MovieChat Forums > Tulsanoodles > Replies
Tulsanoodles's Replies
Even if you're correct, which you're not, the Batman franchise survived and was rebooted to even greater success. Star Wars will continue to thrive if not because of TLJ then in spite of it. That makes all the disappointed tears look that much more silly.
Damn insightful stuff. But I do think after 40 years and 7 films challenging the "safe-space" is appropriate. That it happens in an actual episode of Star Wars, makes it extraordinary, probably historic. No easily dismissed offshoot. This is in your face canon.
You are being unfair if you think Johnson is just shouting "this is all kinda stupid, innit?" There's more there. Poe's "permision to jump in an an x-wing and blow stuff up" after being chastised and Holdo's "I like that one" after Poe commits mutiny a more forgiving attitude.
Johnson is trying for something and if some people can't be open to that, that says more about their closed minds and narrow preconceptions, than Johnson's film.
Start fretting and obsessing early and often. It will markedly improve the quality of the films.
That's already been US foreign policy since the Monroe Doctrine, but you can pretend otherwise if you want.
Congratulations! You vultures have been circling for 17 days and you found another bit of flesh to feast on today. It must be very gratifying.
Only a few more months for fresh target.
Tokenism is not diversity except to the GOP
Really impressively articulated. Happy New Years! I see an alien doing an anal probe on you before the night is over.
Sorry to interject logic into this baseless conspiracy theory. Carry on with God's work.
Be patient. It'll be in Episode IX. Leia will walk in on them accidentally just as Poe is saying "use the force". Leia will say "you two make such a cute couple. I wish Luke could have found a nice man to settle down with" 20,000,000 deplorables will be rioting in the streets and Trump will want a constitutional amendment, written by Mike Pense, banning the film.
I wish these incredibly persuasive "losers" would go to work convincing the deplorables that Trump is a corrupt, traitorous, lying fool who is in endangering the future of the US and the world.
Imagine how the women must have felt for the last century of Gary Lou's in movies.
If Wicked performs similar to Les Mis, into the Woods and The Greatest Showman, it's not likely to be $200M+ valid alternative except for a much smaller niche audience.
He said he regretted that off the cuff remark and expressed his unreserved support for how the film turned out. He even chastised those implying Disney bullied him in to renouncing the original statement. None of that suggests someone who is washing their hands of the franchise. It's also not like he has prospects of a career outside of Star Wars this late in life.
You are just cherry-picking information to support the pointless speculation.
- Rose knocking Finn out of the way of the cannon which put both of their lives and the lives of everyone in the resistance in danger
I don't think the danger for the resistance changed because of her actions. She did compound Finn's mistake by destroying both of their crafts and putting herself unnecessarily in danger. They both could have easily died if not for their plot armor.
I'm more troubled by the mixed message that Holdo's suicide is a noble sacrifice and Finn's attempted sacrifice was just toxic masculinity. Insubordination helps smooth it over a bit but not really.
I don't know how much of Johnson's subversive themes will go forward into episode IX so I doubt I will get to see how Johnson would reconcile those conflicting notions of sacrifice. It is a thematic flaw in a film that addressed many interesting "assumptions" about the Star Wars universe.
On a side note, I want to know where the money is coming from to pay the arms dealers for all this very expensive equipment that gets destroyed in every film. Both sides seem have an endless supply and treat everything, including planets and their resources as disposable. WTF.
You too lazy to open BOmojo? What is wrong with you? JarJar Binks thinks you are too annoying and is blocking you.
I notice you don't cite your source. BOmojo shows TLJ outperforming R1 for this third weekend.
Actors often show up to premieres, do the talk show circuit and post enthusiastic statements on social media when they have "refused to come back". Do you have any critical reasoning skills?
You know we can easily pull up the numbers and see that you are lying. Incredibly pathetic.
If only Kennedy could hire the genius that is you with your vast knowledge of film business financial analysis, filmmaking, and " midi-chlorians".
Do you see your sentence near the end where you talk about your "ever growing fan base"?