Accomplishments During Trump's First Year.
- Defeated ISIS caliphate.
- Consecutive quarters of 3%+ GDP growth.
- Repeal of Obamacare individual mandate, making America a free country again.
- Appointed judges who respect the Constitution, most notably Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
- Long needed tax reform slashing rates across the board, simplifying the code and leveling the playing field by eliminating most deductions, lowering the corporate rate from world's highest to slightly below global average, and switching from a global scheme to a territorial one which brings the US in line with the rest of the world and encourages companies to repatriate revenue from overseas operations.
- Massive executive deregulation, and new rules restricting new regulatory creep.
- Strong start to badly needed Veterans Affairs reform with legislation and executive action.
- First president to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
- Dow up a record 5,000+ points in one year (actually up around 6,400 points from the election).
- Consumer and investor confidence have surged to long time highs.
- Finally opened up portions of ANWR for responsible oil drilling.
- Finally approved Keystone pipeline.
- Began the process of exposing corrupt federal bureaucrats prone to abusing their power (aka "deep state" or "the swamp").
- Tweaking the media drew it offside, particularly CNN, causing it to expose its own corruption, bias, and dishonesty to all honest people who still doubted it.
- Reignited NASA's defunct deep space manned program with a focus on a permanent lunar presence as the first big step, essentially restoring Bush's Vision for Space Exploration.
- Ended the previous administration's insane "War on Coal".
- Reasserted strong American leadership abroad, a welcome relief to allies and disconcerting to foes.
- Openly identified Islamist ideology as the terror related enemy of free civilization, and rallied most Muslim nations into openly agreeing and pledging action to combat it.
- Changed to controlling military operations in Afghanistan and elsewhere with goal oriented parameters dictated by facts on the ground, as opposed to artificially imposing politically motivated time tables and undermining troops by publicly announcing things like arbitrary withdrawal dates.
- Pulled US out of various bad international deals and began the process of renegotiating better deals in other cases like NAFTA.
- Restored missile defense agreements with East/Central European allies that had been broken by the previous administration in an attempt to appease Putin.
- Ended previous administration's strategy of trying to hand over the entire Middle East to Russian/Iranian dominance.
- Reaffirmed American credibility by finally backing up Obama's "Red Line" in Syria, responding to preparations to launch another chemical weapons attack with a missile strike on the pertinent base.
Top priorities recommended for this year: Build the wall; end the sequester and ramp up military spending enough to truly fix pervasive problems.
Secondary priorities: An infrastructure bill that actually fixes the infrastructure (and maybe funds the space program), unlike the failed pork/kick back laden Obama "stimulus"; welfare reform of the type Republicans got Clinton to sign in the 1990s but Obama largely undid; healthcare reform, possibly piecemeal in various bills; RAISE Act immigration reform provisions.