MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Product Placement!!

Product Placement!!

The President of the United States is trending again!

It's amazing! Every time I log onto MC, I see a picture of the smiling Donald. Most people visiting MC realize this is TDS Central and don't click on it to read the same bullshit, but Donald's smiling countenance is trending on the first page almost constantly and gets lots of exposure. It's almost like he's smirking at the fools whose heads he's living rent free in.

You can't pay for this kind of advertising.

Keep up the good work fellas!


Ooooh rah!

Orange Man GREAT!


Ahh so now you're complaining about the board too. Funny how a few days ago you were talking up a storm about how the KKK was founded by democrats. But after Mueller speaks publicly your topic of choice is the board itself.

Keep on Trumping, Trumper :)


Not complaining, enjoying the exposure!

And the Mueller report totally exonerates Trump, no matter how much spin he tried to put on it. Mueller hates Trump and couldn't find anything. No collusion, no obstruction, just tons of Democratic bullshit to wallow in.

Mueller refuses to say anything more about the investigation because he's a nothing burger without even condiments to spread.

Also enjoying that this response gets Donald more trending exposure!


"And the Mueller report totally exonerates Trump, no matter how much spin he tried to put on it."

And this is exactly what I mean when I say Trumpers ignore reality so they can live in their world of fiction.

And that is exactly why you are complaining about the board. It interrupts your world of fiction.


No collusion, no obstruction...

Thanks for the bump.


"Thanks for the bump" is admitting you have no content. Seeking bumps is typically for thirsty attention whores who dabble in trolling to get their fix. And "no collusion, no obstruction" is the reason you have no content. Its avoiding a conversation instead of attempting to engage in one. Its akin to putting your fingers in your ears saying "la la la la la la can't hear you la la la" then patting yourself on the back for a job well done.


No collusion, no obstruction.

Thanks for the bump.


There's nothing stopping anyone from bumping their own thread. People don't do it repeatedly unless they are hungry for attention. Whats your excuse for the recent need to have your thread bumped? Attention or just off your meds?


There's nothing stopping anyone from bumping their own thread. People don't do it repeatedly unless they are hungry for attention.

Sounds like you're butt hurt again, so sad...


"And the Mueller report totally exonerates Trump, no matter how much spin he tried to put on it."

Lying troll, how sad. Welcome to having zero credibility, but we already knew that.

Racist topic in defense of Roseanne Barr (you sure do love fat, loud, foul-mouthed, ignorant racist celebrities making fools of themselves, don't you strntz?) ignorantly assuming someone's race and then after being shot down immediately, admits to ignorance and then nitpicks someone being only 46% black:

I've seen other racist and likely also misogynist posts from you.

You're another trashy poster.


"And the Mueller report totally exonerates Trump, no matter how much spin he tried to put on it."

I know, right?

Nice to see you finally taking in some intellectual nutrients. Go slowly though, your mental digestive track is way atrophied.


Your observations are so trenchant and insightful, I'm blinded by the brilliance of such deep thinking and thoughtful analysis. I think National Enquirer could use someone like you.
