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Accomplishments During Trump's First Year.

- Defeated ISIS caliphate.
- Consecutive quarters of 3%+ GDP growth.
- Repeal of Obamacare individual mandate, making America a free country again.
- Appointed judges who respect the Constitution, most notably Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
- Long needed tax reform slashing rates across the board, simplifying the code and leveling the playing field by eliminating most deductions, lowering the corporate rate from world's highest to slightly below global average, and switching from a global scheme to a territorial one which brings the US in line with the rest of the world and encourages companies to repatriate revenue from overseas operations.
- Massive executive deregulation, and new rules restricting new regulatory creep.
- Strong start to badly needed Veterans Affairs reform with legislation and executive action.
- First president to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
- Dow up a record 5,000+ points in one year (actually up around 6,400 points from the election).
- Consumer and investor confidence have surged to long time highs.
- Finally opened up portions of ANWR for responsible oil drilling.
- Finally approved Keystone pipeline.
- Began the process of exposing corrupt federal bureaucrats prone to abusing their power (aka "deep state" or "the swamp").
- Tweaking the media drew it offside, particularly CNN, causing it to expose its own corruption, bias, and dishonesty to all honest people who still doubted it.
- Reignited NASA's defunct deep space manned program with a focus on a permanent lunar presence as the first big step, essentially restoring Bush's Vision for Space Exploration.
- Ended the previous administration's insane "War on Coal".
- Reasserted strong American leadership abroad, a welcome relief to allies and disconcerting to foes.
- Openly identified Islamist ideology as the terror related enemy of free civilization, and rallied most Muslim nations into openly agreeing and pledging action to combat it.
- Changed to controlling military operations in Afghanistan and elsewhere with goal oriented parameters dictated by facts on the ground, as opposed to artificially imposing politically motivated time tables and undermining troops by publicly announcing things like arbitrary withdrawal dates.
- Pulled US out of various bad international deals and began the process of renegotiating better deals in other cases like NAFTA.
- Restored missile defense agreements with East/Central European allies that had been broken by the previous administration in an attempt to appease Putin.
- Ended previous administration's strategy of trying to hand over the entire Middle East to Russian/Iranian dominance.
- Reaffirmed American credibility by finally backing up Obama's "Red Line" in Syria, responding to preparations to launch another chemical weapons attack with a missile strike on the pertinent base.

Top priorities recommended for this year: Build the wall; end the sequester and ramp up military spending enough to truly fix pervasive problems.

Secondary priorities: An infrastructure bill that actually fixes the infrastructure (and maybe funds the space program), unlike the failed pork/kick back laden Obama "stimulus"; welfare reform of the type Republicans got Clinton to sign in the 1990s but Obama largely undid; healthcare reform, possibly piecemeal in various bills; RAISE Act immigration reform provisions.


Trump's only real priority, as far as he's concerned, is to avoid further implication in the Russia scandal...a priority he is unlikely to achieve.

And just wait until his history of financial shenanigans becomes more widely known...he'll have a whole bunch of new priorities then.


Otherwise known as Sandoz's masturbational fantasy.


Deflect. Distract.

The truth will set you free. Unless you're a greedy racist Republican dinosaur.


I'm deflecting? You're the one posting your masturbational fantasy in response to the reality of Trump's accomplishments.


The only thing Trump is accomplishing is tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people and replacing them with weakened and emasculated departments and policies that are designed to serve the will of corporations and oligarchs (like himself) who will be able to line their pockets with even larger profits.


"The only thing Trump is accomplishing..."

Whaaa, whaa, whaa. As Obama pointed out, elections have consequences. Of course you're not going to like anything Trump is doing. Just like I didn't like anything Obama did.

But let's take a look at several items on the list:

- Defeated ISIS caliphate.

Sandoz: "That's tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people!"

- Consecutive quarters of 3%+ GDP growth.

Sandoz: "That's tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people!"

- Appointed judges who respect the Constitution.

Sandoz: "That's tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people!"

- Long needed tax reform

Sandoz: "That's tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people!"

- Strong start to Veterans Affairs reform with legislation and executive action.

Sandoz: "That's tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people!"

