LogicalLeftist's Replies

Who is "you people". yes what do you think other flu vaccines have been doing all this time? you get the virus, the symptom are less or not there it depends. you think its been giving you hyper immunity that compiles each year until you are immune to thousands and thousands of strains and flu invincible? those seasonal flu shots have always been known to increase protection, not make them totally immune. Your lack of education and understanding on the subject is not a reflection of there being a lack of scientific information available. Here I will do the leg work for you https://www.technologynetworks.com/biopharma/articles/covid-19-childhood-vaccines-why-dont-they-last-a-lifetime-like-the-measles-shot-356949 <blockquote> Why do measles vaccines last a lifetime when the COVID-19 vaccines do not? The vaccination against measles is routinely administered in early childhood, typically between 9-12 months of age. While the early immunization and lifetime protection against COVID-19 is something the world may hope for, scientists recognize that key differences between the SARS-CoV-2 and measles viruses currently prevent this type of immune protection. “It comes down to the glycoproteins,” says Dr. Ben Bone, a virologist based at the University of East Anglia who specializes in vaccine technology and virus/host cell interactions. “In some viruses, such as influenza or SARS-CoV-2, the glycoproteins are more flexible and can handle more mutations while still functioning, resulting in a structural difference which affects their ability to evade vaccines.” SARS-CoV-2, similarly to seasonal flu, can mutate from season to season. The mutations acquired over the course of several months can result in structural changes to its glycoproteins, making it unrecognizable to the antibodies produced in response to a previous vaccine. Hence, some medical professionals have suggested that a seasonal COVID-19 vaccine may be required every year. The measles virus does not mutate in the same way as SARS-CoV-2. “Mutations [in the virus’ genetic material] may impair the glycoproteins on the measles virus’ surface, which it needs for entry into your cells,” says Bone. While the measles virus mutates as readily as any other similar virus, mutations in the antibody-binding glycoproteins are unfavorable to its infectivity. The mutated measles virus cannot cause infection and therefore no new vaccine development is required. Therefore, the vaccine is best administered in childhood, as it provides the best opportunity for a lifetime of immune protection.</blockquote> Where did guns ever come into play with the lockdowns the United States experienced? Do you ave any proof ore well armed states stopped them? what doest having guns have to do with minimal lockdowns that saved lives? It seems every year the GOP come up with a new story about how the dems are about to take the guns. I remember the Obama FEMA camps and muslim brotherhood. What happened to that story? It is a vaccine despite your claim. Have any actual medical institutions you can provide a link to that says otherwise? You do not understanding vaccines apparently. Normal season flu vaccines are also temporary and may only relieve symptoms or lessen them, they are still vaccines. plenty of vaccines don't have a 100% immunity rate. You are wrong. well seen as I reside in a country with a two party system I have option A or option B to choose from. and if I don't support option A then I am either indirectly supporting Option B or directly doing so by voting for them. You seem unreasonably angry that someone dares have a different opinion than your own and claim troll to escape intellectual debate. I am a troll by stating what actually happened and is reality? How many people died of the black plague?? by some estimated 33% of Europe. yes starvation and all sorts of diseases also killed untold masses. should we let those run their course too? cancers as well? or maybe instead we shoulduse modern technology to help solve them. I am shocked you are saying the vaccine is sooo bad because it's killed some people, while advocating untold more deaths by letting a pandemic run its course. Should we have done that with measles and polio too? the smallpox vaccine is dangerous? any scientific citations on that claim? I require peer review on a complicated subject like virology and vaccinology, as should you. that is how science works. you prove things. you don't just make statements about your opinion or feelings. its not about critical thinking, you have no understanding of something this complex. I am not projecting as I have the culmination of medical and scientific experts on my side. Can you show me one scientific institution that agrees with your opinion? Where are your studies? I cannot wait to see them. what expertise do you have in immunology? may I see your degree? you found one person who agrees with your skepticism online and you think you have all the answers No messenger was attacked. I addressed the silliness of his argument. Yes 250 years would be hundreds of years. They wrote two paragraphs of a christian song, and I'm deflecting? you sure are ignoring all the pro communist sounding passages that aren't convenient to your storyline I see. Eye of the needle sound familiar? Which lunacy? 90% of the democrats policies are centrist policies in the rest of the West their own right wing parties wouldn't touch (affordable education and healthcare). Not only that, these countries all rank in the top 10 best countries to live in. While america rarely makes that list. But yes instead I should support the party that thinks billionaire dollar corporations and people with 100+ billion in wealth are the real victims in society and any tax raise is "socialism". and brought us into an illegal war and spent 7 trillion on it while lecturing me the dems spending is out of control. Yes it is considered a vaccine by definition. Your lack of education on the subject or biology and in particular virology and vaccinology does not change this. The polio vaccines doesn't stop infection. you still get infected. it stops deadly symptoms. Vaccines vary in efficacy. Especially for older people and those with immune comprised systems. Those vaccines we consider make us "immune" often have to be taken more often, or more shots of it than a person with a normal functioning immune system. Different viruses are different types and act differently. mind blown I know. its Why we have no vaccine for the common cold yet ones for measles. depedning how the virus acts and infects we may not be able to come up with the same efficacy as say the polio virus. Have you never wondered why we don't then have vaccines for every single virus? Maybe spend some time reading sources from an actual reputable medical or scientific institution on biology. rather than spewing nonsense we have well understood for decades. I mean this with all sincerity. go read. The information about different virus families and why and how we can and cannot fight others as effectively is all out there. this is know virology. well before Covid. I am not too sure what god has to do with vaccines of science? real scientists came ups with vaccines for hundreds of years and save more people in history than any other medicine. While you radicals fought them tooth and nail and instead tried to push prayer healing. Also Jesus if he returned or if you actually followed his teaching would be called a rabid communist. In particular his teachings on wealth. Agreed this and the first one impressed me. These are hidden gems DC did well. it was the worst of the 3 in my humble opinion by quite abit. the animation was quite poor in spots. almost like they saved the budget for the final fight which actually seemed good. I cannot believe she thought that would work. Like she practiced it in the mirror thinking "this is perfect! I will go with this one". I came to find out after watching this mess with really bad child acting voiceover. it was a double slap.