Painekiller's Replies

Obvious how you lack any credible rebuttal on point, fool. [quote]What about the Steele dossier is fake again? Specifically.[/quote] ALL of it, duh! Even Steele won't confirm his creative writing exercise: [url][/url] [url][/url] Democratic Party-financed operative Christopher Steele secretly made false felony charges against President Trump associates that weren’t included in his infamous public dossier, according to an analysis of a State Department internal memo. [quote]Joi is a girl.[/quote] Handily explaining the childlike dearth of intellect. [url][/url] Enjoy froggy dear. [quote]Even back then, his hair was fcking stupid-looking.[/quote] More so than? [spoiler][/spoiler] [quote]I'm more looking forward to my next role in 2021... Convicted felon.[/quote] FIFY, be sure to bring plenty of smokes with you... [quote]-Obama had zero indictments of his administration over his 8-year tenure and didn't have a revolving door administration.[/quote] Wow, just freaking wow... [url][/url] Even with President Barack Obama's unprecedented restrictions on lobbying and the revolving door, the Center for Responsive Politics has found a host of people who have spun between the public and private sectors. From members of his transition team to staffers in various agencies, the following list shows Obama administration officials who have entered government having once been on the outside, as well as those who have left the Obama team to move onto new private sector jobs. Number of records found: 873 [url][/url] Barack Obama promised to take on Washington’s revolving door culture. Washington won. A POLITICO review shows that the Obama administration has hired about 70 previously registered corporate, trade association and for-hire lobbyists. And many of these former lobbyists work at the highest levels of government. [url][url] In 2008, Obama used an intermediary to relay to then-Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich who he felt would be the best replacement for his vacant U.S. Senate seat in the Senate-Seat-For-Sale scandal that helped put Blagojevich behind bars. Obama also used former President Bill Clinton to illegally offer Congressman Joe Sestak a job in the Obama administration in exchange for ending his Senate campaign. While I have no doubt Obama-era corruption went all the way to the top, it is also apparent that Obama surrounded himself with loyalists willing to do his dirty work and protect him at all costs. The important Obama-era corruption may finally start getting the attention it deserves, and that’s a good thing, as long as we start seeing justice. [quote]Yeah because saying he'd have more flexibility after the election is scandalous behavior worth investigating right? [/quote] Get in line, he's got dozens of illegal wiretaps to be prosecuted on first. But yeah, one more log on the fire of Barry's vanities, tee hee... And what will you 'own', save for your ignominy? [quote]Works for me.[/quote] I know this would: [url][/url] [quote]Thank you for this topic with a link that speaks on the dangers of Trump and White Nationalism.[/quote] Thank you for being an illiterate racist, as ever... As to sex party MLK..."Bernice King, who serves as chief executive officer of The King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, said the lesson of nonviolence is to focus on defeating injustice, not individuals." Certainly not individual WOMEN he RAPED! "Sealed FBI audio tapes allege Martin Luther King Jr. had affairs with 40 women and watched while a friend raped a woman...According to The Times, a memo accompanying the tape alleges King "looked on and laughed" as a pastor of Baltimore's Cornerstone Baptist Church raped a woman in the hotel room. The pastor died in 1991. The FBI documents say King had a conversation in which he "discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts," The Times wrote, citing Garrow's article. [b]JEEZIS H CHRIST![/b] 2020 = you whining again like a common soreloserman. [quote] Barr is no different with his time-traveling legal views of investigation results retroactively affecting the ability to obstruct them.[/quote] Funny, that's not what Muler said of him: [url][/url] Mueller says he does not questions Barr’s “good faith” in his decision to wait and release the full report Oh, and Bob Barr can also breathe a massive sigh of relief. Mueller refused to criticize his handling of the report release and even complimented him on releasing most of it. [url][/url] He writes that Mueller overstepped his bounds as a prosecutor, lambasting Mueller for having erred even more seriously than fellow ex-FBI Director James Comey -- adding that he can no longer defend Mueller as a nonpartisan actor... [quote]it must be a revelatory feeling for them when they realize the level of their own ignorance.