- First president to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Sandoz: "That's tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people!"

- Dow up a record 5,000+ points in one year (up 6,400 points from the election).

Sandoz: "That's tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people!"

- Consumer and investor confidence surged to long time highs.

Sandoz: "That's tearing apart and ripping away those parts of the American government that actually aid and assist its people!"

It's obvious that your hatred of Trump has blinded you to any good thing he's done for this country, and you'll never give him credit.

In other words, it's impossible to take your opinion seriously.


It is telling to juxtapose those concrete accomplishments that have a positive impact on people's real lives, and the Sandoz/Democrat response, "..but...but...Russia! Tweets!" There's an emptiness and a sad disconnect in the latter.


It's called Treason, pal. Look it up.


I did, and by the entry were the pictures of a long row of left wingers, including Alger Hiss, Congressman Samuel Dickstein (D-NY; paid Soviet agent), Harry Hopkins, the Rosenbergs, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jane Fonda, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Jerry Brown and many others, all of whom betrayed their trust by selling out or waging war against the American people in one way or another.

Basically the opposite of what Trump's done.


"...betrayed their trust by selling out or waging war against the American people in one way or another. "

Conspiring with a foreign government to affect Presidential election results. That appears to meet your definition above.

But regardless if it will be proven or not, Trumpie's problem now is that he and his gang of fools evidently took the accusations seriously enough AFTER he became President to do all they could to cover-up and obstruct the investigation into them. That's what's gonna nail his ass to the wall.


Conspiring with a foreign government to affect Presidential election results.

So far the only people we know who did that are Democrats.

And no, as even prominent liberal law experts like Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley have pointed out, the president merely using his constitutional authority (e.g. firing an employee) isn't obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice involves actual law breaking, like committing perjury (Bill Clinton) or illegally destroying evidence (Hillary Clinton).

So far there is absolutely zero evidence of Trump colluding with Russia or obstructing justice, and given how leak crazy the hacks doing this witch hunt have been, if they had something real there's no way it wouldn't have come out by now.

You're indulging in wishful partisan fantasy while the rest of the country is getting on with making America great again.


The only person indulging in a partisan fantasy is you.

1. There IS evidence of Russian meddling in our election process.

2. There IS evidence of Trump--via his subordinates--taking meetings with Russians and welcoming their help during his campaign.

3. The two congressional committees who were supposed to be investigating these issues have been derailed by Republican hatchet-men who are trying to derail these investigations by distracting their focus to weaken the FBI and, yes once again, trying to get Republican Sieg-heilers like yourself on board by trotting old that old standby, Crooked Hillary.

4. The truth will come out. Too bad people like you are so caught up in partisanship that you'd rather keep your head in the sand...just as long as your precious "markets" keep funneling money into your pockets.


Wrong. There is zero evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. A campaign staffer taking a meeting from someone isn't illegal collusion, especially when that meeting turned out to have nothing to do with the election but was just a chance to lobby on policy as the same Russian had done with Democrats.

Meanwhile we now know Clinton's campaign and the DNC paid foreign, including Russian, agents for alleged dirt on Trump without properly disclosing the payments (which is illegal). We know the Clintons were paid millions by Russian interests with ties to the Uranium One deal while Hillary used her position as SoS to approve the transfer of 20% of the USA's uranium supply to Russian control, among many other serious scandals.

None of that has been properly investigated because in their fanaticism the left and a few hard core Never Trumper swamp rats have stonewalled that and have colluded to overturn the results of a legitimate election with this totally invented Russia/Trump collusion BS instead. It's insane that we have a special prosecutor in this diversion and waste of resources but not for anything for which there are actual underlying crimes.

Oh, and that Russian interference consisted of a few Facebook ads that mostly weren't seen until after the election, that had zero impact on people's votes anyway, and that weren't even all anti-Clinton. Many were anti-Trump and/or pro Black Lives Matter. That, and allegedly the exposure of authentic Democratic emails exposing actual Democrat corruption and collusion to subvert the election, another thing Dems have hysterically tried to distract from. Even that had little to no impact on the election since mostly just conservative blogs covered it during the campaign. Liberal outlets followed Clinton's lead in diverting to "Russia is helping Trump!" every time the topic came up.

