My Trump economic topics THAT SCARE AWAY TROLLS (Updated 5/30). Post yours here too!
There are plenty of topics the trolls on this board avoid like the plague, or post non-responses to, so they can keep posting hateful rhetoric, racism, sexism, and what not.
Here is my collection. Please post your collection! Let's make this topic a JUGGERNAUT of troll failure, as well as an informative source about the reality of the Trump administration for newcomers.
Every topic I'm linking to shows how the GOP has completely abandoned all sense of fiscal principle in order to support a self-proclaimed Nationalist (who is White) who was only rich because of Daddy's Money and who is essentially a failed businessman who used to be a joke's punchline as he hosted a stupid reality TV show.
Republican CBO Director points out the fake economic boom that has precipitated a large downturn which has already begun, and trolls continue to evade any discussion of the topic while proving what desperate malcontents they are:
Trump's ultimate flip-flop:
Trump's "Believe what I say, not what I do" mentality, which his followers actually fall for:
Me on Trump's recession-policy borrowing which the Fiscal Conservatives don't care about:
Trump creating the illusion of an economic boom through recession-era policies:
Trump administration concealing the truth:
Updated... Forgot this one....
Trump admin orchestrating a new economic crash:
In the 24 months since Trump has been in office, total nonfarm employment has grown by nearly 4.9 million. Over the same period of time (24 months) at the end of Obama’s tenure, total nonfarm employment grew by about 5.1 million.
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