So there is no plan....

This trilogy has no grand plan of how all three films will work together, or how the overall story arc is supposed to go? One director gets to make up a bunch of ideas and then a totally new director just gets to take the story any way he wants and make it up as they go?

Where did Rey's saber come from, how did they get it from Bespin, why did she get visions when she touched it?

Who is Rey, who left her on that planet, why is she so powerful without any training?

Who is Snoke, where did he come from, what is his story?

Everything with Luke

So all of those story lines weren't planned out with their logical progressions already roughly envisioned? They just bring in some new director and tell him do with it whatever you want. We are just making this up as we go?

So dumb.


It does seem shockingly inept for a top-tier franchise like this.


Sounds like smart way to sidestep leaks, pointless outrage and infantile speculation and second guessing, at least until there is an actual movie released to discuss.


How is not having a plan smart? That doesn't make sense. You don't seem to understand the topic.


I understand that you think the Marvel, LOTR and GOT model of grand sweeping narratives, spread out over multiple chapters is the only way to manage a franchise. But there are as many or more, that just put the pieces together on a per film basis. I think you're projecting your own control issues onto the Star Wars development team, which is fine if you are taking a business public on the stock exchange. It can be embarrassing for creative endeavors as the DC universe is proving.


Straw man argument, weak. Dodging the issue, weak. "Your" for "you're," mega weak.

Not having a coherent plan for a TRILOGY OF MOVIES, especially with such an important, high-profile franchise like Star Wars, is simply idiotic.


"Not having a coherent plan for a TRILOGY OF MOVIES, especially with such an important, high-profile franchise like Star Wars, is simply idiotic."

The Jabbas agree with this assessment.


...and you even edited your grammar mistake after the fact. You are just a sad little man.


So exciting.




All valid questions that were even presented in Force Awakens in a way that implied there was going to be further explanation into them, but then you'll have people state "Look back on the original trilogy. Who was the Emperor? They never explained who he was. Why are Luke and Leia siblings all of a sudden? The idea of Vader being Luke's father wasn't the idea at the start, he and Anakin were separate people, until Empire. The original trilogy made it up as they went along too."

Sure, that may have been the case, but George still had an outline for the trilogy overall, some tidbits were reworked around Vader being Anakin and Luke and Leia being siblings, but it worked, because there was just enough information provided in A New Hope that when those revelations came to be in Empire it still added up and if there were any inconsistencies, they could be further explained in ROTJ. Obi Wan to Luke "He was seduced by the dark side, he ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darthvader when that happened the good man who was your father was destroyed. What I told you was true from a certain point of view."

Force Awakens presented a lot of questions, The Last Jedi just threw them in the shredder. People are praising this because IT WAS SO UNEXPECTING!!!!!!!! No, it is bad writing and bad storytelling. I don't expect every detail spelled out for me, like I don't care about how Maz came in contact with the lightsaber.

What needs to be explained is Who is Snoke? Why does it seem like Kylo Ren was somehow communicating with Vader? Who and where are the Knights of Ren? How did the First Order come into power? Why did Rey get that force vision? I don't need her parents to be anyone significant, but I'd like to know why other than she is the main character as to why the saber called to her? Would it have called to any Jedi in the vicinity?


IT just seems to me that JJ is a far superior film maker to RJ a real genius when it comes to sparking interest. I wanted to see the TLJ so bad after the TFA and now the only reason I have to look forward to E9 is because JJ is coming back hopefully to save star wars for the 2nd time.

RJ had no idea what to do with all of those ideas set up in TFA. That's not his style of thinking so he trashed it all. His conclusions to all the questions were the laziest weakest path anybody could have taken. A talent film maker would have made a movie that truly paid off. Anybody can just throw ideas out the window. What kills me the most is people are hailing it as unexpected and surprising. Lucas film should have at-least had JJ write the story or an outline for TLJ.


The plan is to make money


The plan was apparently a basic outline, without character backgrounds. This was demonstrated after Carrie Fisher died and the producers stated that the plan for the big reunion between her and Kylo had to be ditched and Episode 9 altered.

This was also before Trevorrow was fired, so there was at least one goal in the outline that his script had to match.


And you know that that is an amateurish way to approach one story...let alone a trilogy..


soap operas generally don't have full plans... they go woth the flow as they have a captive audience which has invested over many episodes... in star wars case it's decades...

it's not an issue... it is never ending...


Just you wait, Jar Jar is the key to all of this...


So true!
