MovieChat Forums > Politics > Convicted T-rump "Coffee Boy" Papadopoul...

Convicted T-rump "Coffee Boy" Papadopoulos is running for Congress !

George Papadopoulos, who went to jail on charges related to his work for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, announced on "FOX & FRIENDS" that he is running for the 25th congressional district in California, as a Republican candidate.

“I’m here to promote the America-first agenda, and to enact legislation that has real-life consequences for the American people,” said Pappy. A special election will be held in six months, to replace the seat vacated by freshman Democrat Katie Hill, who resigned earlier this month after a sexual scandal involved her.

The former advisor to President Donald Trump who admitted lying to federal investigators about his contacts with Russians, spent 12 days in jail. At the time T-rump dismissed him as a 'coffee boy' during his campaign, but photos and other evidence proved otherwise.

Papadopoulos, 32, was a member of Trump’s foreign policy advisory panel when he ran for president in 2016. He pleaded guilty in October 2017 to lying to the FBI about contacts with a professor who promised to connect him to senior Russian officials, who led him to contact with individuals who claimed Moscow had “dirt” on Trump’s Democratic election opponent Hillary Clinton.

Sounds like the perfect Republican candidate to to promote the "America-first agenda", no?


Once again, Fox News thanks you for watching even by proxy.🤪

To replace Miss Throuple who resigned under pressure from Speaker Pelosi prior to the ethics committee from launching their investigation. After all of your slanted chepooka, yes. He's better than Miss Throuple. Was she the best the dems had to offer? D'oh!
Where's the link? Don't you want to give the Daily Beast some traffic? You mean the links are still not slanted enough for you to post? D'oh! 🤪


Can't you do your own homework and find links?

Or is your learning disability that devastating to you?


Oh I see. Like a komrade, you don't believe in due process. Like a MSM reporter, you don't know what citing sources means. D'oh! 🤪🤪🤪 What else is new, eh dogdump? Sit Ubu sit. Good boy!


Looks like you skipped special ed today, too.


I'm so flattered you have such an interest in my personal life. I didn't know I was such an interesting person for you to monitor my activities 24/7. I'll be thinking of you when I'm taking a dump, dogdump.😁🤣🤪


I'm so flattered you have such an interest in my personal life.

You would see it as that. Comprehension is not your strong suit.


Oh? So what would you call your interest in my personal life, pray tell? I hear the rusty gears churning from here. 🤣😁🤪


Who's calling it an interest in your personal life - except you?

(And congratulations on learning how to overuse emojis! )


You taken an extreme interest in my schooling it seems. What else are you going to call that?🤪🤪🤪

You don't like the emojis? But they are so expressive and appropriate to the mood! 🤪🤪🤪😁


Convicted LIAR serving up more ridiculous propaganda.


"They knew from the beginning it would never go through."

Psycho liar and ProudBoy member Childishone lied again. She can't help herself!


Well at least he is looking for work. Weiner will be on welfare the rest of his life.


You watch Fox News more than anyone on this site. Obsessed!


Once again, I don't watch FOX News. Try to keep up with the conversations.


You sure do quote it a lot. Its hard to keep up with all the lies you tell on this board. Whats Antifa doing for Thanksgiving?


I quote it from DailyBeast and RawStory. That has already been established, but facts escape you.


Fox News thanks you for watching by proxy!🤣🤣🥴🤪


How do you know they thank me?


Because Fox News thanks EVERYBODY that watches. They don't care about political affiliation. A viewer is a viewer. And if you watch by proxy, then that keeps the Daily Beast as subscribers. Damn! You're stupid. Plain and simple. 🤪🥴🤪


How do you know they thank everyone who watches ?


When they say, "thank you for watching." or "Good evening". Do you think they are saying that to only some of the people watching or ALL OF THE PEOPLE WATCHING? This is pitiful! It's like watching a person drowning. 🤪🥴🤪🥴


How do you know they say 'Thank You for watching' or 'Good evening' ?


Because ALL shows say this in one way or another. Even Sportscenter does this. This is so pitiful. Just die already. It would be a mercy kill at this point. 🤪🤪🤪


You deal in LIES.


You are a lying Proud Boy member.


Are you really a member of the Proud Boys?


Yes, she is. And other White Nationalist groups, but she pretends she's not..