The leftist BBC "interfered" more with our election than the Russians did, as China and other nations routinely do.


Wrong. There is plenty of CIRCUMSTANSTIAL evidence, so much so that it's preponderance justifies the continuation of this investigation. If there's smoke pouring out of a building, guess what? there is almost certain to be a fire inside. Some of us have enough common sense to realize that. You can rail and stomp your foot all you want about how the Dems are really the ones who should be investigated...go right ahead. It just makes you look like an apologist for a criminal administration. Mueller is doing his job, and even if some DOJ flunkie of Trump's fires him, he has laid the groundwork of a probe that still will uncover the truth.


Nope, you've got nothing on Trump. And while you're obsessed with getting the elected president out of office through a BS partisan Russia collusion witch hunt or any other way you can, real people's lives are improving thanks to Trump policies. ISIS is all but gone and it turns out that permanent stagnation wasn't "the new normal" Americans just had to get used to, but an eight year interlude that's now over, thank God.

If Trump's anti-opioid measures have impact and some healthcare reform gets passed we might even get life expectancy going back up instead of down as it did during Obama's last two years in office. Obama's tenure also marked the first time in many years that the murder rate rose instead of fell. Hopefully that reverses with Trump in power too.


Oh yeah, plenty of "real people's" lives are improving...Trump, his cronies, and all the other scum-sucking pigs that make astronomical profits by fixing the game in their favor. Are you one of them, too? Or just a lackey for their interests?


Trump, his cronies, and all the other scum-sucking pigs that make astronomical profits by fixing the game in their favor. Are you one of them, too? Or just a lackey for their interests?

Imagine you're a voter in middle America. A married adult raising a family. One candidate is pointing to surging economic growth, rising wages, and military victories over terrorist threats abroad. The other says.....what you just did.

Which has more appeal?


Well, if I happen to be a voter who can see past the nose on my face to what Trump's policies really have in store for my country--including myself after these tax-cuts will expire for people in my income range...the answer is pretty clear. And I'll give you a hint: it ain't Trump.

And the rising wage claim is a bunch of phoeey. No-one making under six figures is due to see their wages rise by any significant amount. But those making over that amount are sure going to.


Looks like you're wrong so far on wages, but I guess we'll see how things continue to unfold.

what Trump's policies really have in store for my country--including myself after these tax-cuts will expire for people in my income range...

You mean a return to the terrible Obama status quo? Does that mean you'll pressure Democrats to join Republicans in making those tax cuts permanent so they don't have to go through that stupid reconciliation process and its constraining artificial rules that caused the unnecessary sunset expiration in the first place?


Let me ask you a simple question: why were these tax cuts for mid/low income people not made permanent in the first place, as the ones for the wealthy were? I can't believe yourself, or anyone, actually has the faith to believe these will ever become permanent, especially since after a trillion and a half dollars are added to the deficit (at least), tax cuts are the last things that will be negotiated on.

But then again, faith is often mistaken for delusion.


The personal income rate cuts for the "wealthy" (aka high earners) are temporary too. And I told you. Stupid reconciliation rules (like the Byrd rule, named for former Democratic majority leader and KKK member Robert Byrd) that uses fallacious accounting rules to constrict what laws can be made permanent, informed by the CBO (which produced that 1.5 trillion dollar deficit estimate you mention, and whose predictions are almost always wrong). Republicans had to go through reconciliation because Democrats insisted they'd filibuster otherwise, but Republicans always expressed their hope that the tax cuts would be made permanent at some point.

You didn't answer my question. Will you support Republicans' efforts to make the tax cuts permanent?


Why would I support something that is not going to happen? Republicans can "claim" they "hope" the cuts will become permanent, but why should anyone listen to these bunch of rightist, corporate shills? They instill about as much confidence as a kleptomaniac in a jewelry store. They only "claim" this to deflect criticism away from this unpopular plan. It gives people like you something to quote them on and hope it pulls the wool over their constituents' eyes.

