MovieChat Forums > Eleazar > Posts
Eleazar's Posts
One thing I would wish for the show...
Fun movie for Musical & Horror Lovers
If this season really ends with going back to (spoiler)
And it's Disney... the next billion dollar movie Franchise
Wow... a DC film that is supposed to be funny and not dark & gritty
Is there any cliché left out in the trailer?
Good - people seem not to have listened to the critics ...
So they let the Shadow King *spoiler
One thing that they got right in every new SW Movie
Everything weird about the series finale
So--- who will **** in the finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D?
Aren't you all tired?
Who was missing at the wedding:
Now that they directly mentioned Thanos attack on earth--- who will ****
Poor worlds Thanos visited before the ****
How to tell Disney acquired FOX...
What I think happens to those people in Avengers 4... (spoilers)
Quiet-Place-Monsters not really a threat in the end...
That was a dark episode (s5e18)