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SB 1273 passed

No police in schools there now.
In the wake of the mass shooting in Ulvade, Texas, California Senator Steve Bradford authored SB 1273 which removes the requirement of schools to notify law enforcement when students make threats against the school.

Bradford is seeking to create a “safer” school environment by citing the removal of school police from Los Angeles Unified School District. Bradford has no children of his own.


Guess now we'll have to wait and see what kid shooter will take advantage of this loophole once they come of age and are legally allowed to buy a gun or obtain one somewhere...


These shooters are groomed by adults. Most likely feds in discord servers. They prey on boys with mental handicaps and get them to do shit, then protect them. Get them out with slaps on the wrists, then continue grooming them for bigger attacks. Rinse and repeat.

This dude was arrested for making threats towards the school in 2018...give me a fucking break.

You're being fooled by people that hate you.


I thought I heard it wasn't him... I could be wrong.


The Buffalo shooter was in constant contact with a retired FBI agent!!


I thought you were talking about Uvalde guy.


You do have a point on the 'fed' part. There are instances of feds 'grooming' innocents or just mild haters into trying to commit criminal acts of bigger proportion.

I'm talking about kids in general as with recent shootings in age ranges of 18-20.


Stupid is as Stupid does! This is your California leftists at work! Let’s see…Texas had a mass school shooting last week with 21 murdered.

So what does this idiot without kids in school in CA manage to get passed? The removal of police officers from the schools. Plus school officials are no longer required to notify the police about student threats against the school.

This is in the name of a safer school environment! Say what? 🙄 Schools are going to be safer now? Way to go dimwit! If another horrific school shooting occurs…the blood will be on this idiot’s face along with the others who voted in favor.


“Once students make contact with law enforcement, they are less likely to graduate high school and more likely to wind up in jail or prison. These harms fall disproportionately on students from marginalized groups: Black, Indigenous, and Latinx students,” the organization said in a statement.

The sponsor of the bill, California State Sen. Steven Bradford, told the Daily Caller, “Our existing system has led to alarming disparities in the type of students who are most likely to suffer these harms. Black students, Latinx students, students of color, and students with disabilities are disproportionately referred to law enforcement, cited, and arrested.”

“SB 1273 will reduce law enforcement involvement in schools and give teachers and administrators, who are often best suited to determine the appropriate response, the flexibility and power they need to support students,” Bradford said, explaining that, “Teachers and administrators will still be able to call law enforcement if they believe that is the right response to a particular incident, but they will not be required to do so.”

Yeah looks like they care more about students graduating rather than being rightfully charged for attacking someone. And they are using their equality ideology to justify the bill.


dems being dems which is stupid being stupid...


Imagine if Democrats puts 1/10000000000th the effort into protecting children that they put into going after the Jan 6th bake sale.


Minimizing a fascist coup attempt? Yup, you're a fascist propagandist.


Ok lemming. A coup with no weapons lol!!! Only person killed was an unarmed female veteran murdered by the government.

Go back to celebrating baby killing with your lemming cult, you’re above your pay grade here.


Red herring, irrelevant. The fact the coup was botched doesn't mean it wasn't a coup. Nobody ever alleged fascists or Nazis are smart or whatever.

Haha, let's talk a little about baby killing cultists. Approximately 120 million babies are born each year. Did you know that up to 50% of pregnancies end in a miscarriage... So your all-mighty deity is responsible for the murder of tens of millions of babies each year if we apply your logic.


There was no coup lemming. The peaceful protestors were escorted in by security as video proves. As soon as you suggest it was a coup you prove you’re a brainless idiot incapable of thinking for themselves and not worth further response.

Stop celebrating baby killing.



The fact the coup wasn't successful doesn't mean it wasn't attempted. By voting against the certification of a free and legitimate election, by outlying a plan to seize ballot boxes, by trying to intimidate election officials (many of which were Republicans), by trying to storm the Capitol and stop the certification of an election and so on, the Republican Party is implicated in a coup attempt by its leader.

Stop celebrating a deity that kills ~120 million babies each year (if we go by your own logic). Have fun with cognitive dissonance.


It wasn’t a coup you idiot. If they seriously wanted to take over the government they would have had guns. The coup attempts were done by BLM and Antifa throughout Summer 2020, they literally said defund the police or they will burn the country down. That is the definition of terrorism.

You people need to get over 1/6, it is a complete non-issue and it’s a waste of time. You are diverting attention from issues that truly matter by your non-stop complaining about it. Grow up.


It was a fascist coup attempt, fascist.

