MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The SCAM MAN Issues FLURRY of FALSEHOODS...

The SCAM MAN Issues FLURRY of FALSEHOODS After Mueller Declined to Exonerate Him

Chris is also discussing the MATTER now on HARDBALL on MSNBC and

This LINK also includes a VIDEO where you can see HOW SICK and RUN DOWN the SCAM MAN looks:

Due to the way he keeps STUFFING his FAT FACE with FAST FOOD and POPPING PILLS for his HIGH CLOESTEROL COUNT how much longer can it be before he'll need a QUADRUPLE BY PASS like CLINTON had???

But CLINTON was also still in his 50's and not in his MID 70's like the SCAM MAN is now.

ANYHOW … back to the ARTICLE which says this:


Trump rattled off numerous contradictory statements, baseless accusations and falsehoods Thursday morning following former special counsel Robert Mueller’s rare on-camera statement the day prior, in which he reiterated one of his report’s conclusions that he could not exonerate the president of committing any crimes.[/b]


And then it goes on to LIST the LONG LIST of LIES the SCAM MAN continued to SPEW FORTH from that FAT MOUTH of his that he keeps STUFFING and POLLUTING with all of that FAST FOOD that has probably also helped to ROT AWAY what's left of his BRAIN CELLS:


[b]Among the false claims made by Trump to reporters on the White House’s South Lawn before boarding Marine One were that Russia wanted Hillary Clinton to be elected and that the courts would prevent Congress from impeaching him. On the former special counsel, Trump falsely or baselessly claimed that Mueller cleared him of any criminal wrongdoing, wanted another stint as FBI director, was a “never-Trumper” and had conflicts of interest that should have prevented him from becoming special counsel.

In addition to the false claims, the president contradicted himself after publicly admitting—for the first time—in a tweet that “Russia help[ed] me to get elected.”

“Russia did not help me get elected,” Trump told reporters minutes later. “You know who got me elected? You know who got me elected? I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all. Russia, if anything, I think, helped the other side.” He falsely added that “Russia would rather have Hillary Clinton as president.”[/b]

The Mueller reported concluded that “the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion” and that the “Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.”

"There was no crime"

The president went on to claim—falsely—that in both Mueller’s report and his Wednesday remarks, the former special counsel exonerated him of any criminal wrongdoing, including on obstruction of justice and conspiracy charges.

“[Mueller] said, essentially, ‘You're innocent.’ I'm innocent of all charges,” Trump falsely said. “And, you know, the thing that nobody brings up: There was no crime. They're saying, ‘he's obstructing something’ and there was no crime.”[/b]

That was not the case, according to Mueller and his 448-page report that was issued after a 22-month-long investigation into Russian election interference. He detailed several instances of potential obstruction by Trump, which included several attempts to thwart the probe and remove Mueller as special counsel.


Yes it's just stunning to see the President publicly declaring the opposite of a public statement.

It's a fairy tale world in the White House right now. It's crashing down HARD.

Trump may not make it, seriously. I am sincerely worried for his mental health, and consequently his very survival, at this moment.


Jeff Daniels was on the LAST WORD tonight and said the SCAM MAN has SOILED the OFFICE he holds and we're ALL on the TITANIC now which is GOING DOWN.

In other words,

if he doesn't have a HEART ATTACK that does away with him,

then the COUNTRY ITSELF also might not SURVIVE unless something is done SOON to GET RID of him.

I'm also still wondering if it's possible BARR is acting in the ROLE of a DOUBLE AGENT who is merely PRETENDING to BROWN NOSE the SCAM MAN as a way to GATHER the ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE that one needs to do that.

Because it STILL MAKES NO SENSE to me that he and MUELLER were FRIENDS for several YEARS before they ended up in OPPOSITION to each other.

So perhaps BOTH of them are IN CAHOOTS together and have a PLAN to EXPOSE the SCAM MAN for the way that he's been in CAHOOTS with and has been BROWN NOSING PUTIN???


I'm also still wondering if it's possible BARR is acting in the ROLE of a DOUBLE AGENT who is merely PRETENDING to BROWN NOSE the SCAM MAN as a way to GATHER the ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE that one needs to do that.

Of course you are = classic projection again!

And believe me, I understand've been fed a steady diet of Pelosi and Shillary.

It's an environmental poisoning.


Trump is showing obvious signs of dementia. He's not going to last much longer.



The PROBLEM is he won't ever agree to be EXAMINED by a doctor who can VERIFY that's the case. Because he also TOLD that other doctor what to write in the letter he FALSELY CLAIMED the doctor had written that said what GREAT health he was in (which also claimed he was the most HEALTHY PRESIDENT that ever lived).

And even IF he was DIAGNOSED as having it, REAGAN also had it back when he was in office.

So his having it probably also won't be enough to GET RID of him.

Which takes us back to the other MATTER ... where ONE SUSPECTS MAYBE BARR could be IN CAHOOTS with MUELLER ... and playing the ROLE of a DOUBLE AGENT now … who is only PRETENDING to DEFEND the SCAM MAN ... as a way to get the kind of EVIDENCE we need to GET RID of him.

Because IMAGINE if you were at the HEAD of an organization like THE FBI and you had a POTUS who was CONSTANTLY ATTACKING YOU and TELLING LIES about YOU the way the SCAM MAN keeps doing.

Wouldn't you also try to find a way to do something about it???

And what do they usually do???


And MAYBE BARR could also be the one who's in that kind of a DOUBLE DEALING ROLE now???

People who knew him also keep saying how much they previously RESPECTED HIM and ADMIRED HIM before he began WORKING for the SCAM MAN.

