Moral of the story here: Don't rush your cinematic universe just to try to play catch-up with your rival
Idiots. DCCU fell flat on its a$$ and deservedly so.
They rushed and rushed and RUSHED toward Justice League to try and catch up with the MCU. The results were everything that anyone with even a SHRED of common sense would expect: mediocre films that feel half-a$$ed/rushed, lack of audience investment in the characters/story because no one knows half the League before the team-up, muddle tone and direction of the franchise that makes it obvious that its creators don't have a damn idea of what they're doing and, at the end of the road, the one film they were building it all up for: Justice League...falls flat on its a$$.
It amazes me--absolutely amazes me--that people actually expected this to do well. Really? I mean--really? They blatantly jumped into a competition with the MCU and tried to upstage them at every turn, failing miserably at every turn.
I love DC and Marvel. I loved DC LONG before I loved or knew about Marvel. My top three favorite comic book movies of all time are all Batman movies. What the hell happened? I mean--this DCCU isn't just muddled--EVERYTHING is terrible: from casting to writing to that idiotic slow-motion crap.
There is no heart in this franchise. No evident love and care as you can see in the MCU. No clear direction. No clear plans. It's literally a reactionary studio that keeps making reactionary decision after reactionary decision.
They deserved this end result wholeheartedly. Just like real life, you can't just half-a$$ something and expect Grade A results.
I look at it as two high school kids: One Straight-A kid and one D- doofus. The Straight-A kid puts together a class project, putting in much leg-work beforehand: studying, extended time spent on crafting it and time and patience. D- doofus envies the kid and is too lazy to think his own idea up so he copies the idea of Straight-A but is too lazy to put the same homework into it. The end result is a hastily-crafted class project that vaguely resembles Straight-A's project but looking quite crude.
The moral of the story here? Don't rush your cinematic universe and stop copying off the other company's paper. Do your own thing, stop viewing it as a contest and take PRIDE in what you do. DCCU WB didn't do that and this is the result.
The MCU was a success largely due to the fact that they took their time and won over audience good faith slowly over time. They took reasonable risks but did so with passion and pride. If a person works hard on a piece of work it shows. It resonates in their finished product and people take notice.
The MCU has had a few missteps here and there but the built-in good faith audience forgave them and maintained their faith. The entire DCCU, on the other hand, is one giant misstep.
I love the old Burton Batman movies--even Batman Forever. The Burton movies are still revered today. I strongly attribute that to the fact that WB took more pride in their work then. They made those movies with heart and it showed. Somewhere along the way they made Batman & Robin and freaked out because of the reception. As a result, they aggressively changed their Batman films to be the polar opposite.
They went far too dark with the early days of the DCCU but that wasn't even their only problem: bad writing, directing and overall poor choices in casting and story direction all plagued the DCCU. They never understood these issues and, instead, did all the wrong things: drag in Batman as a revenue boost, mimic MCU both in structure and attempts at humor, etc.
The case has been made: they never had competent people at the helm of this thing and, rather than just swallow their pride, reboot and start over, they continually doubled down on their efforts and just compounded and compounded their mistakes.
It's sad because I love DC and want a great alternative to my MCU movies. DC could be a juggernaut in the proper hands...these are not the proper hands.
They need to dump this entire thing, actors, directors, producers, writers and all, and either start over or sell it off to a different company. Either way--this DCCU turd needs to be flushed.
They just don't get it--five obscure Harley Quinn movies and "barely better" Wonder Woman movies are not the answer here. If you craft a DCCU and Batman and Superman aren't generating interest, you're doing something SEVERELY wrong.