I don't support anything in a plan created by this President. This country needs a progressive tax plan that puts the burden on the rich--where it justly belongs--not on the poor, or the middle class. Will the Democrats ever come up with something that meets these criteria? Sadly, probably not. But I'm certain whatever they would propose would be fairer than what the Stable Genius and his party of corporate drones foisted on the American people.

So I guess that's a "no."


You specifically singled out and complained about the temporary nature of certain tax cuts, and then when your bluff gets called you admit you oppose making those cuts permanent, LOL!

In fairness your behavior is identical to Democrat pundits on this issue, but this beautifully reveals how much credibility people should give anything you say, and whether or not you and those pundits are disingenuous partisan hacks.


Yeah, I'm supposed to play your game and say I support something about a tax plan that will, in the long run, not benefit the majority of tax-payers is really disingenuousness on my part....right. Get back to me when--if ever--these fantastical tax cuts occur.

Until then, how about I just stick to my original position that favors a total repeal of this cruel, idiotic tax plan in favor of something better?


It's dishonest when you begin by whining about the tax cuts only being temporary...only to concede later that you'd prefer they expire, LOL.

Democrats view letting people keep more of their own earned money as "cruel" and "idiotic". Republicans view that liberal stance as cruel, idiotic, anti-freedom, and unAmerican. Republicans recognize that pro-growth tax cuts are historically good for the economy and want them to be permanent. That's how the parties line up, and voters can make up their minds accordingly.


That's not what I said, but it's not surprising you twisted it for your own advantage.

And yes, it is cruel and idiotic they way the savings are implemented in this plan--no wait--it's not idiotic, because they're intentionally designed to SEEM like they're giving a break to lower-income households...and then, WHAM!, after a few years they expire. This will sucker in the gullible who don't bother to read the real details that the savings they will see a few tax seasons from now are only temporary. But of course, by then, it won't matter because they bought into "Making America Great!!!" already.


I represented your rhetoric accurately, and now you're doubling down on saying the tax cut expiration in several years will be "cruel", LOL. I agree. The Obama status quo sucked. All the more reason to make the tax cuts permanent so they don't expire. Problem solved.


Read the mueller report knucklehead!


LOL! You mean the one written by the Never Trumper swamp rat that still exonerated him? The one that found no evidence of collusion by any Trump associate?


TRump claimed the report exonerated him, then called him a swamp rat!?! Which is which? lol


They're not mutually exclusive, halfwit. That Mueller's a Trump hater, lifelong swamp rat, and personal buddy of James Comey who hired a bunch of rabid Democrats as his "investigative" team, including friends and lawyers of the Clintons, and spent two years abusing his power with the sleaziest tactics imaginable with unlimited tax payer funding and he still couldn't nail Trump just underscores how dramatic the reluctant exoneration is.


Your confused
Read the report!


I posted the url to the .pdf, IF you actually did read it you'd be able to cite it, with authority!

Alas...none seen.



If you actually believe that nonsense, then congratulations ! You’ve been conned and brainwashed by an orange idiot!


Has your leader Rachel Maddow exposed the Putin/Trump conspiracy yet, lol?


SmegmaWolf: - Defeated ISIS caliphate.

"What Trump left unsaid was that his administration is pursuing a strategy against ISIS largely formulated under President Barack Obama."

SmegmaWolf: - Consecutive quarters of 3%+ GDP growth.

Again, rode the coattails of Obama who pulled the country out of the economic collapse that transpired from the policies of another corporate whore, GWBush.

SmegmaWolf: - Appointed judges who respect the Constitution.

Yep, more pseudo-fascists and shills for the corporatocracy. And Trump doesn't even know what the Constitution is. "How can he protect something that he doesn’t seem to grasp, and whose underlying philosophy he seems outright hostile to?"

SmegmaWolf: - Long needed tax reform

Yep, those 1%er's needed some tax relief. Oh, and real nice that this "reform" is due to add 1&1/2 TRILLION to the deficit.

SmegmaWolf: - Strong start to Veterans Affairs reform with legislation and executive action.

Yep, those Vets will get the tough love they need now. They don't need artificial limbs or PTSD counseling. They'll appreciate just "sucking it up" and being macho.

SmegmaWolf: - First president to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

Nearly universally condemned by every other nation on earth. You know, those with governments run by adults.

