Sandman81's Replies

Adonis mentions that his mother told him that she never spoke to Rocky after Apollo's funeral. But his eulogy was really nice. Rocky agrees with both of these statements. I don't think I would consider him detached. When they reached the airport in Paris while Kate and the kids are calling people, he is at the desk desperately trying to find a way for them to get home. And he's definitely getting frustrated with the lady at the desk. Not sure where you got that he was happy to look after the kids while Kate stayed at the airport. He very reluctantly agreed to have her do that. Then the only time we see him in Paris, he is yelling at someone on the phone, struggling with the language barrier. And they still did take the Friday flight home, which was the earliest they all could have all gone. And when they got home he was very relieved and overjoyed to see Kevin, and greets him with a big hug. But all the other kids also want to see him, so he then moves over to his wife. When Michael says Toby is corporate, he means that Toby works directly for the corporate office in New York. Michael is not his supervisor, and he does not answer to Michael in any way. Speed 3 should be far away in deep, deep space. As in a place where no one would ever have to see it, ever. It wasn't just that he was cheap, he was cheap to point of not caring if it made himself and everyone around him miserable. Aside from keeping his office bitterly cold, and paying his assistant the lowest amount he could, he lived in a miserable looking house, and ate gruel. While no one should ever feel forced to give to charity, the fact that he was a very wealthy man, with no family of his own, he probably could have spared a few dollars to help the less fortunate. Not only did he decline, but he insulted the men who asked. He chased off anyone who ever tried to love him. He chose to pursuit of money over the woman he loved, even though his mentor warned him about such. And he refused to waste even a moment to have a relationship with his nephew, who despite being constantly rebuffed, continues to try and connect with his uncle. Lucky for him, he saw the error him his ways before his nephew gave up trying. And it doesn't sound like he spent much time by Marley's bedside when he was dying. Rocky realized that they never would have screwed up anything on Apollo's poster. But if somehow they did, they would have moved heaven and Earth to fix it. The Terminator didn't have any knowledge of early 80's punk fashion. He might have just assumed it was a necessary part of the outfit, and would be needed to help him blend in to society. Or he just figured that with all the shooting and fighting he would be doing, it would be better to keep his hands protected. Jonah Hill offered to work for SAG minimum because he desperately wanted to work with Scorcese and Leo, and he knew that role and that movie would be huge for him. As he explained to Howard Stern "I took the minimum on that role, so that I could get $20 million for 22 Jump Street". Of course OJ was a suspect from the get go, but the cops did have to make sure OJ was also not a target. Finding blood outside his house, and on his car is definitely reasonable enough to enter the property. What if the real killer was there, holding OJ hostage, or what if he had been stabbed but was still alive, and there was a chance to save him. This was the middle of the night, and waiting for a search warrant could be the difference between life and death. A lot less than blood drops outside of a house have been considered probably cause before. And there was more than just a speck of blood on the door and a bit inside. There was at plenty of blood in the Bronco that was visible from the outside, and a trail of blood all over the outside of the house, and in the house to OJ's bedroom and shower. Possible ideas: Nicole came into OJ's life just as his playing career was ending. During his Hall of Fame speech OJ talks about that being the toughest time in an athletes life, and how she helped him thru it. Maybe after a few years he missed having that outlet for his anger, and his anger started bubbling up else where. Or maybe he was falling into a depression, or sense of worthlessness since he was no longer able to play the game that he was so great at. Or it's been suggested that OJ has CTE. One of the signs of that are violent mood swings and changes in someone's personality. There's a story that at USC, they didn't have a helmet that fit OJ, so they had to take some of the padding out of one. Over time this would lead to more head injuries and the potential for long term problems. He definitely felt it. But by the time Leatherface stopped cutting, he would have lost consciousness from massive blood loss. Doubtful he would have been alive for more than a few minutes after that, but even if he was, he wasn't conscious for it. Two things about Charles Minor that made him a bad guy: 1) Turned into a major kiss-ass when David Wallace showed up. For being such a no-nonsense straight shooting kind of guy, he had no problem saying whatever David Wallace wanted to hear. 2) At the company picnic at the end of the season, he continues taking unprovoked and unnecessary shots at Jim. Not that Jim is above reproach, but Charles is only doing it because he's still sore about how defeated he was at Scranton, and he now knows that Michael Scott is untouchable. After seeing how Michael dominated the negotiations, he knew David Wallace had much more respect for Michael than for him. And again, being the brown noser, he would never risk upsetting David Wallace, so doesn't go near Michael. So he takes the target he feels he can get away with, Jim. This makes him a coward, as well as a bully. He had a legitimate beef with the filmmakers. Not only did they use the footage from the first movie without paying him, but they made up the other actor to look like him, including using prostatics. Not only did he win a huge lawsuit, but he changes the rules for how a filmmakers can and can't use an actors likeness without permission. I've definitely noticed that about when they reshot 1's ending for the start 2. It's very noticeable that the stuntman is walking backwards on a platform that is even with the top of the railing. He falls the same way someone would if they got pushed into an in ground pool. Not sure why they wanted to reshoot the fall from that angle. We clearly see in the first one the angle from inside the house where Michael is falling backwards and tumbles over the rail. For the sake of the movie we can go with supernatural powers. Added bonus, when you watch the fall in the second movie, you can see the stunt man bounce when he hits the ground. Part of her thought it wasn't real either, and she was just going crazy. If there's a sock on the doorknob, don't come in, and you're sexiled to the couch. Just like being in the dorms in college. Michael Gross probably wanted the show to go for 10 more years because it was by far the best thing he did in his career. Other than that he did a lot of TV movies and Tremors. Lots of Tremors. The show had a 7 year run. That's amazing in and of its self. A very small percentage of scripts back then even got a pilot made. An even smaller percentage got a whole season. And just to reach that second season is an achievement. To plan on a show having a 10 year run is crazy, even if Michael J. Fox wanted to stay. When he got stabbed in the neck by the quilting needle, he was down for a few minutes until he recovered. After Laurie put a clothes hanger in his eye, then stabbed him under the chin, he was down for a few minutes. So after getting shot 6 times, and falling flat on his back off a balcony, it stands to reason that even after he got up, he would need time to recover. Whatever he wanted. Today he might want to rape her. Tomorrow gauge out an eye. After that see how far he can get a broom stick up her ass. Then maybe discuss his favorite song. Followed by more rape. She bears a striking resemblance to Janice from The Muppets band Electric Mayhem.