My thoughts

For most part of this movie I felt like I had found someone’s old family tapes and spied on their ordinary souvenirs. With the black and white, the distant camera angles and the low-key acting combined, I failed to connect with any of the characters and after an hour and a half I still felt as if I was watching some stranger’s home tapes. That guy dancing with his penis flapping around was not a memory I wanted. The dead baby’s arms and legs flapping around is an image I did not need to see. It took what seemed like forever for the movie to actually start so that was a bad sign. The zoom on a floor being washed was fun for a bit. Oh, look, we see a plane in the reflecting water. Maybe something else will happen. Nop, more water and… more water. Yes I get it; sometimes we feel we’re just a grain of sand in a world of rocks. And yes, I found pleasure at looking at the action in the background of some scenes but what was on the foreground made me feel like I was wasting my precious grains of time in a world of clocks. 4.5-5/10 (Y tu mama tambien and Children of men are two of my favorite movies)


I watched it and it let me confused why this movie was nominated for Oscars? Yes, it is beautifully shot, yes the acting is good. But it was done in a such slow pace. It reminded me of European movies that have similar style. This wasn't groundbreaking at all. Yes, it was a good movie, but not worthy of Oscars in my opinion.


I finally got around to watching this a couple of weeks ago. As you said, very slow-paced, and downright dull most of the time. It felt like they put in the dancing naked guy for the purpose of waking up the viewers - well, trying to wake them up. The movie left me depressed. There was nothing in it that makes me want to give it a second viewing. It's pretty sad when the most memorable moment is the dancing naked guy.

As for being Oscar nominated, I think the Academy was playing the artsy-fartsy card. And, by the way, I don't think it's right to be nominated for best picture twice, once as foreign film, once as "all-around" best. 5/10 in my book.


Excellent summation. Could not have said it better myself. "Failed to connect."


Thanks Richard


I agree, my thoughts as well. Floppy penis scene was too long. Washing water on tiles scene was too long. The kids were annoying rich things. The first 20 minutes or so were unfocused meandering, no plot detected. The whole hospital scene was too long; it could have made its point in 2/3 the length.

The film got better once we understand the maid is the main character and we watch her deal with a relationship dilemma. Still, this was not Best picture material.


Thanks Ed.


It's definitely too slow but overall I found it still worthwhile. There are much much slower movies out there.
