So while critics may not like it the people watching it do. This was a good movie most of the negative reviews seem to be from people who didnt see the movie.
shareSo while critics may not like it the people watching it do. This was a good movie most of the negative reviews seem to be from people who didnt see the movie.
shareThe five-star RT "audience" reviews are filled with obvious shill posts.
"Highly satisfied with the conclusion to this beloved saga."
"The movie was phenomenal!! It tied up so many loose ends of the series of movies! So good. I plead on seeing it again many times."
"I thought this movies was freaking awesome! Love the way it ended the story!"
"I thought the movie was very well done, but more than that it was an excellent ending to the saga."
I agree with most of those maybe you havnt sen the film
shareI haven't seen it. Glad you enjoyed it.
shareDont get me wrong the movie is not perfect and has a lot of plt holes but I think is was a great way to put the skywalkers to rest. Over all a very entertaining film and now I have to go see it again today with friends. maybe a 2nd watch will change my mind.
share“...the saga.”
What a pretentious phrase.
I see those same kind of responses on Redbox, its pretty obvious they are shill or fake reviews. You can tell when a real person leaves a review.
shareTied up loose ends? How so? By killing them all off as tying up loose ends? Most general audience are generic npcs anyway so of course they'll love it. They're there to see the pew pew boom boom. Story doesn't need to make sense. Just smack in some nostalgia and they'll be like, "OMG OMG it's the character people saw when they were kids and OMG OMG." Then the idiots clap at the end of the movie as if they're watching a theater play instead of an actual movie.
shareI liked it ...but didn't love it. It most definitely had its flaws. It suffered from pacing problems...I thought the first two films were good In that respect. Also the ending scene suffered from too much on the screen. We didn't have to see a thousand ships come to help the rebels. Maybe a hundred or so. Palpatines extreme use for Force lightning was also a bit much...
sharei saw a cam rip - it really wasn't that great. But keep in mind, I thought the same thing about the previous 5 films. Only the original trilogy was any good, but.... if I were shown that trilogy now, without having seeing it first, I wouldn't be impressed either. These days I prefer fully developed characters and storylines - not fairy tales of pure good vs pure evil.
shareBest watch Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, then. Best Trek show ever!
Disney reviews. They bought the tickets to write the reviews. Simple vote manipulation, and they have every reason to do it.
shareIf they buy blocks of matinee seating, it give them more bang for the buck in verified reviews.
shareDisney or any studio for that matter dosnt buy tickets this is just one of those fake conspiracy theories idiots and trolls try and put out there hoping people will believe it
shareProve it's fake.
shareThe burden of proof is always on the person making an assertion or proposition. Shifting the burden of proof, a special case of argumentum ad ignorantium, is the fallacy of putting the burden of proof on the person who denies or questions the assertion being made. The source of the fallacy is the assumption that something is true unless proven otherwise.
shareSo to prove your point, you provide nothing to substantiate your position, then name-call those who disagree with you?
It's not the strongest position, but based on your posts, it's no doubt your only fallback.
. . . what a douche.
OP, you're referring to RottenTomatoes, which has shills influencing the ratings. Please state your source, next time.
For TROS, the Critic score has been fluctuating in the high 50s, but for the last couple of days, the Audience score has been stuck at 86%, as you say. But there have been numerous reports of Disney and other big studios manipulating the site so they can get their desired scores, but adding fake reviews and scores. The ludicrously high Critic score for Last Jedi proves this, as does the more realistic Audience score.
I've only recently referred to RT as a source of information in the last year or two, but I've come to realise that it really is inaccurate, and can be manipulated. I mean, I remember going there years ago and seeing a good sci-fi movie, Stargate, as being 0%, which was ridiculous!
As for the audiences "liking" TROS, it'd be better to check out Metacritic, which has a more accurate breakdown of both figures:
What do you say to that, OP?
So while critics may not like it the people watching it do. This was a good movie most of the negative reviews seem to be from people who didnt see the movie.
except it got a B+ cinemacore which is terrible....
curious to see how WOM is going future
Luckily It Opened to an awesome 190 + OW....so box office is still going to be great no matter what....but I cant help but wonder about the Cinemascore...