The fact it wasn't successful is irrelevant. That's called a red herring. That's why I called it an "attempt". Go get a clue, fuckwit.

Nobody ever accused Trump or Trumpers of being efficient.


How is protesting a coup? I thought the left was all for protesting? Hell the left was all for coups when Black Lives Matter was torching police stations and killing innocent people. 574 times. So where were the guns they were going to use to “take over the government” , is your premise that they were just going to pull them out of their anuses? If a couple of ordinary people with signs who simply disagree with you is going to make you this upset then you need to be in therapy.



Misrepresentation. Storming the Capitol wanting to stop the certification of an election and wanting to hang a man who certified it isn't merely a "protest".

Also, false equivalence.

I didn't know boogaloo boys were part of the BLM.


Protesting doesn’t equate to wanting to stop the election dumbass. I guess since technically anyone who protests is trying to change things that would mean anyone who protests is committing an insurrection even though it’s their first amendment right. No one had guns, no one tried to kill any politicians or even force them to do what they wanted, you have fallen for the big lie.

It’s not a false equivalence at all, if anything the Summer 2020 riots were far worse, more people died, more people ended up in the hospital, more destruction happened and the Demokkkrats directly caused them, Trump had nothing to do with 1/6, he clearly said to be “peaceful and patriotic”. If there have been any attempts to take over the government it’s been BLM, Antifa and they were incited by Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer , etc. and it’s still going on, your cult has threatened the Supreme Court with violence if they overturn Roe V Wade, that is the literal definition of a coup and domestic terrorism. No one follows up on it though due to liberal privilege.

Also citing far left fake news isn’t helping your case, junior.


You alleged it was a protest -- it was not. Nor did I equate simple protests (violent or peaceful) with the storming of the Capitol; you did that. They did have guns. Pipe bombs were also planted in D.C. by right-wing terrorists. They used other types of weapons to assault cops and so on.

Yeah, you're a Nazi. That much is obvious.


It was a protest in fact very few in the crowd were acting inappropriately most were just expressing their first amendment rights, you are a Nazi for trying to deny them that. No one had any weapons and the only person killed was an unarmed woman. There is no such thing as a right wing terrorist, left wing terrorism however is a very serious matter yet your cult refuses to acknowledge it because it doesn’t suit their radical agenda. You need to be in therapy.


"there is no such thing as a right wing terrorist"

You're a funny Nazi.


Just telling the truth, how that makes me a Nazi in your fucked up logic is beyond me.


Democrats can't drive an agenda with living children....they need them to die in tragic events for the greater good. They are evil.


Who are Demokkkrats trying to kid. They love dead babies and children. They celebrate the killing of unborn baby’s.

And jerk off every time kids are killed by some mentally ill nut job made that way by their social media and public school system.


I bet they'll have another sanctioned "insurrection" on SCOTUS when RvW is officially aborted.


Looking forward to it. The US has the most barbaric abortion laws in the world. It’s disgusting and an overwhelming majority of Americans are opposed to it.


The left is already threatening the justices with violence, it’s already an insurrection.


Don't forget Mayor BeetleJuice's "Call to Arms"


I wonder if they will now take Dead Cruz's advice and block of all the doors and windows to the school buildings except for one door and create a chokepoint twice daily ?


I wonder if they will now take Dead Cruz's advice and block of all the doors and windows to the school buildings except for one door and create a chokepoint twice daily ?


Wow inciting violence against Ted Cruz, that’s insurrection talk, you should be arrested.


Where did I incite violence against Cruz ?


“Dead Cruz” that’s inciting violence and you should be in jail along with the rest of your radical cult.


The word 'dead' is inciting violence ?

Wow - you Trumptoads really prove that the concept of backwater home-schooling was 'a complete disaster' as Trump likes to call it.


It absolutely is inciting violence and you should be jailed. I would think the cult that asserts “March peacefully and patriotically” is inciting violence would be a little more caring.


Again, that hillbilly home-schooling should be outlawed. You're the proof.


Abortion shouldn’t be outlawed. You’re the proof.


LOL! 😅😂🤣


You Trumptoads claim abortion is murder. So you are inciting violence and you should be in jail along with the rest of your radical cult.


Hey I never once said that abortion should be outlawed all together, in cases of rape or endangerment to the mother I am open to a discussion and in cases where the child is going to grow up to be a pathetic, virtue signaling libtard like yourself


MovieChatUser497 is turning it back on you by using satire!

”Illustrating Absurdity by Being Absurd”


It wasn’t hard he totally set me up for it.


That he did! 🤭
