-Obama had zero indictments of his administration over his 8-year tenure and didn't have a revolving door administration.
Wow, just freaking wow...
Even with President Barack Obama's unprecedented restrictions on lobbying and the revolving door, the Center for Responsive Politics has found a host of people who have spun between the public and private sectors. From members of his transition team to staffers in various agencies, the following list shows Obama administration officials who have entered government having once been on the outside, as well as those who have left the Obama team to move onto new private sector jobs.
Number of records found: 873
Barack Obama promised to take on Washington’s revolving door culture.
Washington won.
A POLITICO review shows that the Obama administration has hired about 70 previously registered corporate, trade association and for-hire lobbyists. And many of these former lobbyists work at the highest levels of government.
In 2008, Obama used an intermediary to relay to then-Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich who he felt would be the best replacement for his vacant U.S. Senate seat in the Senate-Seat-For-Sale scandal that helped put Blagojevich behind bars. Obama also used former President Bill Clinton to illegally offer Congressman Joe Sestak a job in the Obama administration in exchange for ending his Senate campaign. While I have no doubt Obama-era corruption went all the way to the top, it is also apparent that Obama surrounded himself with loyalists willing to do his dirty work and protect him at all costs. The important Obama-era corruption may finally start getting the attention it deserves, and that’s a good thing, as long as we start seeing justice.