I'd also like add for me now, The Star Wars franchise is probably the single Oddest franchise in History....
I've never seen a franchise where the films consistently Make EARTH shattering type money Yet The films are disliked by The fan base...
It truly seems to be impossible to Make a Star Wars film that will please Fans, which is just so ODD....
I can not think of another Franchise where The Fan base is so unhappy...yet still turn out for movies...
The 3 Lucus prequels are pretty much Hated by The fan base...
The 3 newest SW films are Hated,Disliked and considered Disappointing...
Rogue One is the only SW film thats been made that at least somewhat didnt disappoint the Fan Base...
overall its astonishing to me,
That A. ---Star Wars has such a hardcore fan base that LOVES Star Wars , Yet Hates almost every movie that his made about the characters and franchise they love....
and B---Somehow despite Near Universal Hatred from Star Wars fans about the movies(literally 7 out of 8) They still show up in FULL Force for the films...
I cant think of a franchise or fan base that even remotely does the same thing...
The DCEU is the closest I can think of after having 5 of 7 Universally hated film
But still we saw a HUGE decline in Box office, We saw the fan base Not continue to show up in FULL Force...
at this point, I'm not sure its possible for anyone to make a SW films that the fan base will like which is just incredibly ODD
Amen to all of this. Honestly it's impossible to please this fan base. Anything after the ot trilogy will not be accepted by the fan base.
shareIm a big fan like most of the movies didnt like episode 1 cause of the kid and Jar Jar and the last jedi needed a lot of work
share100%. First off, I’ll be mainly addressing the not-so-unbiased fans/trolls that dedicate their time to throwing fits over the new Star Wars films (duh). So, most of this board. Alright. Here’s a fact: no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans themselves. Some, even including several of these lunatic propagandists on the reich that want to convince everyone that Disney pays off critics (the “real reason” critical praise was given to Force Awakens, Last Jedi, a myriad of other films Disney has put out etc) and are now paying off Rotten Tomatoes so ROS can carry a positive audience score (why even bother with these Alex “puke” Jones-esque fools and their nonsense?), will claim they only want a good film and they’ll make other funny “unbiased” excuses (“Disney doesn’t understand MY Star Wars!”). But you know that’s mostly complete bs. This fan base... obviously not every fan but definitely a lot of those that consider the OG trilogy sacred... just lives to hate and complain.
Amusing though, I’m positive if social media was around back when the holy Empire Strikes Back came out, a good amount of A New Hope fans would’ve been complaining ad nauseam about what they didn’t like in the most beloved Star Wars film. Sure, while this is difficult to imagine today, I have no doubts whatsoever plenty of old fans would have taken issue with some of the things that happened in Empire and they would undoubtedly express their dissatisfaction/anger online like you see them do today. What about some ROTJ backlash as well? “How the f$&@ could THE Emperor be defeated like that?!? He got thrown down a shaft?! So not radical, brah! And the same goes for the ultimate badass Boba Fett! What a waste!! And what was up with those creepy teddy bear muppets?! Barf me out, man! This franchise has lost its way!“ XD
Now, naturally a bunch of those who DETESTED the heavily criticized prequels are saying they want Lucas back since they hated the new films so much. He’s the savior! LOL. Petty, hard-to-please and toxic doesn’t even begin to describe many in this fanbase. Of all the movie franchises with lousy fan bases, this one easily takes the cake.
Side note: looking forward to seeing ROS again :)
Welcome to the real world.
The score has been fixed since 6000 votes.
Fandango's CEO, the owner of RottenTomatoes, is a former Disney Exec that's worked there for 16 years. It's more than possible he's helping Disney out for damage control.
Check metacritic and imdb's user reviews which seem to be 50 50.
A lot of our 1%'ers really have this quid pro quo stuff down to a science, no wonder they think they see it everywhere lol.
shareThen why did Disney forget to buy an audience score for TLJ?
shareIt started with captain marvel, but it became blatantly with terminator dark fate.
