jews running hollywood want to replace us. this is all social engineering done at a cost not for profit. there is much biggers things going on then a couple of retarded shows that lose money
It's not the Jews. The Jews themselves are being replaced by the woke cult, Hollywood for the most part was run by white Jewish men. This is unacceptable to the Wokerati and so they are trying to erase their history and their contribution to film.
I just don't understand how anyone could think that this was a good idea. We live in an age where identity politics seems to be everything. Then how can anyone think that it would be a good idea to take a well known character and change its skin colour? The backlash was built into this idea. I don't understand why anyone would do this.
Yes, it's ludicrous to darken the skin of an established white character as if that brings "diversity". It's all about skin color, not substance. Racist nonsense. Just add a new black or Asian character. This really is "blackface" of the worst sort.
I believe the reason might be because they want to rub their double standard "in our faces". In other words, we know the wokists scream when accusing white people of even the slightest "cultural appropriation". But here, in a blatant example of cultural appropriation, they knowingly do what they tell white people they cannot do.
In other words, modern leftists seem to want to exercise power in a corrupt and hypocritical way because they know they can get away with it. This is why leftism is so toxic and harmful and must be opposed at all times.
Because for all their anti-racist bullshit, the Wokerati are themselves the most racist fuсkеrѕ of all. For them, race is paramount. Everyone is reduced to their race. And they have contempt for white people, especially straight white cis heterosexual men.
Normally I don't get into the race-swapping arguments, but this one is just so blatantly on the nose.
And to not even include Scooby-Doo.. Obviously I haven't watched the series, so correct me if I'm wrong here, but could they not have just made a NEW cartoon about an original POC child sleuth solving mysteries?
Every minority friend that I've ever talked to about this kind of stuff barely even pays attention to it. The only place you see people praising this crap is on social media.
I just have a hard time understanding who they are actually making these shows for, other than to pat their own backs like they actually accomplished something.
I agree. A new show would've been better. One show that stands out to me as having done something similar was Static Shock. They had a black main character superhero and he was cool AF. A recognizable name shouldn't be what sells a show.
As other people have suggested, the modern idea of replacing white characters with black characters is more likely a ploy to generate press. Just look. "Velma," has been at the top of moviechat for days. People arguing about the decision only help spread the word.
Whoever made this decision at the studio should be fired. Any person of color will tell you, it's very offensive to claim that all they are is dark skin.
I agree 100%. They should have added another character and made him or her Black or Asian or whatever ethnicity they would choose, but to change the color of an established character that's been around since the 1940's is absolutely ridiculous! And yes, one could absolutely call it blackface.
So even though the script, the plot and the premise sucks, it is the race swapping that gets you upset? Compared to the other things they screwed up, changing skin color is the least of my concerns.
The stories we tell ourselves are important. You know that, that is why you are in here, fighting to defefnd Velman. So that argument you just used, was dishonest as hell.
Minimizing an offense, is a defense of the people that did the offense.
AND by pretending that the problem is wacism on those complaining, you are supporting the divisive and hatefull message those people are pushing, ie anti-white racism.
Well, ONE of the hatefull messages they are pushing.
"Wacism" is me mocking those who make false accusations of racism, which is what you are doing.
Other than that, I don't see any response in your post, so... I guess I win?
Here is where the discussion was, when you just sort of wandered off.
Minimizing an offense, is a defense of the people that did the offense.
AND by pretending that the problem is wacism on those complaining, you are supporting the divisive and hatefull message those people are pushing, ie anti-white racism.
Well, ONE of the hatefull messages they are pushing.
If being a crying snowflake is how you win, then I guess you can claim you now own the whining conservatives and can give yourself a trophy.
You imagined that I was "fighting to defend Velma". when I did no such thing. Did you really think that me saying "script, the plot and the premise sucks" is defending Velma?
But you go ahead and keep on winning by claiming that your opponents said something they didn't actually say. I think that is the only way you are capable of winning.
So what is this hateful message they are pushing with a brown Velma?
The classic "snowflake" is someone that feels any threat to their unique special-ness is cause to "melt" down.
Me complaining about assholes turning a cartoon into shitty political and racist propaganda, is not that.
Hateful message? You're asking me what the hateful message is? The bit were right after the sentence where I discussed that, i went "ie" and then two words, you didn't make the connection?
