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SCAM MAN THROWS RUDY under the BUS like he did COHEN

They're discussing it now on MSNBC on THE BEAT.

They're also about to play the ASK RUDY TAPE soon after the commercial break.

So what's RUDY going to do???

That's the question now !!!

The SCAM MAN claims he didn't DIRECT RUDY to do what he did for him and said RUDY's been working in the UKRAINE for YEARS.

So RUDY better CASH IN on that INSURANCE POLICY he said he has if he doesn't want to end up sitting in JAIL like COHEN.


MSNBC is discussing it? So that means it's happening right? Does that mean when the MSM talks about something, it means it's actually happening? If so, Wow! The must be puppeteers controlling everything. Well we know where you get your news from. Pray keep us informed on the latest dem conspiracy theory.🤪🥴🤣😁


Eventually they have to “talk to Rudy”
His name was brought up dozens of times in all the testimonies last week.
If he’s not dirty than Santa Claus is real


Ever heard of Bill O'Reilly or are you too young?


That guy was a master smarmy charlatan


Boggles the mind to imagine what he must have done that made him decide to pay off his victim 32 mil in a sexual harassment settlement. NDA included language that should the story ever leak she had to go public and deny it ever happened.

32 million says she must have had the goods on him engaging in some pretty sick shit he felt his rep would never recover from. That's a really low bar.


It had to be more than 'pussy grabbing'.


I'm thinking he must have been on the receiving end of a strap-on.




Dang... is it really worth $32 mil to keep it hidden? I guess if you're Bill O.


Well just thinking rationally, it had to be so damaging that he knew his regular dittohead followers would never be able to look at him and take him seriously again.

Since the gory details of the previous sexual harassment of his former executive producer Andrea Mackris is already all out there, what he must have did this time to agree to fork over 32 million dollars to keep quiet had to be some serious Next Level type shit.

I think getting bonked by a strap on would qualify and I'm quite relieved the video of that is not out there. He did us all a favor by preventing its public release and yet getting fired anyway. But forcing his victim to insert foreign objects up his ass is the only thing I could think of that might be a bridge too far for his dittoheads. Who wouldn't burst out laughing every time they saw him after that?

This is a fairly common request made of dominatrixes servicing powerful men btw, so I'm not even being facetious here. I think this is quite possible.


Yeah. Fox News thanks you for watching back then too.


You didn't HAVE to watch FOX news to know about the lecherous slimy Bill O'reilly


You mean like I didn't have to watch NBC to know about the lecherous slimy Matt Lauer? Or CBS to know about the lecherous slimy Charlie Rose?




Then how does eye know about him, or would even care to begin with, pray tell?


Supermarket/pharmacy tabloid\/newspapers


Oh I see. Tabloid mags. So that's where eye and you get your news from. Such reputable sources!🤪🤪🤪😁🥴


T-rump loves the tabloid news media. That's where he gets his news from - he said it over and over again on the campaign trail.

Turns out he was BFFs with Peckerhead, who ran the company AMI, too! Imagine?

And FOX News can certainly be described as tabloid news. Especially Hannity, Carlson, Ingraham and Pirro - tabloid at it's best.


Oh. Okay. So then you approve of his tabloid sources then, yes?

And since you just confirmed it's a reputable source, I guess all those Fox people are now reputable in your eyes. Gee, that was nice of you to admit. 🤪🤪🤪🤪


I love it!

Bill O'reilly asks T-rump why he sent Rudy to Ukraine, and T-rump says he never did! LOLOLOLOL!

Bill-o-the-clown pushes and wants to know why Rudy was in Ukraine.

T-rump says "I dunno. You have to ask Rudy." LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL!

Grab the popcorn, kids and fasten your seatbelts! We're in for a bumpy ride!


Giuliani went rogue just to further the cause of Trump.

What a loyal soldier! Yeah, I don't think so.


What's really scary is the fact that the nim-nuts on this board (childishone, LordBULLshit, Shitman27, elcomico, etc.) will actually believe T-rump. They'll stand by him and rest all their hopes on him.



For them, anything from Trump's mouth is more powerful than hard scientific evidence. It's bizarre, considering Trump's history.


Too bad for them Trump's own mouth said the words in the perfect call he released that directed Zelensky to work with Rudy.


T-rump is trying to explain that Rudy has 'other clients' with business in Ukraine. You know - those other presidents running for re-election, looking for help in winning from Ukraine. Those guys.


This was too predictable. Giuliani didn't learn from Cohen's example that being trump's fixer means destiny with the underside of a bus. Rudy double dog dared Trump warning he had insurance.

Moronic move by Trump. He had a starring role in a federal indictment that came out of nowhere because he threw Cohen under the bus. Limited options for Rudy here but to tell what he knows and cut a deal.

Also, with the WH Counsel now leaking bigly for the 2nd time on Trump being informed about the WB complaint before dropping the extortion scheme, we can surmise that the GOP unity front is a facade. They are all working behind the scenes on their ass coveting memos and throwing people under the bus.


I agree EYE it was TOO PREDICTABLE. This is also the reason why one has to wonder if RUDY and BARR could have SET UP the SCAM MAN.

Because BARR was also the GOOD FRIEND of MUELLER for 30 YEARS (which is also why NONE of this MAKES SENSE).

And LINDSAY sp? was also GOOD BUDDIES with McCAIN.

So why the complete 180 TURN AROUND where they're BROWN NOSING this GUY right after COHEN and all of the others were CONVICTED by MUELLER???

Wouldn't it also be A HOOT if the VOTE in the SENATE ends up with 100 PERCENT of them VOTING to REMOVE the SCAM MAN from office???

Oh well.

At least one can still DREAM and be HOPEFUL about that's the way this thing will END.

Wouldn't it be DELIGHTFUL if at some point all these people (RUDY/BARR/LINDSAY) all CONFESSED to being DOUBLE AGENTS and that they've only been PRETENDING to care about the SCAM MAN as a way to GET RID of him???

Imagine the kind of a MAJOR HISSY FIT that he'd have if he found out HE's the ONE who's BEEN SCAMMED this TIME !!!



If it’s indeed a facade what will that mean for T-rump? You think they will turn on him?


If they CONFESSED to acting in the role of a DOUBLE AGENT AFTER he's removed from office, then yes they'd have TURNED on him. But then having planned beforehand to do what they did, they'd not really have TURNED, but just have PRETENDED to have.

But that's most likely also a PIPE DREAM that will never see fruition???

It is still CURIOUS how BARR was friends with MUELLER for 30 YEARS though. Could he also be PISSED because MUELLER didn't choose him to work with him??? Why else would he do what he did to a LONG TIME FRIEND??? For MONEY??? AMBITION???

And why would LINDSEY have turned on BIDEN and McCAIN the way he has???

And why would RUDY RUIN his reputation the way he has and be such a FOOL after what happened to COHEN???

None of this makes any sense when all of them should KNOW BETTER than to say and do what they've been saying and doing.

That's what one is saying.

Is How UTTERLY ABSURD the whole thing seems to be !!!
