MovieChat Forums > Politics > The requirements for being a leftist...i...

The requirements for being a leftist...ideas and beliefs you must hate

white people
straight men
families with a mom and a dad
people against grooming kids or pedophilia
people that believe there are only 2 genders
people that believe all life is precious
working for money to buy things
women shaving armpits
alpha males

I know there's more but something isn't adding up here. This can't be right.


Thanks for the LOL!.... But especially the "alpha males" part. The right's "alpha male" obsession is about the gayest thing in the world.


This post is a beta cope.


They are obviously legend in their own minds. And seriously, wasn't the "alpha-male" nonsense exposed back in the 80's for the bu!!$#!+ that it actually was? I'm always amused at the sheer number of guys who obviously never got the memo. ; )


You have no idea what an Alpha Male is.


That's probably because you're a stigma male. That's a good thing!


The term you were going for is "Sigma", providing yet ANOTHER example of you being wrong. ; )


OK, genius obviously that's auto-correct.




You sound like a cuckold simp.


Not surprising AT ALL that's what YOU would WANT to believe. ; )


You are the prime example of beta.


You obviously wish. ; )


Maybe I misspoke when I used the term "alpha male" but toxic masculinity is pretty much the same thing. Masculinity is only toxic because a man can walk around confidently swinging his big dick and women can not do that. Not even the fake ones because there's nothing manly about a dude running around in panties.


We can add to the list of things Democrats and their lemmings hate:
- the American flag
- the American constitution
- the American people
- liberty
- the ability to think for oneself
- the ability to provide for one’s self
- legitimate secure elections


The requirements for being a rightwinger...ideas and beliefs you must HATE
- Non-White People
- Women
- Families with single moms
- New England (Birthplace of actual patriots)
- Anyone who mentions the dozens of Republican politicians who've actually been convicted of CHILD MOLESTATION
- Anyone who doesn't conform to strict gender expectations
- Anyone who believes LIFE is more precious than GUNS
- Women with any Body Hair (Right-wingers prefer women be shaved to appear like pre-pubescent girls)
- Men who are manly without trying so hard to appear like "alpha males"


- Non-White People

(incorrect, that belongs to the far left socialist-fascists/KKK)
- Women

(incorrect, and an oxymoron...LOL...LGBTQIA is the evidence)
- Families with single moms

(never heard of the “right” hating them)
- New England (Birthplace of actual patriots)

WTF? I never heard of anyone making such claims except you.
- Anyone who mentions the dozens of Republican politicians who've actually been convicted of CHILD MOLESTATION

(incorrect, those were actual left-socialist-democrats impersonating as republicans to tarnish, damage, and destroy from within; wolves in sheep’s clothing)...Prove me wrong.
- Anyone who doesn't conform to strict gender expectations

(typical strawman defense by the degenerates from the left, another contradiction since they are the ones who are actually destroying such expectations by forcing it in all areas...just another "reverse physiological fallacy")
- Anyone who believes LIFE is more precious than GUNS

(LIFE is precious and GUNS are necessary to protect and defend against the career criminals representing the socialist-left determined to steal and destroy everything that is good, honest, righteous, and “precious”)
- Women with any Body Hair (Right-wingers prefer women be shaved to appear like pre-pubescent girls)

(But at least they are women instead of actual pre-pubescent girls and children which is what the left is infamous for abusing and molesting)
- Men who are manly without trying so hard to appear like "alpha males"

(When they are confident and secure than there is no need in "trying to appear", unlike the immoral liberals that are “confused” by the cultist transgressive mentality)


I've always thought this: right-wingers think non-white people should be able to do things they want, and left-wingers think non-white people can do things they want. Both think their ideas aren't racist, but both are.


Dear God, New England is one of the most racist sections of the US! Boston is well-known as the most racist city in America....what are you on, bro?

This list is just your wank fantasy in post-form.


Another worthless “new” poster who can go to trash heap. See you when you get your new sock.


Nope, all lies, as usual.


Hahahahaha YOU are a joke


Just one questionItsGood2BeRight, based on even this one post alone, why did you "think" your user ID was a good choice when you're so obviously Wrong? ; )


I think the "right" is referring to being a right-winger.