SmegmaWolf: - Dow up a record 5,000+ points in one year (up 6,400 points from the election).

Stock market had recovered under Obama. Trump just boosted it with his corporate-suck-up EO's to give a longer hand-up to his business buddies.

SmegmaWolf: - Consumer and investor confidence surged to long time highs.

Again, these were bolstered by Obama.


Typical libtard. Either give Obama credit for Trump's successes, or deny that they're successes.



Bend over for Trump a little lower...he'll be happy to service you.


Don't project your fantasies onto me.


Writes SmegmaWolf, while staring lovingly at the picture of Donnie tacked up in his bedroom.


More fantasies from Sandoz.

They're quite revealing about you. :)


Is it a full profile picture of Donnie you do your business to, or just a head shot?


Keep on projecting.

And typing one-handed.


Wow, you've been away for awhile... You must have gotten a whole new collection of Donnie pics, didn't ya?


Still jerking it, I see.

And it's hilarious how you'd rather talk about this than admit that Trump is doing exactly what he said he'd do, and why he was voted into office. Just because you don't like his accomplishments, doesn't invalidate them. Elections have consequences.

Also love how you try to give Obama credit for everything Trump's done. ISIS THRIVED under Obama, but somehow it Obama's strategy that wiped them out. The stock market was anemic during Obama's term, and it suddenly surged when Trump got ELECTED, but somehow Obama gets the credit. Same thing with consumer confidence, skyrocketing with Trump, but you insist it's Obama's doing.

Really? Who's sucking whose dick? You obviously have Obama deep in your throat.

You're a joke.


And you bend over just like a deluded true believer. Obama deserves the majority of the credit for things you're pasting on Trump because he was the one who began the recovery that dragged the country out of the financial mess Republican dicktards like yourself got us into in the first place. It's called "giving credit where credit is due", but as a Repooplican you wouldn't know anything about involves fairness, and facing reality, too.

Now feel free to return to jerking off over your heartthrob Donnie's "accomplishments" the country slides even further into the cesspool of oligarchy.


"out of the financial mess Republican dicktards like yourself got us into in the first place."

Fucking delusional. It was the Democrats who set off the prime lending fiasco, by forcing the government to give loans to people who had no chance of paying them off. Pandering to their base like they always do, with other people's money.

And Obama sat on a tepid economy for eight years, and everyone knew it. Which is why the stock market took off the day after Trump was elected. Because they knew the dumbass Democrats wouldn't be in charge anymore. The Stock Market works on confidence, and they had no confidence left in Obama.

So keep up your delusional dreams that Obama is responsible for Trump's achievements. It's fucking pathetic that you have to have a Republican elected for a Democrat to take claim for the ensuing good news.

Oh, and remember this?:

CUBAN: There is 'no doubt in my mind' the market will crash if Trump wins

Mark Cuban is bearish on the stock market in the event of a Trump presidency.

In an interview with Fox Business' Neil Cavuto on Tuesday, the investor and reality-TV star said that the uncertainty from a win by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump would cause a collapse in the stock market.

Cuban previously expressed this view, but he reiterated it in Tuesday's interview.

"In the event Donald wins, there is no doubt in my mind the market tanks," Cuban said.

ALL of you assholes were predicting the Stock Market would plunge if Trump was elected. Now that your predictions have not only been proven to be bullshit, and the stocks are soaring, you want to give Obama credit for it.

What a fucking joke. It's obvious you know nothing about the market, and everything about sucking Obama's dick.


LOL! You realize opinion pieces from partisan hacks with long track records of wrong predictions mean virtually nothing, don't you?

"Again, rode the coattails of Obama who pulled the country out of the economic collapse that transpired from the policies of another corporate whore, GWBush."

Nope. After Dems Dodd/Frank led the government intervention that caused the housing collapse, Obama inherited an economy that had already been stabilized by Bush and was poised to get the credit for the ensuing recovery, which is typically strong following a strong downturn. All he had to do was sit there. Instead Obama spent eight years stomping on the economy with socialistic tax/regulatory impositions and anti-business rhetoric so constant that even former supporters like Steve Jobs criticized him for it.

