thewaitress's Replies

YES! I love her in that movie. ESPECIALLY the liquid kind. So you add the vodka or snapple does? I'm so intrigued. Tame? Can I pet one? I promise not to piss one off. Unless he doesn't want to be touched. Then I will try to run very fast. a mistress will get you into trouble! Slamming my shot glass down so hard you think I broke the table. I meant the sour cherry vodka coolers. Moosehead screams canadian. Speaking of moose, are they really that monstrous? They look so scary! I want a shot of each please. :) ...say what? Never imagined that! Must be a Canadian delicacy. I don't like the taste of beer. I've only had draft beer once though and it was less gross than other beers. I think it was Sam Adams too, can't remember. Maybe it was Blue something. I've been jonesin' for a cocktail though. I want some whiskey or rum. Keep meaning to make the trip but lazy :p Don't get too hot mowin! I used to mow shirtless and dump water on my head if I felt myself getting too hot. Do you have a big yard? I don't think I can pick. Both movies make you think, both are great stories, all kinds of sci-fi/fantasy shit thrown in there. Someone make a boxset of these movies. Although, I might give Inception a slightly higher point because of those KICKS. I thought that was so funny. she sounds like a freak. or is it all for shock value. either way, way to go chick. Especially if that blowjob thing is true. More women need to suck dick. I'm so tired of this. I just want to see some football! I don't think the NFL is a joke though, I think they are a business and they made a smart business decision. Thats nice :) I'm glad it worked with your children and that your parents did the same for you. I hear that phrase often from her and it grinds my gears. I'm guilty of using that phrase too though and I'm sure its annoying as hell. you shouldn't, i'm full of bullshit. I don't feel the need to be available or accessible to anyone - YES! I've thought this for the past few years. It has made my life so peaceful. I had the facebook and the fancy phone for a little bit. That life is not for me. trust me, i'm one of a kind :) haha i know. i really don't like that about kids today. kids love that shit. anime might work too. My daughter doesn't watch Sesame Street. I wonder if she even knows Big Bird, haha. She watches a lot of Youtube and plays way too many video games. She loves horror/sci-fi movies though so maybe you could put a round like that if you thought the kids at school would know the questions.