Nope. I've stated it many times. Doggiedaddy is a PROVEN LIAR and has no defense so she deflects and calls names. I'm also, as everyone knows, a male. She's a child and her daily, infantile LIES and rhetoric shows this.


No wonder why you're always slamming antifa in your posts. As a Proud Boy they're your mortal enemy you battle in the streets. I was wondering what your obsession was with them.

That makes sense now.


Ya got it all wrong. I am not, have never been and never will be a member of the proud boys. You must be an antfa member too. Are you?

If you say condemning antifa as the violent hate group that they are "obsessed", I can't help you.


I agree that antifa are lawless thugs. But from what I've seen their activities are mostly confined to Portland, Oregon because their mayor won't allow the cops to move against them.

A far greater issue is the rise of white nationalist militant movements. That's why I always thought it was weird how obsessed you were with antifa.


I also fully condemn white nationalist, militant movements and ALL violent, hate groups, but you didn't answer my question.


Eh? I said antifa are lawless thugs. If you don't think that answers your question then I can't help you.


So a simple yes or no is just too much. :(


Don't let chilone fool you. She's proven herself time and time again she's a member of Proud Boys (as you've pointed out - her obsession with antifa) and other White Nationalist groups in this country. She's a proven liar.


Where's this so called proof you talk about? I have proof that you're a LIAR. You have no proof of anything which means you're LYING about that, also!! You're doubling down on your lies, like an imbecile. You're a butthurt, little gender confused LIAR and you keep trying to divert attention away from how much of a despicable LIAR you are. Put up or shut up, loser.


Trumpers label anyone they don't like as antifa. So if you're supportive of a protest, and one individual who may or may not be antifa appears, then the narrative is you support antifa. It's a silly game that tries to suggest the left is more violent than the right. It is done so that white nationalism gets a pass for their violence and is allowed to grow.


Except you have it all wrong. The majority of Trump supporters label antifa as what they are. A VIOLENT, hate group and we also condemn white supremacists and all other hate groups but you fringe kooks label ALL Trump supporters as extremists because you, yourselves are extremists.


A violent hate group that barely exists outside of Portland, yet anyone at a protest is a suspect in the eyes of a Trumper. The goal is to take attention away from white nationalism that is growing everywhere.


You have no idea where they do or do not exist and if you think for one moment that the majority of Trump supporters are or support white nationalists, you truly are living in the fringe, kook bubble. I, unlike you, know that most Democrats are reasonable people and I do not paint an ENTIRE political side with such a broad brush. Wake up.


I don't believe most Trumpers support white nationalism, but Trumpers do ignore it because they fear it may spread the reality that right-wingers are more violent than leftists. The left ignores antifa, but ignores the Proud Boys pretty much the same, because both are just a couple of thugs in a small territory that aren't worth panicking about. But White Nationalism is a growing problem. It's growing because the nationalists believe Trump is on their side.


I honestly don't know ANYONE you supports or ignores white nationalism.


I do. Stephen Miller, it's been proven by his leaked emails. Why aren't you condemning him like you do antifa and calling for his ouster? Is it because you secretly support him? Seems awfully hypocritical of you given how often you rail against antifa to ignore the white nationalist working in this administration that you support.


Didn't you read what I wrote? I said I don't know anyone. You know? Friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances.


You've never heard of Stephen Miller?


Actually no but he's not relevant to what I said.


Doesn't matter because it's obvious you're trying to dodge my question because it reveals your rank hypocrisy and confirms uvx's point.

You claim to be against white nationalism but ignore Stephen Miller. That's why it's hard to take you seriously.


I didn't dodge anything. I said I don't know who he is and the fact is, you changed the subject and apparently you expect me to deviate from my original point and address yours.


Why are you lying about not knowing who Stephen Miller is? Looks like doggiedaddy has proved you're lying below. It's hard to avoid the conclusion you're lying because you're actually a white nationalist sympathizer.


Doggiedaddy didn't prove anything. I participate in a lot of threads even when I'm not discussing the topic. I didn't discuss Stephen Miller at all in the thread. I was just calling out Diggiedaddy on her lies.


How can you be so ignorant that you don't know who Stephen Miller is? Regardless, the fact you're clearly not the least bit concerned about the fact that a white nationalist is one of trumps closest advisors as I've made clear to you pretty much proves you were lying about being against white nationalism. The irony is you would accuser doggie daddy of lying when you're lying yourself.