GDP growth was an anemic 1.5% for 2016, even slower than the year before, so things were moving in the wrong direction under Obama. Heck, even life expectancy declined during Obama's last two years, a rare feat (Thanks, Obamacare! Ostensibly drug abuse was chiefly to blame, but either way so much for leftists dishonestly using the LE stat to push government healthcare).

Obama is the only US president to preside over zero years of 3% GDP growth. He gave us a period of deeply unAmerican stagnation unprecedented in US history and called it "the new normal". What little growth occurred was swamped by illegal aliens encouraged by Obama, suppressing wages.

Trump's election undeniably marked a huge surge in economic confidence because business owners, investors, and workers finally saw impending relief from the restraints and a chance to breathe freely again. Enormous resources and energy had been sitting on the sidelines just waiting to be unleashed. The stock market is the one thing that had done fairly well under Obama, but only because the Fed was dumping money almost directly into it. The economy sucked, hence the disconnect between Wall Street and median income.


By contrast the record setting surge following Trump's election has been despite the Fed raising rates and has been much healthier because it’s based on optimism about the overall economy and Trump’s agenda in particular. Remember that Democrats have been wrong all the way. During the campaign CNN had headlines like “A Trump win would sink stocks.” (Oct. 24, 2016, Heather Long) and on election night the NYT’s Paul Krugman declared that the stock market would “NEVER recover” from Trump’s win (LOL!). The next day the Dow soared 257 points and has gone up almost 7,000 points (about 38%) in slightly over a year (even better than when I posted the op a few days ago).

And this wasn’t a bounce back from a trough where it’s easy to get rapid growth (like a rubber band snapping). All this was on top of an “already recovered” stock market (as you put it), making it even more impressive.

By contrast the day after Obama was elected the Dow plunged 486 points and fell over 2,000 points over the 16 days following the election, before eventually recovering due to the aforementioned Fed policy.

In the eight years from Obama’s election to Trump’s the Dow went up about 8,500 points. It’s gone up almost 7,000 points in slightly more than one year since Trump’s election.

Big difference. Those other metrics like consumer and business confidence all surged immediately after Trump’s election too. No honest person denies that’s because of Trump.


When I began arguing for switching from a global tax scheme to a territorial one several years ago there were news stories about Apple keeping over 100 billion dollars overseas. Now they’re announcing they’re repatriating 200 billion dollars due entirely to Trump’s tax reform, and other companies are following suit.

The bottom line is you’re wrong. The economy is doing so much better because Trump is the opposite of Obama.

“And Trump doesn't even know what the Constitution is.”

Gorsuch does. Thanks to Trump he’s on the bench instead of some leftist activist.

"What Trump left unsaid was that his administration is pursuing a strategy against ISIS largely formulated under President Barack Obama."

Hogwash. After Obama caused the rise of ISIS through the combination of withdrawing from Iraq against military advice in 2011 and ineptly handling the Syria crisis, he did just enough to keep Iraq from being completely overrun. As on other national security matters he sought to kick the can down the road. Trump ramped up US intervention with a more aggressive approach in both Iraq and Syria, taking the major ISIS strongholds. Per his general policy, he unleashed the military to get the job done.

“Yep, those Vets will get the tough love they need now. They don't need artificial limbs or PTSD counseling. They'll appreciate just "sucking it up" and being macho.”

You have it assbackwards again. They’re a lot more likely to get timely treatment under Trump than under Obama. That’s the whole point of the reforms.


“’ First president to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.’ Nearly universally condemned by every other nation on earth. You know, those with governments run by adults.”

You mean like the Muslim belt, other third world countries, and nations with nasty histories of anti-Semitism (e.g. Germany)? “Adults”? The US stood out as a republic in a world of monarchies (the "adults"?) a couple of centuries ago. Now, like then, we’re on the right side of history. What's noteworthy about the UN vote was that it was less one sided than anti-Israel votes usually have been, with over 60 nations refusing to condemn Trump's move. Guatemala has already followed suit by recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and several other nations are poised to follow. That number will only grow, not shrink, over time. It's not like the capital will ever be unrecognized by the US. Trump courageously did the right thing, and this jolt could be what ultimately spurs the Arabs into agreeing to a true peace. They needed to be disabused of the illusion that holding out would get them a better deal. If anything they’ll get a worse deal the longer this goes on.

