MovieChat Forums > Zoltan > Replies

Zoltan's Replies

You could be right in that it wasn't one afternoon. I can't say I was exactly laser-focused on the show. I was firing off a few texts here and there and dinking around with other stuff. Kelso and Jackie were definitely my favorite cameos. Love that Kitty still lights up when she sees him all these years later. Yeah I had a lot going on during and after the Covid pandemic. Without too many details..wasn't able to work, lot of isolation, which led to some boredom, led to some drinking, led to some depression, etc. I didn't necessarily go out in search of a therapy dog. That just kinda happened. But it happened at the time I was starting a new job, but still not feeling quite back to being "right", if that makes sense. The dog just gave me that little extra nudge I needed to get back to being responsible and taking care of myself. I'd have probably still been stuck in that destructive routine without him, to be completely honest. I think anyone in a rut could use a rowdy puppy in their lives to break up the monotony. They keep you on your toes! I got a few chuckles out of the first episode, mostly from the cameos. Sometimes it takes a show a couple episodes to find it's groove, so I figured I'd see if anyone has moved further along with it yet. I still haven't seen anything past the first one. Yes. That is the pilot episode. Unless I was inhaling carbon monoxide and my memory is off. She meets her neighbor and her new friends. The 2 dopes tell everyone about the keg they were given at the liquor store. Then she goes to get the tap and threatens to call the police on on the clerk for selling to a minor if she doesn't sell them the tap. Then they go hang out at the water tower and she and her new BFF talk about her staying in Point Place. That's when she goes home, still with the beer in hand, and slams it on the floor when Eric says she can't stay for the summer. I have a bulldog/boxer/pitbull mix who just turned 2 in late November. He is the happiest dog I've ever seen. Constantly wagging his tail so hard that his butt shakes back and forth whenever you do as much as make eye contact with him. He is rowdy and loves to fight(for fun, obviously) and zoom around the house. I have an old couch that became his couch, that he loves to run full speed at and slam/bounce off the back of. I was in a bit of a rut for a bit before I got him and he has been exactly what I needed to get my ass up and moving around again. Dogs are not only great for companionship, but they are freaking therapeutic. Just having that sense of them depending on you and the responsibility that it brings did a lot for me. Similar experience from the other side here. I had to leave my black Lab/Rott mix with my parents for what was supposed to be a few months because I was training for a job in a different state. Long story short, 6 months turned into a little over a year for reasons out of my control, and by that time my dog had become so accustomed to living with my parents. She had 2 other dogs to play with and a big yard. All I had was my 1BR apartment. Not to mention they were both retired and I was working long hours. Just wouldn't have been good for her. So I made the absolutely heartbreaking decision to leave her there with them permanently. Luckily I lived about 20 minutes away so I could visit constantly. My girlfriend at the time would joke that I loved my dog more than her(she was right), because of how often I wouldn't be home because I was at my parents so often. My parents were very skeptical of having a dog that size in their house as they'd only ever owned small dogs. My mom was worried she would knock things over/off of tables.. I just laughed, because she was the absolute most gentle dog you'd ever meet. After that first year, my parents had become so attached to her that it would have been equally devastating for them if I had taken her back, even though they already had 2 dogs of their own. So I get your sentiment. She passed a few years ago, and my mom still reminisces about her all the time. Now I have a rambunctious boy who just turned 2 that they get to spoil with treats when I visit. EDIT - Sorry, I guess that wasn't so short after all. I say go for it. We are all here for a finite amount of time. If you don't want to live within the bounds of the established norm, than more power to you. Do whatever the hell you want to yourself. Just know that when you decide to step outside of those boundaries, people will treat you accordingly. You are 100% committing yourself to the "outside". As a Wolves fan, this has been a very trying season for me. If you followed our off-season you probably already understand why. I don't even blame Hayden. The dude may not have been the world's greatest actor, but I've seen him be FAR better in other movies. He should have at least been passable as Anakin. I can only blame the direction. If you can't get even a base level performance