Sandman81's Replies

He got so scared that he somehow got south of the Wall and kept right on going. Didn't make any attempt to return to Castle Black or even East Watch to report what he saw. He was a deserted and thus execution was justified. Kind of surprising that Ned would be the one to do it. Since the Night's Watch was kind of its own entity, shouldn't Commander Mormont, or maybe 1st Rider Benjon Stark be the ones to do it? The battle lines had been drawn, and marked with white picket fences..... that were immediately karated down. Torturing conquered foes wasn't the Stark way of doing things. That was more of a Bolton, and maybe a Lannister thing to do. The Starks were back in charge of the North and Winterfell, and the Bolton's were dead. That's all that mattered to them. And getting eaten alive by his own dogs was a pretty painful and gruesome death. At the very least it made Sansa smile. And lets be honest, they probably weren't planning on leaving in a month either. They would stay there for as long as Clark and Ellen would allow. It's not like they had anywhere they needed to be. As long as no one said anything, they would stay. Clark and Ellen would have to ask them to leave before they would even consider it. And I'm sure Eddie would have some sob story and lay a guilt trip on them about why they needed to stay. It would eventually come down to Clark practically throwing them out. One reason why it might be wiser for a guy not to give the mother money until the paternity is confirmed: This really happened to Robert DeNiro. A woman he was with got pregnant and said he was the father. He had no reason to suspect otherwise, so he did make sure she had everything she needed to take care of the baby (not sure if he actually spent time with it, but noneless). Years go by, and he learns that there was the possibility of another man being the father. He demanded a paternity test, and it was revealed that he was not the father. However when he tried to stop giving the mother money, a court ordered him to continue paying child support, since the mother and child had become dependent on it. So because he tried to do the right thing, he was forced to pay for a kid who wasn't his. Early 40's would be my guess. Buzz is definitely a unlikable character. But bare in mind in regards to his room. All his shelves and belongings were trashed and laying in a big pile in his room. His tarantula, that he did actually care about, was now missing, and roaming the house somewhere, which would probably freak everyone out. Kevin took all of his money that hey had stashed on the top shelf. And to top it off, Kevin went thru his private chest. Further insult to injury, Buzz was actually nice to Kevin on Christmas when the whole family was reunited. Perhaps he would try to be nicer to his youngest brother for now on. But that went right out the window when he saw his room. I think the movie benefited more from having Harry and Marv back. If they had tried anyone new they would have been seen as rip offs, no matter who they were or what they did. Plus we get some great call backs to the previous movie. The M being scarred into Harry's hand. Harry still checking everyone door knob. The paint cans. Also in a strange way, you almost are happy for Marv and Harry when they get over on Kevin. First when they sneak around back of the Plaza rather than charging inside. Then when Kevin slips on the ice, they are there to grab him. It was made very clear that the whole block was gone, except for Old Man Marley. Because on top of being attractive, smooth talking, and knowing how to charm women, he also had a decent job. Unlike most the other men in Renee's life, Shannon actually got up at a normal time in the morning, made himself look presentable, dressed nice and was at work. And seemed to have career aspirations Possibly. But he knew they were after him and would never stop until they got him. So he did his friends a favor and basically surrendered himself one way, while they escaped from the other. Of course it was the reason they went even harder at Mitch. She brought extra attention to him that he never would have otherwise gotten. Prior to that, he was just another nameless 8th grader. Then that attention lead to Carl's Mom pulling a shotgun on O'Bannon, which lead to them seeking out Mitch's whereabouts that night and waiting for him at his baseball game. Pink. How is this even a question? And who's Mitchell? John was running from both of them at that point. While yes the T-800 did save him by shielding him from the T-1000's gun shots, John wasn't fully analyzing the situation at that point. All he knew was there was a cop searching for him and had open fire on him, and the Terminator that his mother had always warned him about. He knew he had to just get out of there. You can tell by the way he was running that he was hurt badly. When he was swinging around the chainsaw you can tell he was balancing on one leg. He does run over the hitchhiker brother, so he does provide one last kill. The only time I didn't like her was when she tried to hire Stanley away from Scranton. She was obviously doing it out of spite, not just to Jim, but to Michael whom she also blamed for most of her problems in Scranton. Then when her and Jim were alone in her office, with Jim obviously having been roped into coming along, she did everything she could to make sure the situation reached its maximum awkwardness. Not sure if this is true, but the story goes that OJ has such an abnormally large head, that USC didn't have a helmet that fit him. The only thing they could do was remove some of the protective stuffing out of one. Something else that's been stated, but not completely clear if its true, OJ's first wife claims he was never abusive and everyone from his youth says the same. He met Nicole toward the end of his playing career. Perhaps the combination of CTE and depression that is common among players in the years after retirement caused to become violent. We know for fact he was abusive of Nicole, and perhaps the anger and jealously fueled his rage to the point of murder. Not excusing his actions, or saying that he shouldn't still be in jail, but just trying to understand them. Apollo helped him get his "Eye of the Tiger" back. Aside from being in the best shape of his career, Rocky had the swagger and determination to not be intimidated by Clubber Lang.