MovieChat Forums > eYeDEF > Replies

eYeDEF's Replies

He hasn't been on a golf course since it happened. What else could have torn him away from the greens? The persistent rumor in Washington is he required three stents from a heart attack that required his check-in to Walter Reed a couple weekends ago. [url][/url] It does but trump had no choice but to sign it since it passed Congress with veto proof majorities. Unanimous in the Senate and 417-1 in the House. Had he not signed it, it would have become law after 10 days regardless. I just hope we get to see the day where we finally learn the kompromat Putin is holding on him. How can you be so ignorant that you don't know who Stephen Miller is? Regardless, the fact you're clearly not the least bit concerned about the fact that a white nationalist is one of trumps closest advisors as I've made clear to you pretty much proves you were lying about being against white nationalism. The irony is you would accuser doggie daddy of lying when you're lying yourself. Why are you lying about not knowing who Stephen Miller is? Looks like doggiedaddy has proved you're lying below. It's hard to avoid the conclusion you're lying because you're actually a white nationalist sympathizer. Doesn't matter because it's obvious you're trying to dodge my question because it reveals your rank hypocrisy and confirms uvx's point. You claim to be against white nationalism but ignore Stephen Miller. That's why it's hard to take you seriously. You've never heard of Stephen Miller? I do. Stephen Miller, it's been proven by his leaked emails. Why aren't you condemning him like you do antifa and calling for his ouster? Is it because you secretly support him? Seems awfully hypocritical of you given how often you rail against antifa to ignore the white nationalist working in this administration that you support. I think it's especially funny this happens just after his lawyer forced him to call trump and reassure him that he was just kidding about having insurance. Bad move by his lawyer when his job is supposed to be to protect his client. Well just thinking rationally, it had to be so damaging that he knew his regular dittohead followers would never be able to look at him and take him seriously again. Since the gory details of the previous sexual harassment of his former executive producer Andrea Mackris is already all out there, what he must have did this time to agree to fork over 32 million dollars to keep quiet had to be some serious Next Level type shit. I think getting bonked by a strap on would qualify and I'm quite relieved the video of that is not out there. He did us all a favor by preventing its public release and yet getting fired anyway. But forcing his victim to insert foreign objects up his ass is the only thing I could think of that might be a bridge too far for his dittoheads. Who wouldn't burst out laughing every time they saw him after that? This is a fairly common request made of dominatrixes servicing powerful men btw, so I'm not even being facetious here. I think this is quite possible. Eh? I said antifa are lawless thugs. If you don't think that answers your question then I can't help you. I agree that antifa are lawless thugs. But from what I've seen their activities are mostly confined to Portland, Oregon because their mayor won't allow the cops to move against them. A far greater issue is the rise of white nationalist militant movements. That's why I always thought it was weird how obsessed you were with antifa. I'm thinking he must have been on the receiving end of a strap-on. No wonder why you're always slamming antifa in your posts. As a Proud Boy they're your mortal enemy you battle in the streets. I was wondering what your obsession was with them. That makes sense now. Rofl! Are you really a member of the Proud Boys? He'll have his work cut out for him. TYT's Cenk Uygur is running for the same seat. The mask is coming off. These people are authoritarians. Under Obama, these same people thought appointing a member of the National Labor Relations Board during a Congressional recess was a bridge too far, a slide into government overreach. And now, under Trump, they argue that Congress has no oversight authority, condone Trump’s diverting funds duly approved by Congress while conjuring up spurious claims of national security, and cheer the gutting of the State Department and our counterintelligence capabilities. Someone once said that a libertarian is just an authoritarian without power. These goons are proving that observation correct. Too bad for them Trump's own mouth said the words in the perfect call he released that directed Zelensky to work with Rudy.