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Russia/Trump collusion investigation exposes Russia/Democrat collusion

Isn't it interesting that the longer the "Trump Colluded with Russia" investigation lasts the more we are finding evidence of Democrats colluding with the Russians. I mean, we now know that the DNC and the Clinton campaign paid C. Steele for the "Trump Dossier" which originated in....RUSSIA! We have Democrat Congressman Schiff falling for a Russian radio show's prank offering him pictures of "naked Trump". Democrat Sen. Mark Warner was in contact with a lobbyist for Oleg V. Deripaska, a Russian billionaire with ties to Putin. In one of his texts Warner wrote, “Will call tomorrow be careful.” And he also texted, “We want to do this right private in London don’t want to send letter yet cuz if we can’t get agreement wud rather not have paper trail." Yeah, paper trails are bad. But not as bad as a DIGITAL trail!!
Meanwhile, the evidence that Trump colluded with Russia??? (cue crickets)


The Steele dossier was initiated and initially funded by a Republican group. So if it really did, as you say, originate in Russia, then that brings us back to the Republicans colluding with the Russians, doesn't it?

Collusion is a hard case to prove, let alone prosecute. But there is plenty of circumstantial evidence piling up to warrant a case for investigating it.

But you know what's just as bad (as collusion)? Being so afraid you might be guilty of it that you'll lie and hide or destroy evidence in order to cover it up. One interesting tidbit about human nature you might want to consider--it's not a fact, but it's often true: non-guilty people have nothing to hide.


Lie. That Democrat talking point was debunked early. The dossier in question wasn't initiated until after the Clinton campaign and DNC were the ones funding it, not "a Republican group" (actually media entity), not that some Never Trumpers being involved would have justified it anyway. Heck, an Obama DOJ official's wife helped write it as a Fusion GPS employee, and that same DOJ official has been integrally involved in all this garbage.

The more FACTS come out the worse this looks for Democrats from a corruption, abuse of power, foreign collusion, and subversion of democracy standpoint.


The only place that things look worse for the Democrats are on Fux News and all the tin-foil hat conservatard websites trying to distract from the FACTS that Mueller is uncovering as we speak. Obviously you're a big patron of theirs.

One party is shaking in their boots, almost literally, about what the eventual fallout of this scandal (compounded by all the other assorted everyday scandals of the Trump Administration) will mean to the immediate future of the party in the mid-term elections. Guess which party that is? (Hint: it's not the Democrats)


You mean facts like Mueller conceding in the indictments handed down today against several Russians for identity fraud that Trump's campaign officials had no knowledge of the Russian conspiracy? LOL! And what a petty, fringe conspiracy it was, with absolutely no impact on the election. A twitter account. A paid FB ad of the type people ignore. Biased anti-Trump coverage from the BBC had more "foreign" impact on our election, not to mention 95% of our domestic media being in a corrupt relationship with Democrats, though fortunately not enough to overturn the will of the American people, even if a conspiracy of swamp dwelling Obama holdovers in the federal government have been abusing their power to do just that.

Your post is again the opposite of the truth. The Democrat idiots arrogantly boasting of a "blue wave" a couple of months ago (almost a year out from the election!) have gotten a little quieter as the generic ballot advantage they had has already evaporated, polling that's known to overstate Democrat strength in the first place to boot, and Trump's approval rating has continued to rise with sustained strong economic performance.


"You mean facts like Mueller conceding in the indictments handed down today against several Russians for identity fraud that Trump's campaign officials had no knowledge of the Russian conspiracy?"

The indictments did not state that Trump's campaign DID NOT have knowledge of a conspiracy, either. Just because it wasn't mentioned yet doesn't mean there's not more to come. It's not an exoneration, Ivan.


"And what a petty, fringe conspiracy it was, with absolutely no impact on the election."

Again, not proven. But just the mere fact that the Russians actually acted to subvert the election process would strongly suggest that yes, there was probably some influence on it.


"...not to mention 95% of our domestic media being in a corrupt relationship with Democrats,"

You mean as opposed to 95% of the conservative media that represents the greedy, racist, libertarian cowboy assholes that sieg heil to any talking point that reinforces their dinosaur philospphy?


