MovieChat Forums > LogicalLeftist > Replies
LogicalLeftist's Replies
1. there are multiple versions of the bible.
2. how do you know your interpretation is correct.
3. prove yours isn't man made and theirs is false.
4. provide christ died for us and did anything supernatural.
none of that provided your religion. you simply claimed, "they are false and ours is right!". you don't think those other sects of christianity would also tell me to read and believe the bible like you did?
exactly. just parrot your own obsession. you confirmed your pathetic life.
this guy Dorian is either a troll or a disgusting piece of trash
1. NOPE he sexually assaulted his sisters and others in their community.
2 He downloaded some of the sickest child porn ever. I watched a documentary about him and had to turn it off when they started saying what the police found. 1 of which included brutally torturing a baby while sexually assaulting it.
3. yes the dude who sexually assaulted other young girls, then downloaded linux so he could get around the program his wife installed on his computer to stop him looking at bad material. is actually a redo hunting vigilante!! HAHA. how does he track down these people when hes downloading this content off sites? he a secret computer hacker too??
you are fucking disgusting.
no parents shouldn't always protect their kids when their kids are literally sexually assaulting their siblings and others. you are disgusting piece of trash wow.....
does momma bear allow her baby to sexually abuse her other babies? he didn't just watch a video. he literally assaulted his siblings.
<blockquote>You don’t seem to care about the people who made the video, wouldn’t that make you a Pedo apologist? </blockquote>
you have mental fucking issues man., I hope you re being watched by the fbi.....
<blockquote>That’s like getting mad at a person for watching a gang member commit a crime, and then not calling the police. What about the gang member? Shouldn’t we go after the person who committed the crime? Not some “Looky Lou bystander”?</blockquote>
and the dumbest analogy in the world goes to.... in your analogy the bystander is innocent. in which way is Duggar innocent?
yes when it comes to science I require peer-reviewed studies.. like umm... all scientists..........
you had time to write multiple paragraphs, yet can't provide evidence. nice cop out coward.
again no argument. the trend continues. 90% of your replies could be summed up as "WAHHHHHHHHHH"
you seem to be overcompensating soo much.
hahahah you shooting a gun is "masculine"/ who is insecure again? you literally need a gun to feel like a "Man"
other countries are relevant. because it demonstrates reality. reality you hate.
you don't have facts, you have a narrative that you constantly push.
so Craig when are you advocating for RPG and artillery ownership?
aww Craig you have nothing. you are whining again and pushing right wing conspiracies. you should talk about Benghazi next
I have. by 18 id lived in another country for two years and visited 7.
hahahah you have nothing you are soo desperate to land anything.
what a loser you are :)
it doesn't have to be about them, to show an incredibly inaccurate and ridiculous thing about them. what the hell kinda arguement is that?
"well if its not part of the main story then it doesn't matter". utter nonsense. if they showed people driving cars and with ak-47s in a quick scene would you say "This movie wasn't about the "car driving ak47 weilding people" living in revolutionary era America. It was about the, or some of the, people fighting in the war."
that's the point they didn't live in that era, nor did these idilic black people. we all expect artistic licence, but that's sooo absurd its insulting.
<blockquote>Our victory against the largest Empire in the world and the gaining of our Freedom. A story worth telling, worth celebrating.</blockquote>
and not going to such utter extremes of nonsense it just looks silly. you seem to be spineless and can't admit it was silly to present the brits as literal nazis. all just so you can lie and spread propaganda.
<blockquote>You want to see American stories told and celebrated, don't you?</blockquote>
again more utter nonsense. in other words "don't question these ridiculous scenes and portrayals. let us spread the nonsense or else you hate america
you are some tool man.
<blockquote>In economic policy it did not abstain from numerous regulations and interventions in markets.</blockquote>
so like every mixed economy? it also privatized almost all German government interest in various sectors from rail to steel. the word "privatization" was literally invented to describe this offsetting the nazis did in the 1930s.
"Wage-setting became a task of public officials, the capital market was reserved for state demand, a general price stop decreed in 1936."
soooooooooo things that helped corporations. you could not leave your job as your work experience history was in a literal book all workers had. and to apply to a new job you needed this book. which the company didn't have to give you. the nAzis gave business unprecedented power to control its workers. that's socialism?
and unions were crushed. brought under a single "nazi union". totalitarianism doesn't mean socialism.
you are describing things that literally helped private business and acting like because it was enacted by the government its "socialism". if a government cuts coprioate tax is that socialism too?