Also when a movie is universal liked by the audiences we get the same score as with the joker
92 metacritic
89 rotten
By this logic we can agree that metacritic audience score is flawed or vice versa, but since imdb's user reviews puts it between 55-60 we can definitely agree that rotten tomatoes is way off at 86 percent, while metacritic is closer at 50%
Another example
And a negative example when they didn't intervene in the rating system
You can see how these two sites agreed almost every time when it comes to movies liked by the audiences.
Now RottenTomatoes suddenly decided is not trendy anymore to agree with the other two(metacritic and imdb)
You can dispute my example by showing me a movie who had this descrepancy between ratings who by the way started with terminator dark fate, another franchise that at the time was/is going the way of the dodo. ROS isn't the first movie that rotten skews the reviews.
Imdb user reviews again panned terminator dark fate hard. Reviews by user that gaved it between 1-6/10 are agreed upon between 80-85%.
Just for the laughs go to imdb user reviews and take every review. At the bottom there is a line of text that says people agree with the comment 10/20 or 1000/2000.
Even those are gravitating around 50%
Those that reviewed it 5/10 are getting 2/3 agreeing with them.
I can give more examples but I think this should be enaugh.
Because back then top critics still had some form of credibility and studios thought they were the norm when judging a movie, but recent years saw them diverging from audiences and saw them rating movies based on politics, social issues etc.
Practically they forgot to do their job so people started to emphasize audience score.
If RT did this they could go to jail for fraud, Disney would have to buy block of tickets, but why, more people look at the critics rating
shareThey wouldn't. Rotten tomatoes is a private owned company. They can do whatever the hell they want. If they wanted they could have given 100% audience score and there is nothing to be done about it, legally.
Of course they lose credibility, but gain some money and profit.
At the end of the day that's all that matters to these companies.
When money is involved credibility takes a back seat just like with almost every top critic.
But they sell tickets thru Fandango, they will be open to class action lawsuit. RT should really have weighted numbers where new accounts are not counted in the rating
shareClass action lawsuit by who and for what?
It's not like you are obliged to belive or to see RT score to go to movies.
Fandago sells tickets, but what does it have to do with RT score?
From their terms of service
While "fandago" uses reasonable efforts to include up to date information on the Site and other Services, "fandago" makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy, timeliness, reliability, completeness or otherwise.
The question of legality aside, the damage to their brand would be catastrophic. Rotten Tomatoes exists to aggregate ratings by critics and fans. If they are taking money from Disney in exchange for inflating the audience score, someone somewhere in the long chain of people necessary for such a scam will say something, and Rotten Tomatoes will be no more. I suppose if one lives in a world of conspiracy theories and inside jobs, this may make sense to you, but in the real world it's impossible.
Now look at it from Disney's point of view. If they were ever caught paying critics, or paying Rotten Tomatoes, or buying tickets to their own movies, they *would* be breaking the law, and subject to fines and jail time for their executives. Keeping that in mind while imagining how many hundreds, if not thousands, of people who would need to keep quiet about it all, one realizes that this is just another hare-brained conspiracy theory.
Lastly-- for the first two films, the tinfoil hat crowd was insisting that Disney had bought off the critics. Why this time are they not doing the same?
Tinfoil hat?
We are way past that.
Look at those who own cinemas stating that they sold all tickets, but only 5% the actual ticket buyers showed up to see the movie.
Also they paid critics this time too. The first people who saw it praised it to high heaven.
People with the last Jedi still somehow trusted the critics but in the last two years their credibility took a nose dive so the battle moved to the one that matters now, audiance score.
How do you explain the difference in score between metacritic and imdb's user reviews vs RottenTomatoes ones?
Are the metacritic and imdb's users stupid, to not see the masterpiece in RoS like the RottenTomatoes ones?
How do you explain that when the movie is universally liked, the trinity ( metacritic imdb and RottenTomatoes) all show a great audience score?
Example : Joker, Alita etc
Negative example where they agree :
Captain marvel(somewhat because RottenTomatoes did everything to bump the score up that's why it is on 49% metacritic 32 I think) the last Jedi, etc.