The indictments did not state that Trump's campaign DID NOT have knowledge of a conspiracy, either.

Or that you didn't, "Sandoz", if that is your real name. Gasp!

And actually they did go out of their way to stress that when the Russians contacted some Trump campaign officials the latter were "unwitting". That's evidence they weren't in on any conspiracy.

"But just the mere fact that the Russians actually acted to subvert the election process would strongly suggest that yes, there was probably some influence on it."

Nope. 13 trolls in a country of over 300 million and their reported acts amounted to nothing. They weren't even always pro-Trump. Sometimes they were anti-Trump. Apparently CNN, MSNBC, and Michael Moore participated in one of the anti-Trump rallies the Russians set up. LOL! Who's "Ivan" again?


"13 trolls in a country of over 300 million and their reported acts amounted to nothing."

YOUR opinion. More like wishful thinking, or head-in-the-sand thinking to be more precise. Their activity was tracked and these bots had their posts forwarded and retweeted to hundreds of thousands other users, and who knows how many or them sent them to others, too? I'd say that's pretty conclusively SOME impact. They even sent out phony rally information that some people attended, so that blows your whole claim of "acts amounted to nothing" out of the water.


" They weren't even always pro-Trump. Sometimes they were anti-Trump."

Their purpose wasn't solely to support The Donald; their primary goal was to sow discontent and create division for the electoral process which, judging from the disharmonious 2016 election this country just endured, was clearly apparent.

And by the way, Trumpettes claiming they were "unwitting" doesn't excuse anything. You don't have to initiate contact to be guilty of collusion, all you need to do is accept the help. And ignorance of the law is no excuse, but for the half-wits and no-wits working in the Trump Administration, it certainly explains some things.


""Sandoz", if that is your real name. Gasp!"

Oh, that's hilarious, krl97a.... Hmm, wonder which of our handles sounds more like a Bot?


No, the people going after Trump acknowledged they were "unwitting", moron. And how millions of people watched or read leftist media every day, domestic and foreign? "Hundreds of thousands"? They just saw some lame ad of the type virtually everyone ignores? You're just proving that it had no impact on the election.

Oh, that's hilarious, krl97a.... Hmm, wonder which of our handles sounds more like a Bot?

Now you think I'M a Russian software program, LOL? At least you're not a complete nutjob or anything....


Now you think I'M a Russian software program, LOL? At least you're not a complete nutjob or anything....

Have you any Uranium One shares to trade, Komrade?


Da, thanks to our special asset in the US, code named Hildebeast.


So, I pointed out actual collusion between Democrats and Russian actors. I was not posting my opinion and I was not speculating. I posted FACTS. What FACTS are there that prove that Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia?


Democrats: *crickets*


What FACTS are there that prove that Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with Russia?

Trump--and his sheepy-followers--all seem to have jumped on the fact that the indictments said nothing about his campaign colluding with Russia as though that proves it didn't happen.

It proves no such thing. Mueller possesses some qualities that Rump doesn't, one of them being patience. There is more to come, and naming some actual Russians involved proves that this wasn't just a hoax, which Rump has endlessly claimed for nearly a year now.

And by the way, how can anyone feel good about a President who can't even bring himself to CONDEMN the Russians for doing what has now been proven of interfering with our election process? That's the real sound of "crickets" here.


So zero evidence, huh? That's what I thought. The "hoax" Trump talks about was that this was somehow turned into a Trump scandal by the left. It was a hoax.


Their are 13 indictments against Russians, 1 named American, and 1 unnamed American, that make you just another liar when you state you believe "it was just a hoax."


But no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. You know, what Democrats have gone all in on for over a year, and what Trump actually (and correctly) keeps calling a hoax.


So sorry that Mueller isn't working fast enough to satisfy your impatience. You see, he is something that Trump isn't--COMPETENT at his job, so he's taking his time nailing Trump's crooked associates FIRST before he reveals what he's uncovered about collusion.

And after what he's already uncovered about Manafort and Gates regarding money laundering, bank fraud, tax evasion and assorted other misdeeds, it will be enough if he implicates every single member of the Trump regime in criminal financial deeds and they all get charged.


