MovieChat Forums > GloccaMorra > Replies
GloccaMorra's Replies
It’s Faux News propaganda. It’s insane.
More crazy GQP propaganda.
Same with me.
Why is this on the POLITICS page ? It has nothing to do with politics. This belongs on his page.
He's the best TruthSocial has to offer on this forum.
Lying to the FBI should give him a decent amount of time in jail.
I wonder how many of them take themselves seriously, and how many are really libs just trolling this forum ?
For his sake, I hope he is.
"You can bust windows out and steal millions of dollars worth of private property in LA and get away with it "
It's called 'visiting LA and getting caught up in the crowd'.
However, the situation you describe in LA didn't involve hanging a noose outside and threatening to kill the Vice President. They weren't threatening the lives of sitting Senators.
You Trumptoads claim abortion is murder. So you are inciting violence and you should be in jail along with the rest of your radical cult.
Again, that hillbilly home-schooling should be outlawed. You're the proof.
Your freedom is guaranteed because 19 innocent people - most of them under the age of 10 - laid down their lives for your 2nd Amendment.
Ahhh - that 'alternate reality' Kelly Conartist warned us about !
The word 'dead' is inciting violence ?
Wow - you Trumptoads really prove that the concept of backwater home-schooling was 'a complete disaster' as Trump likes to call it.
Where did I incite violence against Cruz ?
Thanks for this link ! Just goes to show you shouldn't profess to be a friend / ally of Trump because one day he will turn around and stab you in the back. And then you have to do a public interview and set the story straight - that your friend / ally is nothing but a liar who is trying to take credit for your own personal success.
Let this be a learning lesson for all the morons who are still licking Trump's balls - he will turn on you on a dime.
Where's the lie ? Walker is quoted verbatim in this weekend's interview. Where is 'leftist' Herschel Walker lying ?
Do tell...
One of the shorter books.