Yeah this really bugged me. I have very mixed feelings about the finale (leaning negative) which I think was the worst of the series mainly due to the lack of resolution.
I can't believe someone as machivellian, intelligent & calculating as Gus has shown himself to be would authorize such an amateur hour assassination attempt, blowing the cover of his mole by deciding on the fly to have Nacho participate (against very common sense advice to do otherwise as its face it greatly & needlessly puts Lalo in harms way & jeopardizes his usefulnes as a mole) when Nacho wasn't even supposed to be there rather than waiting until he was back in Albuquerque. The writers are really going to have to come up with some convoluted asspulls to explain how Gus gets away with this massive, uncharacteristic f*ck up without it completely blowing up in his face, somehow with the cartell and Lalo's cousins never finding out about this.
That's the finale. No significant resolutions story wise or character wise & smart characters making uncharacteristically stupid decisions.