Except that none of those petty charges have anything to do with Trump's campaign, while collusion between Democrats and Russians actually has been found with no indictments forthcoming. There's no reason for the Mueller investigation to exist.


Multimillion-dollar tax fraud schemes, money-laundering, lying to Federal investigators are just "petty charges" to you, huh? That says a lot about your ethical value system.

5 people (so far) involved with Trump's campaign, transition, or administration have been indicted. That sounds like a pretty good justification for Mueller to proceed.

And the investigation isn't just about Russia collusion. Mueller was given leeway to uncover and prosecute "any and all crimes" that may be revealed in the course of his investigation. So five crooks have been implicated as of now, and Mueller is still working his way upwards.


None of that has anything to do with Trump's campaign or Trump himself. Special prosecutors always find a way to get some convictions to justify their existence, even when there is no underlying crime. Take the Plame "scandal". After months of the leftist media and Democrats hysterically blaming Bush, it turned out anti-Bush guy Richard Armitage leaked her CIA status, not the White House, and he wasn't even indicted. Fitzgerald already knew there was no underlying crime but he prosecuted Scooter Libby anyway in a perjury trap because he remembered a couple of conversations from many months earlier in the wrong order. Poor Libby spent a year in prison and only got out eventually because Bush finally commuted his sentence.

These guys manufacture "crimes" to prosecute if nothing else, things they could get pretty much anyone on. The "crimes" in question here are process things like Manafort failing to properly register as a lobbyist and a perjury trap for Flynn eerily reminiscent of how Libby got railroaded. It's mostly over stuff that happened years earlier.

Manafort and Gates both worked with the Podesta Group at the time the main "crimes" took place. The Podesta Group was co-founded by Tony and John Podesta, and the latter was Hillary Clinton's campaign manager. Even with these crimes there are closer ties to the Clinton camp than the Trump campaign. At least Ken Starr's Whitewater investigation produced a lot of convictions actually relating to underlying crimes, like Whitewater.


Blather on all you want about how "petty" you feel these charges are... It's called turning the screws, and if these crooks are going to be stupid enough to lie to the FBI, they all deserve to be charged with that to send a message to the rest of these Trump clowns to come clean when they're interviewed.


Except Dems and swamp rats like Comey, Clinton, Uma Aberdeen, etc. can lie to the FBI, lie to Congress, illegally orchestrate leaks involving classified material, obstruct justice by destroying evidence, illegally store emails on a private server that include classified material and then share it with political confidants who don't have clearance, and illegally fail to report campaign funding going to foreign agents with impunity. You don't care one whit about the law or that double standard would bother you.

The bottom line here though is that there's zero evidence of any Trump/Russia collusion.


Indictments against "unnamed" operatives whose actions directly resulted in just how many votes were cast in any election, let alone a US election?



They tried to steal an election but failed.


Trump--and his sheepy-followers--all seem to have jumped on the fact that the indictments said nothing about his campaign colluding with Russia as though that proves it didn't happen.

It proves no such thing. Mueller possesses some qualities that Rump doesn't, one of them being patience. There is more to come,



Not to mention they don't say a word about Hillary selling the rights to mine 20% of US uranium to the Russians, allowing them to mine for uranium on OUR SOIL, while they sell it to Iranians so THEY can build missiles to shoot at US. And then there are the Russian guys who were working on HER team, which you can read about online in the article "The Death of the Grown-Up."


Turns out Sandoze is wrong, as usual! Check out DNC collusion:



“Flowing in over an eighteen month period was $3.1 million from the Ukrainians. There was $142,000 that showed up from a Kazakh oligarch, and then there was a mysterious $1.2 million from a limited liability company that nobody seems to know where it exists [and] that funneled the money to a small Swiss bank that has been implicated in international money laundering,” Schweizer said.

“Flowing out of the account is hundreds of thousands of dollars into the personal banking accounts of Hunter Biden himself. $142,000 to a luxury auto dealership. Another $182,000 to a luxury watch company. This is all just from one account,” he stated.


Its quite possible that the investigation into the investigation could be bad for a lot of people. All of this started in 2016.