A lot of major accomplishments in the first year. Hopefully the second year brings some too, because there's still work to do to save this country.


AKA reality.


I disagree wholeheartedly. His real priority is dismantling anything Obama ever did, regardless of what is was.....because Obama totally owned him at a correspondents dinner in 2011.



"His real priority is dismantling anything Obama ever did"

And that's a good thing. For the most part, Obama's legacy was created by his pen, and Trump has a pen also. Undoing the damage that Obama did.

"because Obama totally owned him at a correspondents dinner in 2011."

Trump told everyone what he was going to do, and the American people voted him in office because of it. The Will of the People is being realized. Your fantasies about his motives are irrelevant.


Actually, you need to google again. The will of the Electoral College was realized. The Will of the People? We'd be dealing with pantsuits if that was the case.

Not my choice for a President, but YOU'RE the one who invoked the "Will of the People"...and the popular vote did not go Donnies way.


You must've fallen asleep in Civics class. The Will of the People has been exercised through the Electoral College since this country began.
Everyone knew the rules of the election beforehand, and they designed their campaigns to win the most electoral votes. If the goal was to win the most popular votes, they would've designed their campaigns completely differently. To claim now that the popular vote has any meaning, when neither candidate was attempting to get the most popular votes, not only shows your ignorance, but reveals you as being deceitful also.
Also, if the goal had been to win the popular vote, Trump would've won that too, since he was proven to be a much better campaigner than Hillary could ever be.


In addition to what Snagswolf correctly pointed out, "pantsuits" didn't even win the so called "popular vote". More Americans voted for right leaning presidential candidates than left leaning ones.

People voted either for Trump or candidates to his right, so liberalism lost even by your own "popular vote" terms.


Wait....let me see if I'm reading this right.

Hillary got more votes than Trump, BUT she did not get more votes than Trump PLUS the other right leaning somehow that's a win for Trump?

That's.....not how elections work.

If Disney had a movie that made....100 million on a given weekend and Warner Brothers had a movie that made 70 million the same weekend and another movie that made 35 million.....the Disney movie still won the weekend.

I mean, this is a whole new level of rationalization to avoid the truth.


Wrong. Read what I wrote or count for yourself. Trump and the other right leaning candidates got more votes than Clinton and all the left leaning candidates COMBINED. To the extent the erroneously labeled "popular vote" has any moral authority, it's not on behalf of liberal policies.

That's.....not how elections work.

They don't work by a national popular vote at all, LOL. Plus if there was a national popular vote there would likely be a runoff if no one received a clear majority as there sometimes is for Senate races, and the above facts show Trump likely would have won a two person race anyway.

You're the one rationalizing to avoid the truth of Trump's victory.


No...Trump won via the electoral college, a perfectly legal and legit way of winning the Presidency. However, to try and combine the totals of "sides" or to try and discount the popular vote when YOU'RE the one who said "the American people voted him in office". They didn't. The electoral college, a group of "electors",are pledged to vote for a particular party's candidate. Again, perfectly legal....but not the "American people"....especially when the popular vote had a different result.

Also, if you want to go by totals? More people DIDN'T vote than voted for either using your logic....we don't HAVE a President? Well...that's better than either of the two yahoos that were the front-runners to be sure, but I suspect thst's not how you want to look at things.


Actually SnagsWolf said that but he's right. Electors are chosen by popular votes in each STATE, so the American people, and the states, did choose Trump. We don't have a real national popular vote (the media just applies that label to the aggregate of state vote counts). If we did have one turnout would be completely different because some who don't bother now (like liberals in Texas and conservatives in California) would vote, and the campaign would be different.

That said, there was no "different result". If you look at the full sweep of popular votes, with more going to right leaning candidates than leftist ones, keeping in mind there can only be one president, the "popular will" settles right on Trump. He got by far the most votes of any candidate on the winning ideological side, and is therefore better suited than anyone else in the race to represent the popular will. Certainly Clinton doesn't, with her and the other leftists combining for fewer votes than the right leaning candidates got. Back to the reality of our system though.

