MovieChat Forums > Painekiller > Replies
Painekiller's Replies
It is my unmitigated pleasure to bring a ray of antiseptic sunshine to this otherwise dank and demeaning den of inequity!
[b]WWG1 WGA![/b]
[quote]Cult 45 is a scary bunch.[/quote]
Replying to yourself is worse.
[quote]That could also explain the reason why she's so reluctant to begin proceedings to IMPEACH him???[/quote]
Impeach Trump and you get Pence.
Oh whiners will be in full meltdown when a committed Christer takes over the show - yee ha!
Wave bye bye to ALL abortions, lol!
[quote]I'm also still wondering if it's possible BARR is acting in the ROLE of a DOUBLE AGENT who is merely PRETENDING to BROWN NOSE the SCAM MAN as a way to GATHER the ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE that one needs to do that. [/quote]
Of course you are = classic projection again!
And believe me, I understand've been fed a steady diet of Pelosi and Shillary.
It's an environmental poisoning.
[quote]For every Dershowitz, there are hundred more lawyers who were impressed by Mueller's statement[/quote]
"Lawyers you say"?
Land sharks?
Demotard hit men?
I wonder how many of them are tenured at Harvard?
You insipid ponce.
[quote]"For many of us, we think at least an impeachment inquiry would give us more ability to get witnesses to come to Congress. "[/quote]
They likely have an army of Christopher Steele mattress pee fantasizing MI6rs to deploy...
That's DemoTards - liars and fascists one and all.
[quote]There's nothing stopping anyone from bumping their own thread. People don't do it repeatedly unless they are hungry for attention.[/quote]
Sounds like you're butt hurt again, so sad...
[quote]"And the Mueller report totally exonerates Trump, no matter how much spin he tried to put on it."[/quote]
I know, right?
Nice to see you finally taking in some intellectual nutrients. Go slowly though, your mental digestive track is way atrophied.
PLEASE BE AWARE that one CANNOT SEE whatever it is YOU SAY because you are ON IGNORE**.
In other words,
**you're WASTING YOUR TIME saying things to someone who not only doesn't CARE what you say, but CAN also NO LONGER SEE what it is that you say anymore. **.[/quote]
Golly, that was lot of caps and characters to simply try and firewall yourself from factual rebuttal.
I guess libs can build walls after all...around their minds...
[quote]I actually wouldn't be surprised if PaineKiller was an actual Trump supporter, one of the truly scary ones, who came here to "fight" some critics[/quote]
Pot/kettle much again?
It's not as if you're much of a 'fight' anyway, just recycled DNC pap smear residue.
[quote]Otherwise, he'd not be surprised by Mueller's clarification that it was because of DoJ policy and not that he considered Trump was actually innocent of anything that kept Mueller from charging him with a crime.[/quote]
It baffles you when he refuses to read from YOUR script doesn't it, traitor?
[quote]Facts = Your hatred of Hillary should be addressed before the President is investigated? Why is it fact... JUST BECAUSE![/quote]
Start with her pedophillia and progress through Uranium One - traitor.
Well that was expeditious insight but playing frogger can be somewhat addictive...
In a mostly retro, low rez way, if you catch my drift...
[quote]"Mueller says he does not questions Barr’s “good faith” in his decision to wait and release the full report"[/quote]
I know, professional courtesy is rare in today's swamp.
And candor tops all:
Barr said, “I personally felt he could’ve reached a decision…He could have reached a conclusion. The opinion says you cannot indict a president while he is in office, but he could’ve reached a decision as to whether it was criminal activity. But he had his reasons for not doing it, which he explained...
[b]"Mueller was not commenting on Barr's legal opinions, obviously, because nothing is said in there about Barr's legal opinions.'[/b]
PWND again, LOL!
[quote]Says an obvious sock[/quote]
You are rather obvious, and tedious too.
[quote]Sounds like wishful thinking. [/quote]
Why do you treasonous libs wish for open borders and free health care for criminal illegals?
[quote]When there's three doggiedaddy posts on the main board:
"Get a life!" - Trumpers
When there's twice as many wuchak posts on the main board:
"Well done, sir!" - also Trumpers[/quote]
And what reaction (if any) do your limpid scribblings engender?