Mocking you and your posts is not defending Velma. You need to figure that one out.
If you're questioning the validity of your own thoughts, having loss of confidence and self-esteem, or mental stability over this argument about a silly cartoon, then it is your own personal problem, not mine.
How about you quote the words I used in this thread that show I'm defending Velma?
Probably they were interested in putting their own spin on the characters and series. I'm sure it mattered to the producers of the series. They are spending money to make the program after all.
What did the producers tell you when you asked why they changed the characters so much?
And i might watch an episode or two, at some point to get the badness in complete context. I think it is an important show, in that it is the current epitome of wokeness.
But so far I have seen NOTHING to indicate that I need to "fact check" my professional critics. If this changes...
I think you're letting others do your thinking for you. You can't even bother to watch the program to see if what people are saying is true. You are a prime example of a sheep.
But you have seen nothing of Velma, until you actually watch it.
The reason you should bother to watch the show is so you can make an informed decision by yourself and not depend upon what others tell you to think. In other words, just be an adult.
The trailers, the clips, the knowledge that it is a continuation of Wokeness, which I have seen plenty of, the words of the star, gave me enough to make an informed decision to NOT bother.
Judging a TV show without watching the actual show is weak. I don't think there is any way you can make a convincing argument without watching the program.
Disclamer, if you are as young as you seem, based on your immaturity, then there is nothing to be ashamed of, in not being sexually active.
BUT, if you really are grown, and stupid enough to throw incel around, to random, older people on the internet, when you have NO IDEA, who you are talking to, or the lives that they are and/or have led,
then it's worth noting, that you avoided answering my calling you out, on how long it's been FOR YOU, loser...
Why should I believe that you are married with a family? I am choosing not to answer it because it is irrelevant and no matter what I said you would claim I am lying. It is why I find boasting about life things online pointless. You just showed your hand though. Usually those who boast about things like that are the ones who are insecure and do not have what they boast about.
No it is not. Keep crying about wacism I do not feel sorry for you. I love that you are upset it makes me quite happy. The less happiness for you the better.
Coming from you yep I did. Anyone who attempts to paint themselves as better than another because of their intimate life is someone who is insecure. Why does someone's intimate life determine what type of person they are?
Not when you call it in places where it does not apply. You are like the boy who cried wolf. You calling Black panther racist was a bigoted claim by you. To a hammer everything looks like a nail.
Now your conflating two different issues. you know that I use the term "Wacism" to mock asshole libs, who use false accusations of racism as a weapon. That is what you were referencing when you used my term, thanks btw.
Now you are pretending that it means anti-white racism, which is a completely different issue.
I expressed my view on black panther, and supported it. You were a troll.
Nope I am mocking you for doing the same thing liberals do. You want to cry about wacism but get upset when others do the same. Since you want to ignore wacism claims we will ignore yours as well.
And your views were garbage on Black Panther and easily debunked. I am sorry you have kids. I would emancipate myself from you the minute I could if I was your kid.
You will say something is false accusations even if it is blatantly true. It is reasonable to call out false accusations but that is not what you do. It is why you support idiots like Candace Owens.
Nope I do not support false accusations of wacism. That is why I call you out for claiming Black Panther to be wacist.
Oh I care about racism I just do not support lies like you do.
They were not valid at all. I saw through your crap and debunked it. I like how you can cry wacism but no one else can. Nice double standard there loser.
You make a good point. I'd just say Velma is different because it's a rather specific character.
Cinderella and Santa Claus are sort of mythological beings at this point. Even when I was kid in the Mesozoic Age, there were black Santas at the mall. No one objected to this.
I think the left is against blackface because in theater, it takes a job away from a POC. That's always been my take on the origin of the protest anyway. In animation, not the case.
I don't think that's why the left oppose blackface. In fact, it was black civil rights organizations which eliminated blackface, not white leftists. Blacks believe it mocks black people. And honestly, it does.
I just think to make Velma's skin dark to claim she's South Asian is silly. It's as if South Asians are just darker skin. There's much more to people than that. Just add a South Asian sidekick for Velma. Whichever studio exec made this decision is a lame ass.
I was very surprised that Mad Men had a blackface scene. Granted it was from the 1960s and I believe the aim was to show how far we've come, and how inherently racist the character was, but still I was surprised they even went there.