Do you condone the SPLC in its current state?




What am I lying about, pray tell? If Stephen Miller is a racist and/or white nationalist, I absolutely condemn him. Sorry if I don't have immediate knowledge about everyone on the socio/political stage. Do you? You've seen Doggiedaddy's lies. What do you say about them? Hypocrite.


What lies?
You're the hypocrite here.


Good grief! How about the one where Doggiedaddy said the White House Press Secretary said that impeachment is against the constitution? It's an outright lie. She never said that at all. Here's the link:


She said it's unconstitutional, which is the same as against the constitution. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?


MORON! She did not say "impeachment", which you said she said and you know it. She said undermining the president. Undermining and impeaching are not even remotely the same.




Keep deflecting, loser. It doesn't work when you got NOTHING.


Don't let her fool you - she participated in my first thread about Miller's emails two weeks ago - she kept dodging the issue, and tried her best to divert. She's a psycho-nut.


Nice try, pendeja. I didn't discuss Miller, at all.


You said you never HEARD of him today. Yet two weeks ago you responded in a thread which was all about HIM. So you heard of him two weeks ago, you idiotic LIAR!


I didn't know or care what or who that thread was about and didn't even register his name. Just like the impeachment investigation, you got nothing. I know you had your hopes up, but you failed, again.


You are a proven LIAR. You've been caught once again, and now you're trying to squirm your way out of it. Keep squirmin' - the proof is right there for you.


Nope. You are once again deflecting that it is you who is the PROVEN LIAR. Where's the proof, dimwit?


What a Liar! You participated in this conversation 2 weeks ago - now you claim you 'never heard of Stephen Miller' ?

You are nothing but a Proud Boys liar!


You're not only a PROVEN liar but you're also an abject moron. I didn't discuss Stephen Miller at all, in that thread. All I was doing in that thread was calling YOU out as the LIAR you are.


You said you never HEARD of him today. Yet two weeks ago you responded in a thread which was all about HIM. So you heard of him two weeks ago, you idiotic LIAR!


Keep grasping at straws. I still don't know who he is. Read ALL the posts I made in that thread. They're ALL about you LYING when you said the WH Press Secretary said impeachment goes against the constitution.


You're going to say you 'never heard of Miller' two weeks ago when you responded throughout in his thread?

You are such a LIAR!


Idiot. Name ONE comment I made about him in the thread, LIAR. ALL I discussed in that thread was YOU saying the WH PRESS Secretary said impeachment goes against the constitution. She never said anything of the sort, thus proving once again the you're the LIAR.


You participated in a conversation with him as the subject you moron. The thread title had his name right in it, and you commented in the thread with his name in it.

Two weeks later you LIE and say 'you never heard of him'. Called you out again that you're a proven LIAR!


You sad little what ever you are. I couldn't tell you what the last ten threads you started, that I participated in were about if my life depended on it. Your topics are all just the same mind numbing, anti T-rump rhetoric (including idiotic nicknames). I don't read your filth. I do however scan them for more of your lies to expose like I've done, previously. Your desperate, panic filled attempt to shift the focus off yourself is really sad.



There's one of your LIES.


I asked before, and I ask again - where did I directly quote her? You won't answer because you lied.


You SAID she said that and it's a LIE. Moron.


I asked before, and I ask again - where did I directly quote her? You won't answer because you lied.


We can do this all day. You said she said something she didn't say. That's what is known as a lie. There doesn't have to be a quote. If I said Doggiedaddy loves T-rump, that would be a lie. I don't have to directly quote you for that to be a lie. But you know all of this because you KNOW you're a liar.


He'll have his work cut out for him. TYT's Cenk Uygur is running for the same seat.


What does your second sentence have anything to do with your first sentence?


Hey, here's a couple of "perfect Democrats" who ran campaigns for office while IN JAIL!:

Then we have Steven Lamar Foster. He's a fine piece of Democrat work. During his DUI arrest he spewed racist remarks and said such wonderful, tolerant, inclusive things like “Eleven years I served this county,” Foster said. “I hate this county. I prayed to God that he would curse it. And guess what? He did. Man, I saw it hit and cursed, and I saw people laid off right and left — white people. I hate this county ...”