I neither confirm nor deny this statement.


Given your post, no one who's either rational or objective needs you to.


I haven't been around for some time now. I wonder whose sock are you? The way you're coming at me, you're either the old guy with a million post count or the weirdo whose user name starts with a K.


Wrong two MORE times.

Interesting though that you've decided to view me simply questioning the content/intent of YOUR OWN posts as me "coming at you".


Coming at me, as in aggressive, stalking, hanging on to everything I post. Kind of like Trump derangement syndrome. You leftists really are sick with so many mental health issues. If you're not out there touching kids or hacking off privates, then you're in public forums defending lunatics and making insane arguments against moral logic.


You realize that you don't have to respond...right?

Ever consider that it is YOUR trump derangement syndrome that compels you to have to "win" every exchange that someone participates in with you?

And seriously, "hanging on to EVERYthing you post"? Very convenient of you to ignore all of the times I've simply ignored the majority of your other posts because they lack the merit to be worth more of my time. But by all means, please continue illustrating such a high, self-centered opinion of yourself. ; )

As far as being out there "touching kids or hacking off privates, then you're in public forums defending lunatics and making insane arguments against moral logic"....right back at you...since it is YOU who has proven yourself here to be one of those who politically defends such people who have ACTUALLY been proven to do such things (and who try to project such things onto others as a distraction from their own actions). Sick with mental health issues indeed.


LOL what? Who do I defend that touches kids or abuses women? I supported Trump because he wanted to drain the swamp and expose corruption within our government. So he wanted to build a wall on our southern border, big fucking deal! I'm Hispanic and even I get the reasoning for that. I mean that's why we have property lines you fucking dillhole.

I also supported Kyle Rittenhouse when he was falsely accused of committing murder. Your side defended the child boy rapist and the woman beater. Those are the only 2 high-risk individuals I ever defended on this site.

You seem like the kind of guy that jerks off into a sock and then wears it that very same day. It's probably why you walk around so irritated and triggered all the time. Your toes are always walking on crunchiness like eggshells.


The fact that YOU suggest I'M the person here who has come across as "walking around triggered and irritated all the time" simply proves that you don't consider your own "thoughts" (and I use that word lightly) before posting them.

But since you needed it explained to you, basically, supporting most things right-wing these days (as you ALWAYS seem to do) pretty much amounts to supporting the very things you've accused others of. And since you brought up the specific people kyle r killed, please provide your proof that anyone from the left ever defended them AS being a "child boy rapist and woman beater" instead of as the victims of the right-wing, vigilante, jerk off that anyone with even half a brain recognized kyle r. as what he actually is...and who you apparently identify with.


So I'm wrong because you think you're right?


Right back at you.


Sounds like every channel on Cable TV


Post is pretty spot on...Lefties curl up in the fetal position when in contact with another male that has a Test count over 50 lol.




you don't seem to know how male testosterone is generally measured..... is there anything you are ever correct on?


It’s generally measured by how many women he can impregnate, but then he skips out and doesn’t support the children he sired. He gives a rat patootie about the baby because he knows she will either abort or add another for taxpayers to support until the kid dies while being raised on the streets. In the mean the sperm donor is fornicating with others. All he cares about is getting his rocks off. He has no guilt…no shame. And the cycle continues. The term “brood mare” comes from this lifestyle because chances are those 4 or more kids have been sired by different ne’er-do-wells.

Why? To the above? It has been written “It’s in the Black male’s genes due to the horrific act of slavery. The need (unknowingly) is to reproduce because slave families were torn asunder.”

One of the daytime talk shows featured a ne’er do well who had sired at least 15 kids across different states. Of course all were on welfare with taxpayers supporting them. He didn’t see anything wrong with his actions!

Is this theory any more farfetched than the late Democrat Representative John Lewis’s statement:

</>” Rep. Lewis, (D-GA) once was quoted as saying sharks still follow ships, “to this day across the Atlantic,” looking for people that have been thrown overboard, referring to the slave trading vessels of long ago.”