Trump's electoral college win was impressive. He swept a strong majority of states representing diverse regions and varied local interests. That illustrates why it's important to have the electoral college, so vast swathes of the country aren't disregarded.


Trump's only real priority, as far as he's concerned, is to avoid further implication in the Russia scandal...a priority he is unlikely to achieve.

Do people like you ever admit you're wrong, or are you so brainwashed that you simply move on to the next anti-Trump talking point that's fed to you?


Trump's only real priority, as far as he's concerned, is to avoid further implication in the Russia scandal...a priority he is unlikely to achieve.[/quote]

How is it that you have magically divined the contents of his mind? Are you truly so naive that you would even tender the notion that any man, let alone a President, has but ONE "priority"?


Were you dropped several times after birth?

[quote]And just wait until his history of financial shenanigans becomes more widely known...he'll have a whole bunch of new priorities then.

Was U.S Grant ever impeached?


Uh huh...I'll see your partisan froth and raise you Uranuim One, you soporific slackwit.



Oh wah, did your feelings get hurt again? Honestly one would think you'd be used to that by now.

No matter, you open border Demotards are soon to be relegated to the scrap heap of traitors, seditionsists, and outright criminals soon enough. Until then the topical spankings will simply have to suffice, virtual as they may be.



You these I give him an A+ so far.

Defeated ISIS caliphate.
- Consecutive quarters of 3%+ GDP growth.
- Repeal of Obamacare individual mandate, making America a free country again.
- Appointed judges who respect the Constitution, most notably Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
- Long needed tax reform slashing rates across the board, simplifying the code and leveling the playing field by eliminating most deductions, lowering the corporate rate from world's highest to slightly below global average, and switching from a global scheme to a territorial one which brings the US in line with the rest of the world and encourages companies to repatriate revenue from overseas operations.
- Massive executive deregulation, and new rules restricting new regulatory creep.
- Strong start to badly needed Veterans Affairs reform with legislation and executive action.
- First president to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
- Dow up a record 5,000+ points in one year (actually up around 6,400 points from the election).
- Consumer and investor confidence have surged to long time highs.
- Finally opened up portions of ANWR for responsible oil drilling.
- Finally approved Keystone pipeline.
- Began the process of exposing corrupt federal bureaucrats prone to abusing their power (aka "deep state" or "the swamp").
- Tweaking the media drew it offside, particularly CNN, causing it to expose its own corruption, bias, and dishonesty to all honest people who still doubted it.
- Reignited NASA's defunct deep space manned program with a focus on a permanent lunar presence as the first big step, essentially restoring Bush's Vision for Space Exploration.
- Ended the previous administration's insane "War on Coal".
- Reasserted strong American leadership abroad, a welcome relief to allies and disconcerting to foes.
- Openly identified Islamist ideology as the terror related enemy of free civilization, and rallied most Muslim nations into openly agreeing and pledging action to combat it.


Libtards have proven they'll NEVER give Trump credit for anything, so it's impossible to take them serious when they attempt to denigrate Trump's accomplishments.

Just like a fucking broken record, the same thing over and over and over.


This is because the core of their animus for Trump issues from a deep wellspring of self-loathing. At some basic level they know they are but common or garden variety traitors to the American dream and the inner realization of this drives them to attack those who would promote, save and venerate the Constitution of this fine land and all it stands for.

There is of course a minute glimmer of guilt that flashes before their lamestream media-cuck'd consciousness, but the signal is quickly lost in the bilious froth Hollyweird and the infotainment industry brainwash them with so at best we credit them with the common criminal's awareness of the need not to get caught as some type of transitional state to the full accountability they'll face when their last miserable breaths in this Matrix are coughed out in a torpid death rattle.


Stunningly dystopian but wholly believable analysis.

TDS is a form of mass hysteria of course, but the media's role in exacerbating and inflaming it can never be minimized.

On the plus side (somewhat) there seems to be remission of late from Bush Derangement Syndrome, so perhaps having a fresh target is a form of not a cure, but rather infection transference.
