Painekiller's Replies

Yet your Mayor's constituents did, what a great show for young eyes, eh? This guy's as messed up as Ford was, on the other end of the spectrum. [quote]We hired him to do an independent thorough investigation into the election, which he did. We didn’t hire him to arrest him, press charges, or jail him. He did his job. Now he passes his findings to Congress and they have to do their job.[/quote] Which would be LEGISLATING, not playing partisan spite tag, you oaf! [quote]When Obama was president you guys would come up with criticisms that he's a scammer and a usurper. Instead of pointing out your "ODS" the libs would challenge you on your own points. Naturally you retreated to create a new conspiracy theory. [/quote] Like the Russian "collusion", LOL! How'd that pan out slappy? [quote]Here we see more criticisms of a president from his own party than we've ever seen before. Do the Trumpers challenge those arguments? No. Instead its just more "Shut up. You have TDS. Stop talking. I don't want to hear your TDS." Those darn libtarded republicans right? lol[/quote] The challenging of deep state delusions is pointless, once disabused new ones are authored. [quote]Also notice how every Trumper post on this board is aimed at the board itself and almost never at current events.[/quote] Like yours is? Uh huh... If you're that deranged you ought not vote until the drugs wear off. Oh sure he will...tell me how long have you been living in a delusion? [quote]ON the CONTRARY, what's ABUNDANTLY CLEAR is BARR is the CORRUPT ONE(not MUELLER). AND OVER ONE THOUSAND PROFESSIONAL PROSECUTORS have also signed a written a PETITION to CONFIRM that's the case.[/quote] That's 1,000 more partisan hacks who also haven't seen the facts nor have the slightest care for them, traitor. [quote]The Mueller presser has gotten Booker and Mayor Pete now all-in calling impeachment a "moral imperative". Much stronger stances than before Mueller's presser that ramps up the pressure on her.[/quote] LOL! A "moral imperative" from an open borders DemoTard? It is to laugh, and then weep. ;-( [quote]WHY couldn't CONGRESS have DONE the INVESTIGATION itself ???[/quote] Because they are not trained investigators or law enforcement personnel, duh! [quote]What was the POINT of having MUELLER do the INVESTIGATION IF he was also NEVER GOING to DO ANYTHING about it if and when he FOUND PROOF that the SCAM MAN is GUILTY of OBSTRUCTION and ABUSE of POWER???[/quote] In order to be guilty of obstruction you first have to have obstructed. There was NO obstruction - pinhead. [quote] Reelected??? Surely you jest.[/quote] Deal. :-))) [quote]Yeah, I was going to say... If anything, what Mueller said only makes Trump look MORE suspect. "We didn't feel we could indict a sitting president" is a massive statement to make. It's not the sort of thing you say about someone you feel is 100% innocent.[/quote] Are you daft? Muler's bias is 100% deep state, but he weasel-worded his way in to retirement perhaps hoping to escape a much called for prosecution for his own treason. One question - how long into this did he know the Russia "collusion"was BS. He won't answer, and you don't dare to try, traitor. [quote]Yes thank you Mueller for telling the American people yourself that you could not and did not exonerate the president of crimes irrespective of what trump and Barr might claim. Hooray. Trumptards really needed to hear this.[/quote] Littering maybe...he's left a trail of destroyed deep state careers all over DC - right Paul Ryan? [quote]Lol you just outed yourself, troll sock. Can't resist. Obama isnt President and you focusing on Obama is such simple minded whataboutism. Plus you didnt even pay attention to the POINT. Is that all you trolls have? Repeating whataboutism while failing to comprehend?[/quote] You have no point, no facts, not one tiny thing to say of the slightest consequence, but it remains in the record whose watch the hooker hijinks occurred on - suck on it: WASHINGTON– The investigation into the Colombian prostitution scandal that rocked the Secret Service two years ago was tampered with for political reasons, according to a new report. The lead investigator into the embarrassing drunken sex scandal told Senate staffers that his superiors asked him to withhold evidence and stall the report until after the presidential election. “We were directed at the time . . . to delay the report of the investigation until after the 2012 election,” David Nieland, the lead investigator on the Colombia case for the homeland security agency, told Senate staffers according to the Washington Post. [quote]Ultimately, [b]Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein took Mueller’s deferral of a decision on whether Trump had committed a crime as a call to make their own “prosecutorial decision” that he hadn’t. If you read the Mueller report, though, it is clear that the special counsel viewed that as a decision (to be dealt with by a future prosecutor). END QUOTE[/quote] It is not Muler's job to coach Congress into greater displays of arrogance and lunacy, but it is abundantly clear that Muler is as corrupted as Comey, Brennan and Clapper. A hanging judge for them all is apt. [quote]Yes, content says that Mueller wanted to indict, and right there in your quote he is CLEARLY saying that Trump is in no way exonerated, which intelligent honest people knew already. You can't read.[/quote] Yes Muler had his [b]personal wants[/b], which is why he made such a shitty prosecutor. Read up on the job he did in the Anthrax affair - shameful! Spendy too, cost us a $6million dollar settlement to one innocent party and then the other suicided himself. Oh and while we're at it, this entire charade was born of Shillary & McStain's use of the utterly discredited Steele dossier, a fiction even Steele now refuses to confirm. So we have a direct violation of the Logan Act as a foreign instigator was used to issue FISA warrants ILLEGALLY! [quote]What about the "pussies" of common folk? I suppose they have to take their chances.[/quote] Plenty of Mudslimes to handle that in Londonistan...:-( [quote]Looks like President T-rump won't be able to grab Meghan Markle's pu$$y after all.[/quote] Oh that's a crying shame, it being all loose and grab-friendly due to childbirth dilation. Maybe he can yank on Camilla's nasty old snatch though...%-) [quote]Trump is not innocent! He should be locked up![/quote] For WHAT?!?!?! Selling our nation out to Uranium One and the Russkies? was slimebag. That fake news is so addictive to you pea-brained leftards, isn't it? "A possible remedy through impeachment for abuses of power would not substitute for potential criminal liability after a President leaves office. Impeachment would remove a President from office, but would not address the underlying culpability of the conduct or serve the usual purposes of the criminal law. Indeed, the Impeachment Judgment Clause recognizes that criminal law plays an independent role in addressing an official’s conduct, distinct from the political remedy of impeachment. See U.S. CONST. ART. l, § 3, cl. 7. Impeachment is also a drastic and rarely invoked remedy, and Congress is not restricted to relying only on impeachment, rather than making criminal law applicable to a former President, as OLC has recognized. A Sitting President’s Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution, 24 Op. O.L.C. at 255 (“Recognizing an immunity from prosecution for a sitting President would not preclude such prosecution once the President’s term is over or he is otherwise removed from office by resignation or impeachment.”). This is beyond hypothetical, it's a prosecutor playing Judge and Jury and exceeding any of his innate authority to inflame the Congressional weasels to continue their obstruction in lieu of legislating. You're scummy to feed off this blatant stupidity. [quote]Anything we say nowadays is racist, therefore you're all racist. Don't deny it. If you deny it, you're part of the problem because you don't agree with me.[/quote] I'll tell ya who's racist - ANIMALS, they practice outright speciation! True stuff.