Democrat candidates: socialism, open borders, and postnatal infanticide.
Which of these Democrat offerings is your favorite so far? At least there will be another huge substantive contrast in 2020.
shareWhich of these Democrat offerings is your favorite so far? At least there will be another huge substantive contrast in 2020.
shareTrying to choose one of those would be like trying to choose between having a root canal with no anesthetic, having your genitals electrocuted with a car battery, or drinking acid after chewing on a razor blade; and trying to sell any one of them as a good idea.
shareYou forgot 'a scorpion sting to the taint' ...clearly a better option than any of those platforms.
shareI've never been stung by a scorpion, but I have been bitten by fire ants. Would that be a good option to include?
shareFire ants on the genitals should definitely be an option.
shareSounds like a great way to get revenge on Bill.
shareIronically the George Soros' funded Honduran Invasionary Forces are spreading like fire ants and leaving in their wake Measles, TB, and untold plagues of 3rd world there's that...
shareAnd let's not forget about those border jumping Congolese Ebola bleeders that were sent to San Antonio, TX.