MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > rate the "black alien"

“You can’t judge someone. No one knows what’s inside someone’s head, why they’re doing that, you need to talk with this person,” continued Loffredo, who swears he’s just a “normal guy” with a family and friends."

The challenges haven’t stalled his passion for body modification — he claims he’s ready to take the leap with leg amputation.

“It’s something really hard because I have a healthy leg, and an amputation is something big,” he explained about the difficult surgery."

Yeah... this whole accept anyone no matter how fucked up thing has gone too far.


I say go for it. We are all here for a finite amount of time. If you don't want to live within the bounds of the established norm, than more power to you. Do whatever the hell you want to yourself.

Just know that when you decide to step outside of those boundaries, people will treat you accordingly. You are 100% committing yourself to the "outside".


This article just makes me feel sad for the guy, he clearly has some mental health issues.


He is a loathsome, offensive brute. Yet I can't look away.


like a train wreck


That guy will not live to 50. Serious mental issues.


why do people do it.


He sort of looks like The Toxic Avenger


This might be a good thing for him if.......

aliens came to earth and wanted to pick one earthling that best resembles their own kind to be the leader the world, they'll pick this guy.
