MovieChat Forums > Painekiller > Replies
Painekiller's Replies
This is because the core of their animus for Trump issues from a deep wellspring of self-loathing. At some basic level they know they are but common or garden variety traitors to the American dream and the inner realization of this drives them to attack those who would promote, save and venerate the Constitution of this fine land and all it stands for.
There is of course a minute glimmer of guilt that flashes before their lamestream media-cuck'd consciousness, but the signal is quickly lost in the bilious froth Hollyweird and the infotainment industry brainwash them with so at best we credit them with the common criminal's awareness of the need not to get caught as some type of transitional state to the full accountability they'll face when their last miserable breaths in this Matrix are coughed out in a torpid death rattle.
Oh wah, did your feelings get hurt again? Honestly one would think you'd be used to that by now.
No matter, you open border Demotards are soon to be relegated to the scrap heap of traitors, seditionsists, and outright criminals soon enough. Until then the topical spankings will simply have to suffice, virtual as they may be.
And the administration of said topical humiliations must be done expeditiously and regularly in order for the lessons to even have a fragmentary shot at becoming enlightening. Onward!
Looks like Demotardia can cross party lines.
You have virtually the entire lamestream media as your partisan lap dog and even THAT isn't enough?
Where does it end deep state traitor, where?
And when it does will you come out to watch Bernie Mussolini swing from CNN's towers?
[quote]He'll get the war prize if anything.[/quote]
No...that's Bolton's consolation prize, lol...
[quote]HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! He'll be gone soon![/quote]
Define "soon" year later, LOLOLOL!!!
[quote]Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club Hosted a Russian Wanted for Tax Fraud at a Party Last Year. Russian real estate investor Sergey Danilochkin, who is wanted by Russian authorities for allegedly orchestrating a multimillion dollar tax fraud scheme...[/quote]
Why the flying fuck would I or any sane person give the slightest care to Putin's alleged problems taxing his oiligarcs and investors to death?
Do you pump madly into your fleshlight as you key this dribble in?
Which party is unabashedly in FAVOR of open borders?
Uh huh...nuff said.
[quote]Stay tuned for more fear mongering. Universal health care, the red baiters will say, will zap our national initiative and hurl us toward Soviet-style tyranny. Instead, maybe it will mean not having to choose between paying rent or for medicine.[/quote]
For WHOM????
I mean that is what Biden is promoting isn't it - FREE health care (we get to pay for that) and new clinics for ILLEGALS!
You know - CRIMINALS!
Border jumpers, measles infected, TB carrying, child-using pawns of former Nazi property confiscator George Soros!
[quote]Cummings's letter to White House counsel Pat Cipollone alleged that the documents showed McFarland used her personal AOL email account for official purposes...[/quote]
Cummings, seriously, isn't he just another deep state TRAITOR?
Uh huh:
[quote] In March the House Oversight Committee released more emails that prove the IRS was feeding Rep. Cummings with confidential tax information on the voter fraud prevention group True the Vote.
A report published last April 2014 confirmed that Lois Lerner funneled information on Conservative group True the Vote to Democrat Cummings.[/quote]
The only significant "hate crimes" we've see are Juicy Dems self-mugging for CNN.
[quote]Trump's only real priority, as far as he's concerned, is to avoid further implication in the Russia scandal...a priority he is unlikely to achieve.[/quote]
How is it that you have magically divined the contents of his mind? Are you truly so naive that you would even tender the notion that any man, let alone a President, has but ONE "priority"?
Were you dropped several times after birth?
[quote]And just wait until his history of financial shenanigans becomes more widely known...he'll have a whole bunch of new priorities then.[/quote]
Was U.S Grant ever impeached?
Uh huh...I'll see your partisan froth and raise you Uranuim One, you soporific slackwit.
Meanwhile the nightly fake news is an ongoing "hate crime" against our President and this nation itself!
Let's not forget how that disingenuous traitor Bezos has used the hypocritical stalking horse of paying his own a nominal $15/hr, in lieu of - no bathroom break allowed whilst simultaneously reducing their hours to temp status as a means of bankrupting his bricks and mortar competition.
Amazon is about 3 rungs up the ladder from the best Chicom slave labor camps.
Typical leftarded workers' "paradise"...
[quote]Several Amazon staff members from across the world have described to Business Insider the intense pressure of working in a warehouse, where they pick and pack items for delivery.
One US worker described an "awful smell" coming from warehouse trash cans, saying coworkers would urinate in them for fear of missing their targets because they took too much time to go to the bathroom.
Others said their short, timed breaks were reduced further as they waited in lines to go through security.[/quote]
Ironically the George Soros' funded Honduran Invasionary Forces are spreading like fire ants and leaving in their wake Measles, TB, and untold plagues of 3rd world there's that...
[quote]“Flowing in over an eighteen month period was $3.1 million from the Ukrainians. There was $142,000 that showed up from a Kazakh oligarch, and then there was a mysterious $1.2 million from a limited liability company that nobody seems to know where it exists [and] that funneled the money to a small Swiss bank that has been implicated in international money laundering,” Schweizer said.
“Flowing out of the account is hundreds of thousands of dollars into the personal banking accounts of Hunter Biden himself. $142,000 to a luxury auto dealership. Another $182,000 to a luxury watch company. This is all just from one account,” he stated.[/quote]
Indictments against "unnamed" operatives whose actions directly resulted in just how many votes were cast in any election, let alone a US election?
[quote]Now you think I'M a Russian software program, LOL? At least you're not a complete nutjob or anything....[/quote]
Have you any Uranium One shares to trade, Komrade?