[/quote] Is it working on YOU yet? [url][/url] He concludes, "No prosecutor should ever say or do anything for the purpose of helping one party or the other. I cannot imagine a plausible reason why Mueller went beyond his report and gratuitously suggested that President Trump might be guilty, except to help Democrats in Congress and to encourage impeachment talk and action. Shame on Mueller for abusing his position of trust and for allowing himself to be used for such partisan advantage." One of the most common and pointed critiques of Mueller's unexpected performance is that he inverted the role of a prosecutor on the question of guilt vs. "exoneration." Here's a quote from Mueller's question-free press conference: “If we had had confidence that the president had clearly not committed a crime we would have said so.” Charles Cooke of National Review responds: That’s not how it works in America. Investigators are supposed to look for evidence that a crime was committed, and, if they don’t find enough to contend that a crime was a committed, they are supposed to say “We didn’t find enough to contend that a crime was committed.” They are not supposed to look for evidence that a crime was not committed and then say, “We couldn’t find evidence of innocence." I understand that Mueller was in an odd position. I understand, too, that this wasn’t a criminal trial. But I don’t think those norms are rendered any less important by those facts...If a person doesn’t have enough evidence that someone committed a crime to contend that a crime was committed, he is obliged to presume his innocence. “Not exonerated” is not a standard in our system, and it shouldn’t be one in our culture, either. [quote]“I hadn’t heard that before,” she told an NBC reporter after the Tuesday town hall with Amash. “I’ve mainly listened to conservative news and I hadn’t heard anything negative about that report and President Trump has been exonerated.” What a shock, I tell you![/quote] Indeed, she hasn't been Madcowed by the fake news, good on her! [url][/url] Liberal law professor Alan Dershowitz was not impressed by Wednesday's public statement from Robert Mueller, calling it a revealing indication of the former Special Counsel's partisan rooting interests. Dershowitz, who has been a frequent critic of many fellow liberals' legal and investigatory tactics against President Trump, penned on op/ed for The Hill entitled, "Shame on Robert Mueller for Exceeding His Role." He writes that Mueller overstepped his bounds as a prosecutor, lambasting Mueller for having erred even more seriously than fellow ex-FBI Director James Comey -- adding that he can no longer defend Mueller as a nonpartisan actor: "No prosecutor should ever say or do anything for the purpose of helping one party or the other. I cannot imagine a plausible reason why Mueller went beyond his report and gratuitously suggested that President Trump might be guilty, except to help Democrats in Congress and to encourage impeachment talk and action. Shame on Mueller for abusing his position of trust and for allowing himself to be used for such partisan advantage." [quote]Just updated NEW!!! Republican CBO Director points out the fake economic boom[/quote] [url][/url] Wages and Inflation The upward trend in real wages continued under Trump, and inflation remained in check. CPI —The Consumer Price Index rose 4.3 percent during Trump’s first 26 months, continuing a long period of historically low inflation. Wages — Paychecks continued to grow faster than prices. Homeownership — Meanwhile, the percentage of Americans who own their homes has continued to recover from a years-long slide, gaining 1.1 percentage points since Trump took office. The homeownership rate began to slide after peaking at 69.2 percent of households for two quarters in 2004. It hit bottom in the second quarter of 2016 at 62.9 percent — the lowest point in more than half a century, and tied for the lowest on record. Food Stamps The number of food stamp recipients has gone down since Trump’s inauguration. As of January, the most recent month for which figures are available, 38.1 million people were receiving the aid. The number has gone down 4.4 million, or 10.4 percent, since January 2017, when Trump took office. The number generally has been going down since peaking at nearly 47.8 million in December 2012... I think that's a special handle for you, please feel free to replace your amphibian infidel accordingly. [url][/url] 100% true - well said patriot.