MovieChat Forums > eYeDEF > Replies
eYeDEF's Replies
Run away to what if their homes and lives are in King's Landing?
A revolt needs to be planned, organized, and led by someone with a claim to the throne and enough people need to be convinced that the claim is legitimate. Otherwise, revolting would be pointless when the mass population has been indoctrinated under monarchy. It would just be a great way to get yourself drawn and quartered for treason.
You'd cower in fear too if you couldn't convince anyone to revolt along with you.
Qyburn replaced his head with a dwarf's head that was brought to the court by a bounty hunter who was trying to pass it off as Tyrion's head to claim the reward from Cersei.
When it turned out not to be him Qyburn requested the head and it was implied he used it to revive Clegane.
As to how he's alive, this is fantasy fiction.
Cersei's on her list of people to kill, she would revel in the sweet satisfaction that would bring her.
OTOH, there are no guarantees in the battle against the dead that she'd come out a hero. As we've witnessed, huge battles are fairly chaotic affairs where anything can happen. I think she'd opt to kill Cersei, she can always join the battle later.
Theon's story line is being set up on a redemption arch for sure, or else he would have been killed off by Euron in their initial battle. I think he will end up saving Yara and causing Euron's demise, but I don't think he'll survive the confrontation.
The way the story's being set up, the one thing he has to do before he dies is save Yara.
He's definitely in love with her. Just look at his face when she pinned the medal on him signifying he was her hands. He's in love dude.