yesanything's Replies

And Game Night does deliver on on Good Old-fashioned entertainment and was/is very worthwhile watching. But it is not up there with the great classic comedies of old. If your expecting Abrahams/Ramis/Kenny quality you will be disappointed. If your looking for something far better than they typical tripe that comes out these days you will be very pleased. China Hustle. Big Short* all over again. good but not "Big Short" good * the corruption and inadequacy apparently is just part of the human condition Love Simon, was phenomenal compared to the disgusting Moonlight and Call Me By Your Name. but compared to movies in general, solidly above average but far from great. Nicky Santoro, no matter where he is or what he's doing he is always home to make breakfast for his son Nicky boy. fuck the awards check out on of the best cinematically crafted film in History: **ME AND EARL AND THE DYING GIRL** only film possible better: PATTON. That said the Revenant sucked, Shape of Water sucked that meme is so false. what is true is that there are lots of crap movies constantly coming out but there are a few gems every so often. One that I'll bet very few of you have heard of or seen, NORMAN, starring Richard Gere and Steve Buscemi. boiler room telemarketing, lasted on shift actually I think I read/heard that violence is actually down. because the population of the United States increased just over 38% from 1984 to 2018 > you gave him yes, I did. > why put shoes under the coffee table?? because I'm usually on the sofa by the coffee table when I take them off. if you google "burning of alexandria library" you will get "The ancient accounts by Plutarch, Aulus Gellius, Ammianus Marcellinus, and Orosius indicate that troops of Julius Caesar accidentally burned the library during or after the Siege of Alexandria in 48 BC." it was an accident, not done on purpose (unlike Bezos) as for not understanding, if you ask a specific question, I will attempt to answer. They are my "forgiveness shoes", my "let it go shoes". For months I was very very angry and upset about IMDb (and Amazon and Bezos) for discontinuing the message boards. I decided I would not dwell on it for 30 days. At the end of the thirty days I thought if I actually made an Amazon purchase that would be quite the exclamation point. Thus I think of these Assics shoes, which I wear nearly every single day, as my "forgiveness"shoes. Good for my mental health. Now, having gone through those 30 days, and with forgiveness shoes safely under my coffee table I can safely say that the difference between Jeff Bezos allowing IMDb message boards to be taken down and the Romans burning of the library at Alexandria = = = = THE ROMANS did it by ACCIDENT !!! I have a bowl of Raisin Bran just about every single morning, estimate 30/31. Goodwill for polo shirts, online (ebay, academy) for shorts and sweat pants. That's it thats all I wear. Oh I did buy some shoes on Amazon for my mental health. > Point me towards your research thanks. I was pretty sure but you placed a morsel of doubt so I went to you tube and found this; How to open an airplane's inside locked lavatory door from outside? The relevant part begins around the 28 second mark. > Apparently it's loosely based on a true story. It is and I had read the book decades earlier and it was one of my favorite books of all time. Spielberg was able to make a very good movie without pissing me off with deviations from the original book and true story. > I can say that airplane toilet doors do open inwards as shown in this movie. I did not think this was correct. did some research and you are wrong > I never understand the people who throw a fit about spoiler alerts congrats, you "get it" Great comments thank you. Boone's Farm, a lot of folks drank that shit, couldn't stand it Beer, even boring bland mass marker American beer is 100% better than Boone's. Beer and Cigarettes, 14