MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > The Force Awakens: $2 Billion. The Last ...

The Force Awakens: $2 Billion. The Last Jedi: $1.2 Billion...

...Yeah, let's not pretend that Disney doesn't care about this. 1.2 billion may still be a lot of money, sure, but that is a MASSIVE drop from the previous movie and you apologists for this turd had better start waking up to that reality.

I wouldn't at all be surprised if Rain's Star Wars trilogy is cancelled. In fact--I fully expect it.

Kathleen Kennedy a feminazi moron and ruined Star Wars for the sake of pushing some idiotic social agenda. Star Wars is an already diverse universe with humans, droids and other aliens living/working together, strong black characters, strong female characters, etc--we didn't need your obnoxious input on it.

And Rain Johnson has this "I'm begging to be punched" arrogant look and dumb grin on his face. "Liek, i was, liek, scared at first of killing Luke off but then i, liek, just thought it looked good in teh scene and just kinda rolled with it! Lulz!"

Well, the numbers (the only thing Disney cares about at all) don't lie--when your much-anticipated Star Wars sequel to a $2 billion dollar Star Wars movie and bring Luke back to the center stage makes $800 million LESS...Disney cares about that--a LOT. And let me tell you--if you think Disney will shrug this off you're quite dense. Disney has a reputation to keep as well and the last thing they want to be known as is the company that killed Star Wars.


the sequel trilogy won't happen now. They'll probably just continue with standalone movies every now and then.


Why not? Star Wars still make money. It's a flop when you consider that they have to pay back a $4000 million loan. Last Jedi made about $300 million benefit, that pays... 2017 loan interests.

They will still make the new trilogy, and it will make money, but not too much. At the end of the day they should be happy if they get the load paid back.


You think they'll still run with this Rain guy after his movie split fans practically down the middle and netted them over $800 million LESS than The Force Awakens? Disney isn't stupid. They drop their problem people like a hot plate.


Huh? We're already two movies into the sequel trilogy. Are you talking about Rain's trilogy? I thought that d-bag claimed it was going to be a prequel or something?


If Disney is already thinking Solo will bomb, than chances are it will. I don't care what happens with episode 9, after that Disney needs to clean house at Lucasfilm. Kathleen Kennedy needs to be fired, so does her female led story group. Than Bob Iger needs to put someone in charge who actually cares about the brand, and doesn't hate the fans.


Still has weeks to go, will be $1.3B.

If TFA made 3B and TLJ made 2B, retards like you would still go mental and claim SW is finished!
