MovieChat Forums > G1102 > Replies

G1102's Replies

Because of the stupid action in it. Well low iq, low expectations, I guess. How were your expectations regarding this show? You have to be mighty stupid to not be upset. Were you upset argentinian guy? Nice trolling bro, although it's kind of stupid and unoriginal. Great plan! The first thing you do when you have to protect a kid against the 2 most powerful beings in the known world. PS You go out get a job at a meat factory although you are friends with a ruler of an entire planet that knows your plan and your plight. Bail Organa would have been. "Here's a gazillion of (currency). You just make sure Luke is protected 24/7. Is Disney a star wars fan after removing Boyega of their poster for china? Anyway users like you need to be trolled hard low iq guy. And ffs sake people. Why do you feel the need to give this troll his time of the day? You just call him stupid and move on. Hated by stupid people, you mean, right? I smell something retarded and it's coming from the second post's s stench. Agree with you. Very entertaining show. Great to good visuals . Good music . Story wise , it's plain stupid . Mando is plain stupid and every episode from season 2 at least is riddled with nonsensical decisions by the main characters . In season 3 storm troppers should just come pre-shot at this point , just drop them where mando and the other character are shooting . For me it remains a guilty pleasure ,as long as i dumb myself down(aka turn my brain off). Kinda remind me of the prequels, which i still enjoy , altough they are not verry good. <spoiler> As an example : Are there any people that didn't thought that the most obvious decision against the krayt dragon was to strap a bantha with explosives and blow it up by remote ,instead of that retarded trap, which got a bunch of people killed? FFS trowing a granede when it attacks with it's mouth open is better than what they come up with. </spoiler> So ,fan service is required at this point to make you overlook the quality of the story and the stupidity of it. i kept expecting gus to turn up with his henchmen and kill lalo personally, just as lalo was leaving the compound thinking he had escaped. Is this some kind of drone automatism that comes into play when you don't have anything meaningful to say? I ask this because I saw that a lot of stupid people use it to make themselves look smarter. Why should you watch someone validly criticize something, when you can be like Satan 2006, a pitiful drone. I think we are supposed to see the scene as a jab to our present day mainstream media. Murray's team should have fact checked if the guy had some condition or not but as is the case today ,the race to get more clicks , more ads and more money , so does Murray wants more viewers who translates in more ads and so more money for him and the TV station. At the end of the day he just doesn't care as long as he gets to do his things and Murray just doesn't give a f*** about anything other than the means that make him stay in business. Just like in our world where fake news and clik-bait articles are shown everywhere regardless if it's the truth or anyone has to suffer, after publishing them. It's no wonder mainstream media didn't like the film as it made themselves look in the mirror. Example : the amber herd johnny deep case . The msm never cared about the truth and after recent developments they are trying to sweep the case under the rug because it paints them as morally bankrupt, unreliable and a cesspool who would do and say anything for a buck. It certainly didn't warrant murder, but by the time Murray gets shot , Arthur is pretty much insane and few things make sense to him. Don't forget their blue checkmarks on Twitter friends who would praise anything if you just throw them a bone. But, but,....muh explosions and ships rising from the ground..... droll. You need to turn your brain off aka dumb yourself down to enjoy the "finer things" in life. @furiousstyles didn't you understand it by now? This @bigt person obviously talks like this in real life so he can translate the text. "he straight up og" You are not alone bro. Strong performances by the actors, great visuals, but a boring story. It's not for everyone that's for sure. Tinfoil hat? We are way past that. Look at those who own cinemas stating that they sold all tickets, but only 5% the actual ticket buyers showed up to see the movie. Also they paid critics this time too. The first people who saw it praised it to high heaven. People with the last Jedi still somehow trusted the critics but in the last two years their credibility took a nose dive so the battle moved to the one that matters now, audiance score. How do you explain the difference in score between metacritic and imdb's user reviews vs RottenTomatoes ones? Are the metacritic and imdb's users stupid, to not see the masterpiece in RoS like the RottenTomatoes ones? How do you explain that when the movie is universally liked, the trinity ( metacritic imdb and RottenTomatoes) all show a great audience score? Example : Joker, Alita etc Negative example where they agree : Captain marvel(somewhat because RottenTomatoes did everything to bump the score up that's why it is on 49% metacritic 32 I think) the last Jedi, etc. Class action lawsuit by who and for what? It's not like you are obliged to belive or to see RT score to go to movies. Fandago sells tickets, but what does it have to do with RT score? From their terms of service 12. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES While "fandago" uses reasonable efforts to include up to date information on the Site and other Services, "fandago" makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy, timeliness, reliability, completeness or otherwise. They wouldn't. Rotten tomatoes is a private owned company. They can do whatever the hell they want. If they wanted they could have given 100% audience score and there is nothing to be done about it, legally. Of course they lose credibility, but gain some money and profit. At the end of the day that's all that matters to these companies. When money is involved credibility takes a back seat just like with almost every top critic. It started with captain marvel, but it became blatantly with terminator dark fate. Also when a movie is universal liked by the audiences we get the same score as with the joker 92 metacritic  89 rotten By this logic we can agree that metacritic audience score is flawed or vice versa, but since imdb's user reviews puts it between 55-60 we can definitely agree that rotten tomatoes is way off at 86 percent, while metacritic is closer at 50% Another example And a negative example when they didn't intervene in the rating system You can see how these two sites agreed almost every time when it comes to movies liked by the audiences.  Now RottenTomatoes suddenly decided is not trendy anymore to agree with the other two(metacritic and imdb) You can dispute my example by showing me a movie who had this descrepancy between ratings who by the way started with terminator dark fate, another franchise that at the time was/is going the way of the dodo. ROS isn't the first movie that rotten skews the reviews. Imdb user reviews again panned terminator dark fate hard. Reviews by user that gaved it between 1-6/10 are agreed upon between 80-85%. Just for the laughs go to imdb user reviews and take every review. At the bottom there is a line of text that says people agree with the comment 10/20 or 1000/2000. Even those are gravitating around 50% Those that reviewed it 5/10 are getting 2/3 agreeing with them. I can give more examples but I think this should be enaugh. Because back then top critics still had some form of credibility and studios thought they were the norm when judging a movie, but recent years saw them diverging from audiences and saw them rating movies based on politics, social issues etc. Practically they forgot to do their job so people started to emphasize audience score.