And that's also the reason why NONE of this ADDS UP or MAKES ANY SENSE.

Because PEOPLE don't USUALLY CHANGE this RADICALLY, or as QUICKLY, or over night or in the BLINK of an EYE, the way he seems to have done.

Maybe NANCY who is 2nd in line to take CONTROL of the OFFICE may also be AWARE of this PLAN???

That could also explain the reason why she's so reluctant to begin proceedings to IMPEACH him???


Because he also TOLD that other doctor what to write in the letter he FALSELY CLAIMED the doctor had written that said what GREAT health he was in (which also claimed he was the most HEALTHY PRESIDENT that ever lived).

I read that letter and it was full of misspellings and poor grammar. It's obvious that Trump wrote it. Of course his supporters believe that a real doctor wrote that letter. Pathetic.


They still believe the DOCTOR wrote it even though he confessed that HE DID NOT???

He also said the SCAM MAN sent his THUGS to the DOCTOR'S office and they CONFISCATED all of the MEDICAL RECORDS so no one could know what they really said. He's also threatened the schools he attended and told them NOT to release his grades or anything else.

But we also know he ATTACKED a teacher in GRADE SCHOOL and his father had to put him in a MILITARY school because he wasn't able to CONTROL him or make him behave.

Anyhow, if MY THEORY about BARR being a DOUBLE AGENT is right, we may also NEVER KNOW about it, because what may happen is they confront the SCAM MAN with TAPES or VIDEOS they've made (maybe of his conversations with PUTIN), and then he'll agree to resign from office and tell us ANOTHER LIE about the reason why he's doing that.

Since he also LIED or got that other DOCTOR to LIE and say he had BONE SPURS that he doesn't have, perhaps he'll LIE and say he has to RESIGN from office for some other HEALTH reason???

But the REAL REASON might be because they'll have SOMETHING on him that they'll TREATENED to EXPOSE if he won't resign???

The CIA is also suppose to have COPIES of those PEE tapes. A GUEST on MSNBC said that's what he heard.

But after that other TAPE where he talks about GRABBING the PRIVATE PARTS of females he encounters he probably won't care that much if the PEE tapes get exposed???

It would probably need to be something where he's caught doing something TREASONOUS to make him leave. And if he's been in CAHOOTS with PUTIN and they taped him saying something that fits into that kind of category, what choice would he have but to agree to leave office???

He could probably try to say the TAPES were FAKES, but it's not very likely that would work. Because he'd also need a TRANSLATOR as a way to communicate with PUTIN who would also be able to verify the conversation on the tape took place.


Members of Cult 45 believe everything he says. He's their only hope in their miserable, sordid lives.


Guests on MSNBC say it's even WORSE …

because it's not that they BELIEVE what he says …

it's that they KNOW he LIES and DON'T CARE that he does so.

Because the GOAL is to BURN EVERYTHING DOWN to the GROUND due to the way they feel CHEATED by the way they haven't received a FAIR SHARE of the MONEY PIE.

But the SCAM MAN is only MAKING the RICH that much more RICH, which means those who support him get even LESS of the MONEY PIE, which is also demonstrated by the way he now THREATENS to TAX products coming from MEXICO.

And that's also going to COST the RICH PEOPLE MONEY as well when people can no longer afford to buy NEW CARS and other products from them anymore (including lots of our FOOD which also comes from MEXICO).

So all one can do at this point is HOPE that BARR is a DOULBE AGENT who is working to try to find the EVIDENCE we need to GET RID of the SCAM MAN who keeps doing EVERYTHING he can to DESTROY US.

And One also suspects he keeps getting IDEAS about what to do from PUTIN, because even those who work for him have said they DON'T AGREE or like what he wants to do.

So WHY else would he keep doing DUMB things like SHUTING DOWN the GOVERNMENT, and IMPOSING TARIFFS that keep CRASHING WALL STREET, and doing damage to people's RETIREMENT FUNDS, etc. unless his GOAL is the same as that of PUTIN which is to try to DESTROY our way of life???


Cult 45 is a scary bunch.


Cult 45 is a scary bunch.

Replying to yourself is worse.


Do you think it's possible that the time will ever come when MUELLER and BARR will hold a PRESS CONFERENCE to CONFESS to having been a PART of an UNDERCOVER PLAN to GET RID of the SCAM MAN???

How IRONIC would that be to have BARR explain how the ENTIRE TIME that he PRETENDS to be INVESTIGATING the INVESTIGATORS for SPYING, he was ACTUALLY SPYING on the SCAM MAN himself, and was doing whatever he could to HELP his LONG TIME FRIEND MUELLER (and NANCY) find enough EVIDENCE to IMPEACH HIM for TREASON???

As you may also recall, MANAFORT was also recently in the ROLE of a DOUBLE AGENT, due to the way he PRETENDED to be HELPING MUELLER as a way to TELL the SCAM MAN what it was that MUELLER was doing.

So IF BARR is doing the same thing, then one could also see the REASON why he would do so (which would be because he's PISSED at being JERKED around by MANAFORT.

And isn't it also AMUSING how THE 40 MILLION PLUS that MUELLER got from MANAFORT also means the REST of US are now RICHER due to the MILLIONS we've CONFISCATED from him that also MORE than PAYS for the cost of the RUSSIAN INVESTIGATION???

PS: NEW TOPIC regarding MANAFORT coming soon !!!


That could also explain the reason why she's so reluctant to begin proceedings to IMPEACH him???

Impeach Trump and you get Pence.

Oh whiners will be in full meltdown when a committed Christer takes over the show - yee ha!

Wave bye bye to ALL abortions, lol!