I wish your unstable rant made sense. but you just seemed to make it an excuse to attack black people


Apparently, white children who were born to unwed white women who were impregnated by white males simply don't exist in kspkaps' reality.


its only bad when "the blacks do it"

" It has been written “It’s in the Black male’s genes due to the horrific act of slavery. The need (unknowingly) is to reproduce because slave families were torn asunder.”

thrown in with little weird racist eugenics.


No black men have bigger members and black woman have bigger hips because they are from the jungle and needed to reproduce to survive but nice twist trying to make it about slavery.


did you not see the quotation marks? it was kspkap themselves said 4 comments above and I am criticizing that. how can "I make it about salvery" when they brought up salvery.

stay dumb boss dog. you've cemented your place as one of the stupidest people on here.


Says the guy who claims Black People hump like rabbits due to psychological scars from slavery.


Whats the rabbits excuse? Did they used to be opressed by the Badgers?


Sad to say Whites are where Blacks were 40 or more years ago. You are one of those who cannot handle the truth. By not seeing the problems it’s easy to ignore. How many White kids are slaughtered on Chicago’s streets? How many White children are murdered by drive-by shootings? A young Black girl doing her homework is shot through her window by gang bangers doing their thing…drive-by shootings. A young Black boy is murdered in the alley by a wanna be gang member as part of his initiation to be accepted.

You can continue to not see the horror these young kids face every day. It’s a continuous loop…women who continue to have kids they can’t afford so the kids are raised on the street by gangs. They are the kid’s family. S/he gets things he wouldn’t get by staying home. If s/he has a strong mother who wants the best for her kids and encourages them to stay in school in order to get out of the “hood” they are ridiculed by the ne’er-do-wells.

BTW, name a city in this country where White kids are murdered every damn week-end. To call out the truth and the problems of not having a two parent family is not racist. By not seeing the problems is ignorance at it’s best. You and the Illogical Leftist do the easy thing…you nitwits attack the messenger instead of attacking the problems children have who are born to unwed mothers…both Black and White. But, more so in Black communities.


Only when the "messengers" are obviously going out of their way to attack black people.


You still don’t see it. Saying the truth is not attacking, and as long as the truth is silenced nothing will be resolved. Again, I ask you name a city in the U.S. where it’s a given 5, 10, 15 or more Whites are murdered every damn weekend? It’s not a Black thing…it’s a culture thing. It happens in poor, rural areas of the nation populated by Whites, but not to the degree of Chicago.

LBJ’s “Great Society Program” only made things worse.

FYI read:

”Blacks struggle with 72 percent unwed mothers rate”,percent%20of%20Native%20Americans%20were%20born%20to%20unwed

As the famous line goes “In A Few Good Men”

”You can’t handle the truth!”


kspkap - You still don’t see it..."

Oh the irony...


Can’t tolerate The Birds! They just scream!

But, Merry Christmas & have a Blessed Happy New Year!


Says the person who just put exclamation! marks! after each of their sentences.

Right wingers, whose every accusation is usually proven to be an admission. Sad.


"How many White kids are..."

White men have a suicide epidemic. Most guns deaths are white men killing themselves.

"How many White children are..."

Drug deaths are epidemic in the white community and continuing to rise.

The high suicide rate and drug deaths have caused the American life expectancy rate to decrease.

It’s not a White thing…it’s a culture thing. Yes, I'm mocking your stupidity!


“That’s ma’am!”


At their core, liberals hate that some women have parental instinct kick in after the woman has a kid and that parental instinct is considered a "thorn in liberals side". Most liberals have parents who are full bore psychopaths and therefore do not have any parental instinct in them. Liberals have parents who do not care if they die of a drug overdose.


And yet liberals are usually proven (by actual government voting records) to be the only people who support legislation that supports women who have children but no man in their lives (supporting legislative, monetary/contraceptive assistance that may have helped them not become pregnant in the first place, supporting legislation that supports parental time off from work, supporting legislation for government assistance programs like SNAP/EBT, etc, etc, etc).

The first instinct of conservatives on the other hand is most often to just deny such legislative proposals and let the women and children fend for themselves with no assistance whatsoever. Hate indeed.



So, other than white and straight people, they generally hate any or all forms of optimal normalcy, maturity and wholesomeness?


Is the shoe fits.
