Tulsanoodles's Replies

It wasn't a "point". It was an observation and I willfully avoided extrapolating any conclusions. You can always count on the knee-jerk keyboard warrior-trolls to spin any information to confirm their bias. For me, I'm glad to see that Jumanji is having success and showing studios that Star Wars doesn't need to be the only blockbuster over the Christmas/New Year's holidays. "My ever growing fan base". Freudian slip? or you are way overinvested emotionally in a film franchise or both. Are you literate? It's worth noting, Jumanji is going to be the first movie to make more than $200M while competing with a Disney-era Star Wars movie. That's not a judgement on TLJ, but an observation that this year, there is legitimate alternative for those whose Star Wars shows are sold out or who have seen TLJ and want to see something else. Once Lucas became a mogul and stopped getting feedback from Speilberg, Coppola, DePalma and Scorsese, the fact that he was really just a special effects geek with pedestrian talent and not a film director became apparent. " dumb as a bag of hammers" but enjoyable is perfect for Star Wars. At it's best that is all it has ever been despite the claims of the self-serious "true fans" who want to convince themselves Lucas created some sort of space "Lawrence of Arabia". I understand that you think the Marvel, LOTR and GOT model of grand sweeping narratives, spread out over multiple chapters is the only way to manage a franchise. But there are as many or more, that just put the pieces together on a per film basis. I think you're projecting your own control issues onto the Star Wars development team, which is fine if you are taking a business public on the stock exchange. It can be embarrassing for creative endeavors as the DC universe is proving. If Johnson were writing and directing episode IX, I would be more confident that Rey's parents were ordinary and I like that. The whole commoner, secretly of noble birth, was played out before video games became popular and has become so trite at this point. It's also as infantile as the "waiting for a prince to sweep me off my feet" trope. Having said that, Lucas was certainly invested in it with his "midi-chlorian" mumbo jumbo and Abrams may go back to it. Maybe we'll know more in two years. Strange definition of useless. You got your "Luke, the special boy, saves the day with his long hard light saber" illusion that you've been nursing on for four decades. I knowi...it just isn't the same without the orgasmic rush of violence you've grown accustomed to. No death, no gore, no explosion so no point. Maybe Johnson feels we should stop worrying about being the hero who saves the world from over-powered bogey-men and aspire to be something different. Sounds like smart way to sidestep leaks, pointless outrage and infantile speculation and second guessing, at least until there is an actual movie released to discuss. We had "consistent storytelling" with the prequels and it was so bad. It's just an excuse to put pedestrian plot ahead of emotion and theme. The people who complain about "consistent plot" are the plothole nazis who just want a perch to look down on those actually doing the creating. They're literalist vultures with no real taste or skills who swarm every blockbuster, playing keyboard mogul before their shift at Best Buy. There is nothing wrong with a flawless narrative and I can admire the craft, but give me the narrative leaps of imagination and roller coaster emotions of a Gilliam or a Burton or a Johnson. Without those, plot is just plod. I know I have more faith in Disney than any other studio, more faith in Kennedy than I ever had in Lucas and more faith in directors with a vision than fanboys with an agenda. Maybe you should focus your talents on writing a new trilogy. 2/3rds of this one is in the can and released. No use in stabbing the bodies on the battlefield that were shot dead. Disney has had great success in all its divisions attracting a wide range of talents who have produced some of the best movies and biggest grosses in the last decade. Star Wars is just a continuation of how Disney has succeeded in attracting talent for the Marvel, the Pixar movies and their Disnet brand films. Compare this to how Warner Brothers has fared. There is no creativity without talent and talent doesn't want to work where creativity is determined by studios and/or the untalented/uncreative fanboys rigid in their preconceptions. So be it. I'm fine with it being like the Alien franchise. I'm going to be just fine either way. Just don't give me something I've had before even if I liked it or something I can come up with on my own. "That was a long time a go in a galaxy far, far away" when Star Wars was the only blockbuster franchise known and Marquand was far from a visionary talent. So exciting. Doesn't that sound predictable and limiting? What director or writer with any talent would want to do an episode if it has to be some pre-packaged fan-service because episodes are assigned "sacred" status? You don't know that there is no trilogy arc. Haters just know it is not the ones they assumed and that hurts their feelings. Even if there is no trilogy arc (are we just assuming it's a trilogy?) I think it's exciting to see what each successive director/writer does with what came before and how their creativity expands the universe. I certainly didn't need to sit through three bad films to tell me Anakin becomes Darth Vader. Clearly, Kennedy is going to do more than connect the plot points for children, like Lucas. Those that want that are going to get that sometimes i.e. Abrams and Rogue 1. But she also seems to be excited by the possibility of Johnson's subverting the whole hero's journey narrative that really just leads in a circle of violence and war. I hope Johnson gets to make his trilogy and I hope others get to get their hands in there and surprise us. Sorry, it didn't work out for the original Solo directors. I wasn't nearly as excited about Trevorrow but he might have surprised me and I am certainly open to that with any director. Who knew Adam McKay was capable of the Big Short?