<blockquote>State demand expanded without precedent. Between 1932 and 1938 state demand increased with an average annual rate of 26 per cent; its share in GNP exploded in these years from 13.6 to 30.5 percent. As a consequence private consumption as well as exports were largely crowded out.</blockquote>
you are quoting "The Role of Private Property in the Nazi Economy: The Case of Industry by Christoph Buchheim and Jonas Scherner"
who LITERALLY disagree with your conclusion
"Private property in the industry of the Third Reich is often considered a mere nominal provision without much substance. However, that is not correct, because firms, despite the rationing and licensing activities of the state, still had ample scope to devise their own production and investment profiles. Even regarding war-related projects, freedom of contract was generally respected; instead of using power, the state offered firms a number of contract options to choose from. There were several motives behind this attitude of the regime, among them the convic-
tion that private property provided important incentives for increasing efficiency.
There occurred hardly any nationalizations of private firms during the Third Reich. In addition, there were few enterprises newly created as state-runfirms. An important question treated in this article is why the Nazi state-unlike the Soviet Union to which it is sometimes compared-refrained from the widespread nationalization of industry"
I love when people cherry pick a source that disagrees with them :)
<blockquote>If your argument is that the Nazis persecuted some socialists therefore they were not socialist I suggest you look up what Stalin did to Mensheviks and dissident Bolsheviks. Socialists often kill their own.</blockquote>
this nonsense has been dismissed by every single reputable historian not he subject. but you clearly came to push your narrative.
1. did the soviets only go after the left like the nazis did?
2. did the soviets only create alliances and actively help right wing conservative regimes?
3. did the soviets go after Mensheviks while leaving conservatives and capitalists as a group to live their life in peace?
4. did the soviets form political alliances ONLY with other right wing parties, while abolishing the left wing ones first
5. EVERY SINGLE socialist and left wing political party leader in Germany either fled, was jailed or killed. EVERY SINGLE conservatives party leader lived out their lives in Germany. one even maintained his seat in the then ceremonial reighstaag.
Yes the USSR went after all perceived enemies, so did the Nazis. the thing is, the nazis didn't see the conservatives or capitalists as their enemies as a group. its why they never systematically persecuted them as a group. and in fact saw them as their biggest allies within and without of the party. whether it was agreeing largely on social issues, being economy allies or political allies.
did you miss the literal title of the OP and complaint? that black people are showing living an idyllic great life in this film.
yes I know the point of the film. it doesn't mean they didn't show other ridiculous exaggerations outside this main storyline. like the one I mentioned above and had in my list. and the other one I said. portraying the brits committing an act the nazis literally did.
seriously you aren't addressing anything I said. just take your L and go away.
what are you even talking about"i hope that not too many family's got as destroyed as the one in the film, in real life."
we are talking about the films portrayal holy cow.
overcompensating for your small D I see. amazing how no other developed nation has this problem. your dystopian idea of totally unarmed populace living at the mercy of criminals armed to the teeth.
why is it americas criminals have more guns than these other countries with strict gun control?
your entire narrative was just destroyed.
I mean you can see below someone defending them. so disgusting yes, surprising no.
I have yet to be convinced that every religion isn't man made and have no good reason to believe any of their god claims. but im open to evidence if you have any
is that why they
-persecuted the socialists and commies
-never persecuted the conservatives or capitalists as a group
-went to spain to help the conservatives vs socialists and commies
-formed multiple provincial and federal political alliances with ONLY the other conservative parties and even had a nail government that included other conservative party members
in what way was the economy "socialist". you;'re away the entire consensus of left and right wing political scientists, historians and economists disagree with you right?
a mother should always take the side of a family and others sexually assaulting child?
WOW. I shoulda changed it to "conservatives here love defending pedos"
yes I already owned you on the subject of the left and socialism. you ran away :)
zelenky has personally made billions? going to need to see a citation please!
also going to need to see a citation.
hahahahah yes they are all socialists and "da MSM". just parrot more. you aren't a thinking logical agent. you are just a regurgitator who has shut their brain down
yes pathetic life. go beg others now
I also enjoy the film and don't expect a Hollywood movie to be accurate. however
1. showing black people living a great life
2. the brits committing atrocities the nazis did
was just way too far and ridiculous
In your opinion sure and I care about that why? America wasn't seen as a slave colony or one simply to extract everything and subjugate the people as objects. the British colony was according to England full of brits, their family and cousins. the brits hardly waged a horrible war of pure malice and destruction.
"I assume your point is NOT, a defensive of Imperalism, correct?"
stop saying such stupid things please
haha youve became an incoherent bumbling mess
sad life