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Curious about something.

When did your parents/guardians/grandparents stop telling you what to do? I'm 31 and my grand mother still tells me how I should live and what I should do with my life. Of course I don't listen but I'm wondering if its something that happens with other people.

edit: ALSO! If you have children and they are over 18, do you still make suggestions or demands about their lives?


My parents have made suggestions throughout my life and so have some of my grandparents. I'm in my 40's now. I think that how it has been approached has made all the difference. Only one grandmother bothered me because she approached her suggesting with a disapproving tone as to what I was doing. My parents and my other grandma will ask questions about why I'm doing something and I'm fine with that. I also ask them in return.

I think that it is human to want to help those we love, especially our children, who will remain our children no matter how old they are.


the approach has a lot to do with it. that's how it works with me, i'm usually told in the most disapproving of tones, you shouldn't do that, you SHOULD be doing this because its what I did and I know what is best because I am older and have more life experience.


My mother stopped before I turned 18, which was great... But then she kicked in again around when I turned 35 because she became a nosy busybody when she retired.


How do you deal with it? Do you just brush her off?


A lot of the time I'm like "Okay, Mom" or I remind her that I'm quite capable.

At least she's aware of it, sometimes she comments that she knows she's doing it and says she "can't help it."


I hear that phrase often from her and it grinds my gears. I'm guilty of using that phrase too though and I'm sure its annoying as hell.


My parents never really "told" me to do anything. They always asked. I pretty much did the same thing with my kids. It worked.


Thats nice :) I'm glad it worked with your children and that your parents did the same for you.


They still do and thank God they do - one can never stop learning
