MovieChat Forums > LogicalLeftist > Replies
LogicalLeftist's Replies
you think russia has a document published called "how to strengthen American and be best friends with them"
ya enemies fight and undermine each other. I am shocked
he can't. what use is a "strongman" who isn't strong?
but ya imagine Putin had provided a firm stable hand but actually strengthened Russia like Singapore or Rwanda. rather than just crippling it by siphoning and robbing it with his oligarchy buddies.
not reading your gishgallop., keep sucking his balls
keep repeating RT :)
yes I hear crazy when I hear directly parroted RT and Russian state propaganda being repeated.
you are right! I do hear craziness from.
I don't believe there US media either, but you are just a Russian shill.
yes nothing has changed...
my grandfather zero education except high school and a 1 year apprenticeship.
bought a house in 2 years had two kids. grandmother worked bit but he was the main breadwinner. 14 years later emigrated bought an even bigger home
vs today?
nothings changed?
wow you guys are suffering mass delusions. the lies you will tell to keep up your narrative is truly pathetic. lick those rich balls simp
"hey maybe we should have a fairer tax rate"
"OMG you hate the rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
yes the government I want....where... people can't donate huge amounts and spend unlimited amounts so they have less influence..the donation cap is lowered so middle class and poor have just as much influence as the wealthy. so in other words, the same system most other democracies have.... but you have to imply I want some socialist dictatorship haha
you guys are really uneducated aren't you?
you said nothing significant at all or addressed what I said. good job :)
OHH RIGHT im the problem hahahah.
you rich ball suckers are the worst
yes if you can barely get by only have the essentials. I mean you as well be getting slave wages.
billionaires buying their 4th yatchs, making record profits. while you get the crumbs. at least you can lick their balls from down there huh? id be sympathetic if you got paid to simp for them, but you just do it for free don't ya?
if governments can be used to oppress the rich and business, why can't the same governments if owned by the rich, do the same to the middle class and poor. rig the rules to help them? or are you going to tell me millionaires and billionaires don't care about money and would never ever rig the system?
no they aren't,. just like all conservatives aren't fascist, or anarcho capitalists. there's a huge variation across the political spectrum.
come on you are showing you are dumber than a kid who finished a grade 10 civics class! you are so stupid it hurts to contemplate how someone can be so confident in their ignorance and stupidity.
no no minimum wage jobs WERENT supposed to support a household in the 1950s. you worked at your local grocery store, finished high school and with minimal or no education, you had a middle class job after a short apprenticeship.
those years are over. You like all the other costard dinosaurs are living 50 years in the past.
good rebuttal.well this site clearly isn't for thinking people as you demonstrate.
yes im young and have an interest in politics. I generally work Friday and Saturday night however we had a freak snowstorm here so we closed.
sorry im not sitting at some bar, trying to chat up a bartender like a fat old bar fly like you
if you are actually interested ill elaborate. I make decent money nothing outstanding im by no means "rich".
I only buy food on sale using flyers and freeze most of it. Meaning my food costs are around 40% of what they would be at full price. let's say I spend 500 on food a month (instead of 1100) . that means I saved almost 30 thousands in the last 4 years. (600X 12 months X 4 years). that was a decent chunk of my down payment.
as I said i got to live with family to save. even with the example of a low rent (in my area) of some bedroom in someone's house for 700$ a month, that's a lot of money I saved not paying for rent. that's 700X 12 months X 4 years. that was an extra 33 000 that went to my down payment.
my work is within 5km. I bought a car that's older (2009) but with low miles and in great condition for a good price. ive always had great luck with cars in terms of breakages and repairs. idk how just luck. I don't even have collision on it meaning my insurance is 40$ a month. I don't have collusion (an extra 35 a month).because 99% of my travelling is within 5km and the speed limit is 35. I never have since I got my licence. ive saved. 35X12 monthsX 4 years =almsot 2000 there.
I don't have Netflix or amazon prime.
I was also taught growing up that "you may want it but you don't NEED it". and that has led to a lot of purchasing restraint in life and savings too.
It's amazing how much you can save doing all these things for years. but I know my case is extreme, real life is full of surprises and unforeseen costs (ive luckily avoided).
I like being solo and independent, good luck trying this frugal lifestyle with a wife and kids . telling her "yaaa soo sweetie we aren't going out for dinner I can cook at home. oh and don't buy any red onions and peppers this week. they may be on sale next week. and we will use the ground beef that I bought on sale last week for 2.99 alb instead of full price at 4.99-5.99 to make a chilli. which we will then eat for 3 days in a row because the cost per meal works out to 2$ (because I don't care and can eat the same meal over and over and over again im weird like that)"
this sort of level of savings would be impossible with a partner who isn't 100% on board like I am. the double income may help get the initial mortgage, or also have double to income to save more for a home. However it also doubles all the baseline costs (insurance, food and having to rent a bigger place). Or if they don't rent most wives don't want to live with their in-laws to save up
so just from those simple things I did I saved, or at least didn't spend, 66 000 dollars. that was around my down payment.
yes im on the left so "da socialist!". and you are on the right so you are a nazi correct?
you didn't actually address my arguement and me pointing out the absurdity of calling someone a socialist because they slightly disagree on degrees on things like tax rates. im actually okay with extremely low or no corporate taxes, but only for genuine small businesses.
stimulate actual entrepreneurs rather than just reward massive corporations.
record corporate profits, record level wealth of the rich, record wealth gap.
productivity constantly going up while the poor and middle class has seen zero of that increase. Where did all that money go?
you didn't address anything I said. good job.
So again all those hard working people and there's tens of millions making minimum, are the ones advocating higher pay clown.
im a socialist>? where did I ever advocate for a command economy? yes im just like the USSR because I want a slightly higher corporate, capital gains and wealth tax.
I remember all those debates in the USSR about changing their tax rate on their stock market right?
im incredibly frugal. I only buy items on sale. I have saved top four years while living with family.
no that would be kspkap who I quoted 7 posts above this. does retardation run in your family
omg so YOU have a business that doesn't pay minimum. I guess none do then!!!
wow maybe get an education and learnt how logic works. "I don't pay minimum so no one does"
I guess you don't need to be smart to own a business
you never answer anything.
so where's that voting machine evidence?
whatever helps you buddy. you sound crazy