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The requirements for being a leftist...ideas and beliefs you must hate

white people
straight men
families with a mom and a dad
people against grooming kids or pedophilia
people that believe there are only 2 genders
people that believe all life is precious
working for money to buy things
women shaving armpits
alpha males

I know there's more but something isn't adding up here. This can't be right.


totally delusional
leftist says "how abouit we dont string them iniggers up from the trees no more"
moron right winger concludes: you hate white people

same for all your other examples
leftist says "how about we dont stone the gays? "
moron right winger concludes: you hate straight people

What you are actually saying with your list is what right wingers hate - just invert the list - which tvfan did in his post


Who is being hanged and stoned? The right likes to use words. It's the left that burns down cities and destroys their communities. Black people can not go a day without shooting each other. Motherfucker please, nobody is doing violent shit to blacks except blacks. As for the gay shit. Nah that's extreme. Stonings and public humiliation are not necessary. Just keep your sex shit in your own home behind closed doors. Why does it have to be shoved in our faces and taught to our children?


The racist rhetoric has always been an excuse.

Racism exists across both sides of the spectrum, however, only the left have always been determined to enslave, oppress, and subjugate by any means. When that is not possible, than they want to destroy them, and when that is not possible, they will do anything to cause their self-destruction (which they have been very successful in doing).

Same with gays and other transgressive degenerates.
If the conservatives do not accept and embrace them than they are considered homophobes that label them with names and titles that trigger/hurt their sensitive feelings.

If you don’t mind that your children are groomed, brainwashed, and sexually molested/mutilated then that makes you a deplorable human and does not make the rest of us “throwers of stones” because we judge you and condemn you for it.
Where I’m from there is no stone-throwing or name-calling because we take these matters “serious”.

How typical the reasoning and logic is from the left to invert or reverse any argument of racism and gays.
When the excuses and justifications no longer work, than they will deflect, project, distort the truth, and obfuscate as much as possible.


Since when has taking the contra positive of an argument and proving it wrong as a method of proving the argument wrong been a political stance?


This is pretty predictable left-wing opportunistic fear-mongering. Always thinking in terms of extremes and insisting that theirs is both the lesser of the two evils and the bare minimum basic human right.

I.E. The only way to NOT stone gays, is to allow them to expose and popularize homoeroticism to our children. Apparently.

The rest is a matter of criticism, assuming you're mature enough can take some.


Don't forget Christians.


You are right as usual :)


I thought Leftists were supposed to love free-stuff so much ... we must love Christmas then?
What we cannot stand is lazy, unproductive, uncivil, Right-wingers who actually spend their time writing garb like this and rally around other morons who do.


Also to add the Left's hatred of feminine women.


That's why I mentioned hairy armpits.


Could also be called women who don't hate themselves because they're women.


So if i hate one or more ideas does that make me a leftist

Or f i only hate one idea does that make me a rightist since i don't fulfill the requirements for being leftist


Sounds like you walk the middle of the road. Nothing wrong with that. Just like religion, there are good points on all sides.


Sounds right.


No, it cannot be right, true.
What Leftist really hate is the never-ending total BS like this, and the people who actually take the time to write it.


Truth hurts, apparently.


Got nothing to do with you in any case.


I don't post hot topics or subjects that will trigger crazy leftists without having proof or examples of whatever I'm exposing.


Don't forget conservative women.


Yes, definitely! You can not act ladylike in any way whatsoever without being accused of white supremacy even if you're not white. You can't have any family values or hold on to any traditional ways like no sex before marriage or even having sex with the opposite sex. Standing by your man and supporting him through thick and thin. Making your man a sandwich is completely out the window. All that matters today with being a "modern woman" is being extremely obese, painting your hair purple or pink, having a body count that would make even Debbie from Dallas cringe, and having a million followers on social media. Yeah, no thanks!


I grew up with a mom who knew how to work at modern jobs, cook, and sew, wore long hair and dresses, and if you dared try and push her around, she'd tear you a new one. She was brave and strong and you did not mess with her. I learned a lot about both modern and traditional ways to run a home from her. It was because of that I observed something really sad among the girls and women I grew up with outside the home: almost none of the young women these days know how to cook or sew at all, and often waste a ton of money buying ready-made food, and clothes from stores, rather than making it themselves. Some girls had their hair chopped off or a mess because mommy didn't know what to do with it. It's really sad how much feminism has wiped out things all women in America should know.

Even worse, the public school system doesn't value teaching home economics or parenting to any of their students. It's an elective that often the students don't know about, or are forced to take to get their diploma. Any time the schools have to cut classes for lower budgets, the first classes to get cut out are home economics. And those should be the most essential classes to be taught, because they really do teach you skills you can use as an adult!

But, no, no, the bitchy, left-wing, feminazi dykes in the Teacher's Unions can't have independent, smart students that can enter the world confidently. They have to know ALGEBRA!! They have to read depressing books and call it "English Class," they have to learn basket-weaving! They have to do gender studies!

I honestly think the best thing America could do for our public schools is break up the Teacher's Unions, because they have been nothing but trouble since the 70s and have done nothing to improve our kids' education.


May I add:

Skill over diversity
Natural hair colors
Personal hygiene


You're not lying.
