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kspkap (13570)


2 Nitwits Are Currently President & Vice President; Well 1 1/2 Nitwits. We Are Now Garbage! Just Too Damn Funny!! Kackling Kamala’s “Word Salad” Where Is Kackling Kamala And What Have You Done With Her? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Perfect! Just Perfect! Archie Bunker Tells The Truth About Democrats!! SNL Mocking Kackling Kamala & Biden This Is For KiwiJim Who Deleted His Post Before I & Others Could Reply. AW! Ain’t It Sweet! Jill Biden Says She’s ‘Bonded’ With Kamala. Sugar & Spice & Everything Nice 🥰 YAY!!👏🏻👏🏻 “Owner arrested after dog found tied to fence in Hurricane Milton floodwaters” For You Horror Fiends (Horror Movie Lovers) Photos Of What Milton Did Or Caused (Tornadoes) Including A Pitiful Dog Who Was Tied & Abandoned! View all posts >


Look who’s playing the part of the Pot Calling the Kettle Black. I would say without a doubt whoever voted for Kackling Kamala is part of <i>”A coalition of morons”</i>. I am for Make America Great Again! I thank God we got rid of Kackling Kamala & pitiful Daddy Joe who pardoned his crooked son Hunter. All you anti-Trump naysayers who bitched about Trump being a crook, where’s your outrage over Hunter Biden walking free. You speak with forked tongues. In case you aren’t aware, the U.S. is a sovereign nation. We have laws which are against persons crossing our borders illegally. We have a department known as I.C.E. which used to work quite well until the Democrats opted for open borders. <i>”U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) mission is to protect America from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety. This mission is executed through the enforcement of more than 400 federal statutes and focuses on smart immigration.”</i> You, not being a U.S. citizen have no right to tell us how to govern our nation. Your open border plan worked so well for you Brits…hmm? You are fast becoming a Muslim nation. How do you like those apples? <i>”Luciano Gattinoni, a professor in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care at the Medical University of Göttingen, Germany, says ventilators are being misused and overused during the COVID-19 pandemic.”</i> <b> Oxygen without force</b> <i>”Garrone says his emergency department now begins with non-invasive ventilation — different ways of getting oxygen into patients' lungs without force, such as a mask or a nasal cannula. This helps people in the early stages of the disease to inhale enough oxygen without damaging their lungs. Doctors in New York state and elsewhere have voiced similar concerns about putting patients on ventilators too soon and with the pressure too high.</i> <b>Many have begun to delay their use, after New York authorities reported a death rate of 80 per cent for people who go on ventilators.”</b> “Why some doctors are moving away from ventilators for virus patients” “ Some hospitals have reported unusually high death rates for COVID-19 patients on ventilators, and some doctors worry that the machines could be doing harm.” How many times do I have to repeat? VENTILATORS SHOULD NOT BE USED ON PATIENTS WITH DAMAGED LUNGS!! It has become apparent you deem yourself to be more knowledgable than the above physicians. Also, you discount the facts people died who were intubated with DAMAGED lungs. I don’t dismiss ventilators as a medical aid…for the right circumstances. Those of us who have had surgery were intubated. Others who may go to the ER with breathing difficulties are usually sedated and intubated, but it definitely should be regulated so as not to cause damage. I repeat: <i>”Lung impairment, not getting enough oxygen, is different from lung damage which can lead to death when a ventilator is used.</i> My dad died due to the ventilator which caused him to succumb to ARDS. Why do you think at that time we had to sign off on it? <i>”COVID-19 patients, like those suffering from ARDS, have below-normal levels of oxygen in their blood, which leads to breathing problems. In ARDS cases, the lungs lose their elasticity. But in many cases of COVID-19, the lungs remain elastic and people are able to continue breathing for some time despite the low oxygen levels.”</i> <b>”This "remarkable combination is almost never seen in severe ARDS," he writes, adding that patients with normal looking lungs but low oxygen are at risk of lung injury from the ventilators, where pressure from the air damages the thin air sacs that exchange oxygen with the blood.”</b> “Ventilators are being overused on COVID-19 patients, world-renowned critical care specialist says” The above was the reason of my dad’s demise. You can choose to debate all you wish in regards to favoring mechanical ventilators. I prefer to listen to physicians who have changed their treatment procedures away from the mechanical breathers. “Why some doctors are moving away from ventilators for virus patients” “ Some hospitals have reported unusually high death rates for COVID-19 patients on ventilators, and some doctors worry that the machines could be doing harm.” FYI: <b>”COVID-19: Respiratory care of the nonintubated hypoxemic adult (supplemental oxygen, noninvasive ventilation, and intubation)”</b> I used speech marks to be somewhat synonymous to your use of chemical burns. <i>”VILI can exacerbate pre-existing lung conditions or create new lung pathologies, leading to complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).”</i> It’s difficult to write I had a hand in my dad’s death by agreeing to the use of a ventilator. He didn’t have ARDS when being admitted. He had difficulty in getting enough oxygen which is taxing to the heart. <i>”Mechanical ventilators have been the most widely used mode of life support in management of patients who are unable to breathe naturally or breathe insufficiently. Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPVV) has become an integral part of ventilator support in patients with acute or chronic respiratory failure. That being said, BiPAP is one of the most common non-invasive mechanical ventilation therapies used in acute respiratory failure caused by a wide spectrum of chronic illnesses, most commonly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).”</i> I was an assistant caregiver to a very dear lifetime friend (65 years) who had CHF. I checked her blood oxygen everyday. Her morning & evening caretakers would agree with me when she would at times have difficulty getting enough oxygen. A ventilator was not the treatment. A BIPAP connected to a concentrator was the treatment of choice. It helped her greatly for the last 6 months of life. Eventually the CHF took its toll. “Who does the bell toll for? It tolls for thee.” <i>”Turns out yes, ventilators can be used to treat patients with COVID-19 who have severe lung impairment.</i> Not so! People with damaged lungs died from being intubated and oxygen being forced into those damaged lungs. “Lung impairment”, not getting enough oxygen, is different from lung damage which can lead to death when a ventilator is used. <b>” Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury (VILI): An Overview (2024)”</b> View all replies >