blindfolded's Replies

Again, if you're looking for realism, WTF are you doing watching Top Gun? If I can accept the premise of the movie, I really don't give a fuck what the people look like. Give me this team or give me Hollywood and Wolfman and Merlin again. I don't give a fuck. You tards are just as annoying as the other side. "Its killing movies." LOL yeah, they sure are suffering with the team they ended up with 🤦‍♂️ And aren't you the poster who made some weird Cruise-dick-sucking rant about how unwoke this film is? So which is it?🤔 *upvote for Bubba* Yeah but you said "Memorial Day Opening Record" instead of just "record." You ignorant fool! 🤣🤣🤣 Everything I'm reading says anywhere from 10-12% in the Navy. Yeah, I'm looking for perfect realism in a movie about a 60 year old 5'7" guy flying a fighter jet on a New Hope mission that a drone can't do because "reasons." 🤣 There's minorities and women in this film. Time to untwist your panties. Yeah, word of mouth is strong for this. I took my teenage son last weekend. I'm going back to take my dad this week. I never feel the need to go back. I'd always recommend a movie I like... but for some reason I feel like I need it to be known and experienced what an incredible theater experience this is. Can't speak for the coordinates but I read somewhere that the unnamed enemy implication is Iran, based on several other clues. I like big butts. I cannot lie. To be quite honest, complaining that there are different races and women in this movie is just as annoying as when people complain that there isn't enough. Oh well and move on. Completely agree. Duly noted. We all appreciated your contribution and you are an inspiration for humanity. Here is a cookie, an honorary degree, and a key to the city. ...which you took literally with a pair of aviators and a volleyball to prove them wrong. That is the stretchiest stretch of an explanation that has ever stretched. LOL OK. This program has nothing to do with the flight school Top Gun. LOL Not sure how you define the word failure. Reaching that mark would've saved their program, their plane, and their goal. That's actually how you define the word "success." Please explain how this flight program successfully hitting their "fastest ever" mark would be considered anything bottom? Go ahead. Meanwhile, I could probably make a case for a program that is about to be defunded and shut down getting literally vaporized in the air being the literal bottom. Completely agree. We can all argue all day about Kelly Mcginnis not being asked to come back because she's not the smoking hot bombshell she was 40 years ago, and the implied sexism in Hollywood... The least they could've done is did some justice for her character. Again, loved it too, that was my only nitpick considering the one guy ground crew guy considered him a great friend apparently... Charlie was not mentioned at all, as if she never existed. Hence, why it kind of bothered me that his character arc reverted a bit, also considering his character is much much older. Yes. We were left that he had some character growth at the end, and didn't end up as the same rouge lone-wolf as he started, thereby earning the respect of Ice Man, no? We're supposed to be impressed the nobility of him risking himself for the sakes of their program. He was specifically instructed by the crew exactly where their goal is, and what to do. There was no need to push it, now he's not only risking himself, he is risking the aircraft aka the entire program itself, nullifying his supposed purpose.