dteam6's Posts

Kylo Ren is actually far more annoying than Anakin Will Astral Luke have a cameo? Hey, Kathleen Kennedy--my wife also hates your feminazi message--what do you think about that? "Pansexual" Lando? A feminist droid? Yeah...fck you, Disney Dan was quite magnanimous with David Roseanne's scene with David was quite touching Roseanne's book paradox Will DJ's daughter become the new "DJ" of this show? As far as I'm concerned, this Disney trilogy isn't canon The Force Awakens: $2 Billion. The Last Jedi: $1.2 Billion... Why is it that most Rey/Jyn lovers never acknowledge strong female characters like Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley, etc? Why is this Rain Johnson idiot being treated like Disney Star Wars' "Kevin Feige" all of a sudden? Moral of the story here: Don't rush your cinematic universe just to try to play catch-up with your rival Did Lex's Jolly Ranchers or the pitcher of Granny's Peach Tea make a cameo? What's your excuse now, fanatics? To the apologists of this movie: You really think "haters" are a "vocal minority"? Kennedy and Johnson both need to be fired Disney has lost my money--I am no longer watching this movie So, let me get this straight: This is the DCCU's version of "The Avengers" and... Imagine if IMDB was still up and running right now...LOL!