MovieChat Forums > Dune: Part One (2021) Discussion > Lynch couldn't make a good Dune movie in...

Lynch couldn't make a good Dune movie in the Golden age of sci fi

So Vilaneuve's chances of pulling it off in the current Dark ages of sci fi are slim. Discuss.


I think the current film might make people appreciate what Lynch *was* able to do with this very challenging novel a lot more.


I'm probably the only one who liked Lynch's version - even if he said it was cut to pieces by the producers.


It's an incredible film. Maybe not the best adaption of the source material. But I enjoyed that movie for 20 years before ever opening the book.


I liked the first half of it. Very moody and atmospheric stuff.


Nope, you’re not. I love Lynch’s version. There is a good youtube “spice diver” re-edit that uses the TV and theatrical version, plus a few editing choices, to make it even better. Fantastic vision all around, better than the TV miniseries.


Villanueve is becoming a parody of himself. EVen though Sicario is widely acclaimed the story itself is bullshit and not a reflection of the war on drugs it tries to criticize. It also injects a revenge fantasy angle that in itself is absurd and has nothing to do with the realities of the War on Drugs. It's like the showrunners wanted to expand on the criticism by creating a Hollywood scenario that shocked you, thus make you question reality...very 80s/90s Oliver Stone-ish if you ask me. The same could be said of "The Arrival" which plays out like a cerebral "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind" with a bit of Chris Nolan's time-twisting/existential parameters at play.

His send up with Blade Runner 2049 was also a disappointment and it would have worked better WITHOUT any of the former characters still being alive. Instead, Denis tried to revamp the universe and add a bit of his own fanservice elements, and it glaringly shows instead of clevelry paying homage to the first movie (even Tarantino does a better job in that department).

I haven't seen Dune yet, but the trailers remind me of BR 2049 in that it looks more like a digital nerd's idea of an improvement on David Lynch's adaptation. The set design, photography, and SFX all look like the 1984 movie, more so than the novel's ideation. The casting also screams lazy Hollywood's attempt to appeal to the TikTok/Disney generation. At least with Lynch he stuck to his own bizarre musings while using the book as the platform but you had to admire his unique interpretations of the various cultures, and I'm just commenting on the theatrical version which was cut up and diced by the movie studios.


Well, turns out even Villaneuve is better than Lynch.
