MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > As far as I'm concerned, this Disney tri...

As far as I'm concerned, this Disney trilogy isn't canon

Does anyone else feel this way? I'd rather just consider Return of the Jedi the end or even the EU books (much as I hated several decisions in them) than to consider this Disney crap as canon.

We're technically in a unique position here where we actually CAN consider one or the other canon. Just because Disney made the EU non-canon doesn't make it so. They merely inherited these stories.

As far as I'm concerned, these Disney turds aren't my Star Wars canon.


Star Wars stopped being canon after it was sold to Disney. So now you have 2 separate entities. You have Lucas SW and you have Disney SW. The Original 6 movies will always be canon and the Disney Trilogy and the 3 spinoffs will always be additions to the story but in no way canon.


I don't have a problem with this at all. I have more of a problem with the fact this movie couldn't even take the stuff it set up in episode 7 and do anything interesting with it.

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The Disney films are written like bad fan fiction (They even have a Mary Sue character!), so its easy for me to seperate them from the first six films.


my canon is the original trilogy untampered and a new hope called star wars , speaking of canon, id like to put rian johnson in a cannon , fucking hate that smug prick, hope his new trilogy bombs bigger than hiroshima.


No, your canon is all six Lucas movies. Give in.


Rain is particularly smug, isn't he? He refuses to even concede that maybe he made some mistakes. He won't own up to any of it and he speaks like a person who loves to hear himself speak. Where did that guy even come from and why him? Why does Disney have such a hard-on for Rain Johnson? These are the same questions people were asking when Zack Snyder was practically handed the reigns of the DCCU in their beginning.


Thing about Zack is that he had 300 and Watchmen under his belt before getting MoS. I loved both 300 and Watchmen and even if others didn't there is no doubting they are visually stunning films that had a fantastic style all of their own. So I don't know what happened as his DC movies have none of that! Instead they're just bloated messes of stories and it is such a shame. But still, I get why he got the job... now RJ? He must have Les Grossman as his agent as Star Wars is clearly well beyond his capabilities.


300 and Watchmen were both top-notch.


Yes two of my favourites. I thought Watchmen was an incredible film, especially given how hard the book was to film. Thought they made exactly the right choices and never did understand the mixed reviews.

Just had a look - Watchmen has 56 on meta critic while TFA has 81.

This is what I find so frustrating about the Star Wars sequels - and why I find myself writing on the internet instead of doing something more productive! It's the easy ride they have gotten. If you didn't like Watchmen then fine, I get it, it's got a big blue penis swinging around for half the film and it's not for everyone. But neither are the Star Wars sequels - they've disappointed and alienated millions of people and yet if you listened to the critics you'd think they were flawless.

You might say in return 'who cares what the critics think' and that is a good point... but this massive disconnect is fascinating. Plus the critical reception of these films means we're going to be getting more of the same.


Funnily, I find Watchmen to be a bloated mess of stories. It should have been a miniseries or something.


Well I was a huge fan of the book so maybe I already knew the story going in. Can't deny the visuals though, and MoS had none of the style of verve of 300/Watchmen.


I started reading Watchmen after finally finishing the film and it's amazing but it's way easier to follow the story threads in book form. Haven't gotten around to read to 300 yet but I don't care for the film. MoS was... not good but still way better than I expected. I like his zombie movie but loathe the one with the ass-kicking girls.


Do as you please... Would it matter if I said it was okay? I will admit that I was not impressed by The Last Jedi but it is not as if my life was ruined... but so many on here act like it is the end of the world and RJ is some sort of antichrist;-)

Get over it... and if you really dislike these Disney Star Wars films then do not go and see episode 9... but we all know that that will not happen and you will run to the teaters when it is released...


Wrong we aren’t all lemmings, I haven’t seen any of the Disney Star Wars films at the cinema, I can watch them for free at certain websites and I haven’t even bothered watching all of Last Jedi yet!


Well NotoriousRio good for you... But I do not know why you feel I was talking about you... I am pretty sure my statement does not include you... who haven't even watched the entire movie yet... But trust me dteam6 will go and see episode 9 and that is okay... but then stop complaining...


Why are you here if you haven't seen the whole movie yet, Rio?


I can comment on dire movies I havent watched to the end, movies so bad I stopped this one.


I don't blame you.



Excuse me, but don't bother patronizing me on this matter. I didn't even watch episode 8 and won't until it drops on Netflix. I'm through watching Disney Star Wars in the theaters.

Furthermore, no one is acting like their lives are ruined--we're simply angered over the fact that our series we grew up with was shit on by Rain Johnson, Kennedy and Disney. Who really cares if you thought it was OK? You're quick to dismiss any of us who take issue with Disney's treatment but then act as if your opinion should matter? That's not how forums or the internet works, kiddo.


Really... You haven't even watched episode 8? Then why are you on this forum complaining about it? It does seem like your feelings was hurt... But why are you upset with Rian Johnson... if you haven't even seen his Star Wars movie?

So why don't you grow up and at least comment on movies that you have seen... I believe that is how forums should work, kiddo;-)

And Disney didn't ruin Star Wars... George Lucas did that with the prequels... but we got over it and are still able to enjoy the old trilogy...

I do not care if you like my opinion or not... but where did I state that I like The Last Jedi?


Yeah I feel the same way. I would still count Rogue One as canon though. That movie is amazing.


You have no choice. It says right in the opening crawl that these are part of the main story line, episodes 7-9.
