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Ed's Replies

I agree, my thoughts as well. Floppy penis scene was too long. Washing water on tiles scene was too long. The kids were annoying rich things. The first 20 minutes or so were unfocused meandering, no plot detected. The whole hospital scene was too long; it could have made its point in 2/3 the length. The film got better once we understand the maid is the main character and we watch her deal with a relationship dilemma. Still, this was not Best picture material. The Disney princesses, with many of the original voices, were the best part of the film. They only had 2 scenes, but both were long enough to be fun and very enjoyable. So, what was the other film? You never said. I didn’t get a Casablanca vibe at all. It felt more like The Third Man to me. I like that they tried to emulate 40’s films, but… too many cinematic wipes (this isn’t a serial or Star Wars), too much sex / nudity / swearing, Tobey was VERY miscast, Clooney was just Clooney. They overdid it with dramatic shadows, even 40’s film noir didn’t have this much. Camera movement was a bit too fluid, and sets looked too expensive. Most 40’s film noir were low budget. Film stock needs more grain. Some big pluses : Cate Blanchett was incredible, like a Garbo or Dietrich. The music was pretty good too and felt like a good reproduction of 40’s or 50’s style scores. I’d recommend this movie as a good effort, just realize that this is ultimately a modern film dressed up to seem like a 40’s film. True Grit. The Searchers. Walkabout. The Road. Nope, you’re not. I love Lynch’s version. There is a good youtube “spice diver” re-edit that uses the TV and theatrical version, plus a few editing choices, to make it even better. Fantastic vision all around, better than the TV miniseries. Home run. This is what What If was like in the comics. Definitely the best episode by far. I recognized it immediately as a masterpiece first time I watched it. One of Malick’s finest. Not sure if it is better than Days of Heaven, but that’s a VERY tough film to top. Call it a tie, both are masterpieces. Frankly, the pose makes perfect sense to me. If Black Widow falls from a distance and lands on her feet, bent knees will help to absorb the impact. One hand down provides extra stability, like a tripod, so she doesn’t topple over. The other arm swung up offers an ouput for residual kinetic energy and helps to balance her. She’ll have to hold the pose a few seconds until she has full equilibrium back. See? Makes sense…. Frenzy made many brilliant editing sequences. The Blaney rape scene was composed of so many shots, I had flashbacks to the Psycho shower scene. That said, I was actually more impressed by the 2nd rape scene. We DONT see it. We don’t hear it. All we have is a camera that slowly pans back from a closed door, goes down the stairs, and emerges into what appears to be a typical street scene. Such simple concept. We know what is surely happening, and there is unspoken horror in knowing that it is happening unawares amongst ordinary people going about their business. Brilliant and bold. We’ll never see Hitchcock’s equal again…. The Blair Witch. I knew a doctor who was convinced it was real. I only made a weak effort to correct him. :) I’d be partial to a continuation of the Narnia films. Great source material there. It’s pue escapist kiddy fare. For a 70’s kid growing up on Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, or a myirad of Godzilla films or Harryhausen films in the theaters, this would be great entertainment. I grew up then. Thoses were fun times. No. My memory was correct and predates the 2011 film. See the link in this thread. Just saw the recent trailer for Foundation. I think I will pass. The original books were cerebral. The show appears to be all flash and action. No trailer yet for the TV lord of the rings show either, but I will pass on that, too, for likely similar reasons. Not sure about the upcoming Dune. I liked the director’s previous scifi films, but not sold on this version of Dune. I’ll wait for the reviews. Trying What If on Disney. It’s a travesty. Yup. Still have 2 or maybe 3 of the sing-along vcr tapes. Loved them. They should still work. Finding a reliable working vcr machine near me, that’s a different matter. Isis and Spidey, nice nice! The music was very funky. I still remember it. :) Effects all real, of course. He didn’t do much web-swinging, but the first episode had a scene. Must have been terribly dangerous b/c… no CGI of course. I loved The Chinese Web episodes, with lovely Rosalind Chao unmasking the unconscious Spidey! I love On the Beach. The premise is a bit outdated, but the drama, the performances, and the melancholic sense in inevitability are superb. Plus, what a cast! It’s better than Oliver! or Chicago, at least. “Best” is always so subjective. I like Magnificent Ambersons much more tha Citizen Kane, for instance. Yes, one of the greatest Hollywood westerns ever., and a prime example of how to do a remake properly! Forget the awful Denzel version, watch this one instead. Catch Seven Samurai too!