out of a decent actor, you are doing something wrong. I'm guessing a lot had to do with editing too. I thought he was a mopey, narcissistic dickhead throughout 3/4 of the first movie too. I was confused as to why everyone seemed to like him so much. I only ever read comics at a surface level, so I wasn't familiar with Dr. Strange at all. Halfway through the first one I was starting to wonder if I was watching a villain origin story. I'm guessing this is one of the more respectful propositions to ever happen in Hollywood. Honestly... He offered. She declined. I don't see the point of bringing it up so long after the fact. Am I supposed to think less of him or something? Don't even know why Sly's team addressed it. Nobody cares. She is known for her sleazy sex tape with her STD riddled "husband" and having huge fake tits. That's it. 1. No, but I would never go anywhere with them, and would never have them in my house again. 2. No, but I'd call them an idiot. 3. Maybe. I'd have to look into it and see if I could find any information on it, or if the person had family that may still be alive. That's really a tough one. I may give them the ultimatum of coming clean to the family or turning the information over to them myself. Let them decide where they want to take it. I don't think I could live with myself otherwise. 4. Yes. And I would be tempted to smack the shit out of them first. I hate little creepy weirdos, and that means god knows the fuck else they have been up to. 5. Hell no. I should note that I don't have any family besides my parents and some very distant cousins, so I'm basing this off what I would do if it were my close friends. Well after watching the first episode, there are 6 main characters so far. 3 are white. 1 is Asian. 1 is black/mixed or dark Hispanic, and the other one playing the new Jackie character has a similar complexion to Mila Kunis, whatever her ethnic makeup may be. It's not out of the realm of reality. I grew up in this exact time period next door to Wisconsin in Minnesota. Went to school and had friends who's families had immigrated from Egypt, Pakistan, the Philippines.. We had black, Hispanic and Native American kids, etc. And this was in a smaller school in a suburb of 2,000 people 20 minutes outside of Minneapolis. I know MN has always had a welcoming immigration policy, but to act like it's unrealistic for one small town in Wisconsin to have one small group of diverse friends in the mid 90's is crazy. Just because something isn't the standard doesn't mean it's impossible. Not that you don't already know this, but it is a way of connotating that you found something funny. Lazy? It takes more effort to add extra characters to the end of a sentence. LOL Yep. I did catch that. There was also a scene in which Poe recited a poem to the chick (I forget her name now), in which he calls her Lenore, which is a pretty obvious reference. There are other things that I caught as well, like Poe's mother speaking to him. I can't remember the story, but I know EAP has made references to the living and dead world being one in the same. Also the dealing with the grief of losing his daughter and committing murder are in parallel with The Tell-Tale Heart, though this is kind of surface-level at best. Plenty of stories have tackled that subject before and after Poe, but it was the way he brilliantly presented it to us in first person narration that set it apart, which we didn't have here. Normally I don't get into the race-swapping arguments, but this one is just so blatantly on the nose. And to not even include Scooby-Doo.. Obviously I haven't watched the series, so correct me if I'm wrong here, but could they not have just made a NEW cartoon about an original POC child sleuth solving mysteries? Every minority friend that I've ever talked to about this kind of stuff barely even pays attention to it. The only place you see people praising this crap is on social media. I just have a hard time understanding who they are actually making these shows for, other than to pat their own backs like they actually accomplished something. It is, and you have to wonder why. With all the improvements in CGI and prop making technology, how as nobody come up with some type of dummy gun that is completely incapable of firing a projectile? Nothing out there that can just simulate recoil, and then add the muzzle flash effects later on? This isn't just America. Actually America is late to the slap fight shit. It truly is disgusting though. These people are taking repeated brain damage for fucking peanuts. At least in a real fight you have the ability to protect yourself. These idiots are letting 280lb men open palm strike them in the face while standing straight up and down with their hands at their sides. He dresses like a middle schooler and I hate his hair, but never heard a bad word said about the dude. He went out of his way to help struggling restaurants during the pandemic too. Happy b-day, big Guy.