if someone else's opinion matters besides your own. Refreshing to hear.


Watch all of it. Yes, there is bad stuff to come, but also there is stuff you will need to know in the rest of the episodes if you are going to going to watch season 3.


You can't be serious. You think "who killed LP?" was the actual mystery of Twin Peaks?


You need to watch the season 2 finale, and Fire Walk With Me, and then, yes, you should absolutely watch season 3.


I really can't believe how bad season 2 was after about ep8. They resorted to bad slapstick and juvenile half-baked trash. Writing took a nose dive, everything nose-dived.

You are not alone. Lynch himself said that "the second season sucked" (his words).

He directed only first two episodes and the finale of season 2, and blamed the network ABC for ruining the second season. Lynch also said that he "stopped watching the show because it got so bad".


There were bad parts, but also lots of great moments. Lynch also directed the episode where Maddie is killed by Bob, so there are 4 episodes Lynch directed in season 2.


Lynch was also in some of those episodes as Cole, so just because someone else may have gotten director's credit doesn't mean he wasn't there and heavily involved.


Lynch must have thought he sucked in season 2


Actually judging from a relatively recent interview with Madchen Amick and a couple of others, one of those scenes was unsurprisingly one of his best memories. ;)


Shelley and Gordon together were cute.


I thought a subtext of Season 2 was a tribute to Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein'. Leo the monster, Earle the doctor and Shelly (the only one Cole could hear clearly) the bride.

Briggs going to the White Lodge was fascinating, thought he was worse for the wear. Mrs. Briggs was stoic about it, but mourning nonetheless. Annie Blackburn and Cooper was interesting and tragic of course. Cooper sure blamed himself for what happened. Quite romantic I thought.

There were several writers in Season 2 so it did require some patience. But I thought it was relatively interesting, and some quite humorous. Of course Josie was another tragedy. Quite the dragon lady. Thomas Eckhardt attempting to assassinate Truman was surprising, and Harry's reaction to the affair was touching for me at least. He would have found out about Josie anyway and would have been equally hurt.
