MovieChat Forums > dteam6 > Replies
dteam6's Replies
Think the Trumpers will care? Nope. Did they care about the recording PROVING he knew the gravity of the virus but deliberately doing nothing? Nope.
He could nuke Canada and they'd just shrug while others would cheer.
Nothing could turn his cult from him. NOTHING.
Real 'Murican hero is how they say it.
These poor DC millionaires. I tell you, I just feel so bad for them! They're the ones with the real problems.
Lucky for them, there are enough podunk Trumpers ready to get on their hands and knees, giving their money away.
These fucking clowns can't even get a stimulus deal passed and have the audacity to ask US for money?
According to the logic of the Trump sociopaths on this board, that cop is "a poor, innocent angel", "misunderstood" or "fake news".
Ah, I get it--when they attack the cops you guys immediately call them savage beasts but when cops murder citizens--like Floyd--or permanently disable an innocent elderly Indian man who was just taking a walk or knocking an old man to the ground, making him bleed from the head, you guys are suddenly all about "wait for the full story" and "it's a hoax article!" and "those poor, misunderstood boys in blue!".
I'm not defending the shooter in this story or any other assault story--I'm merely pointing out the blatant hypocrisy of you bozos.
Donald is like Archie Bunker...but without the heart, charm or working class status.
I would say "there's no way this psycho could do that" but this is Donald. He's gotten away with everything thus far.
They can lube him up with whatever they put all over that ""slippery"" ramp he walked down.
Yep! He's growing fatter, redder in the face and extra sweaty. He can't even stand without swaying like his cheap border fence in a calm breeze.
You're not even exaggeration. He's done similar enough stuff with his freaks in the past:
-Tells them to their faces that what he said on recorded video is not what he said and they believed it.
-Has them practically ready to eat out of Kim Jong-Un's hand. I saw actual defenses of both Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin.
-"Truth is not truth".
-He tells his audience in a rally that people should have to carry an ID in order to buy food and his supporters are turning to each other in the crowd, nodding and smiling in agreement.
-The "Trump for dictator" psycho bitch.
-Trump totally stumbles over himself during a speech with his brain leaking through his ears as his dementia takes hold. FOX calls it a "homerun" interview and his cult follows along.
-Trump promised that Mexico would pay for his racist, authoritarian wall. Ever since, his supporters have stumbled and tripped over each other to frantically defend his breaking of that promise. Not ONE Trumper has ever held him to task for that lie. Not ONE. Speaking of broken election promises, look at the fevered, deranged way his psycho cult defends Donald doing a total 180 on his tax release promise. In fact, I'll literally seen Trumpers state that republicans should subpoena Biden's tax forms. These same psychos who defended Donald hiding his taxes want Biden's forceably exposed.
-Since Donald started farting in the White House, I've actually seen his cult members express AGREEMENT with some of ISIS' brutal acts online. Like that story of a gay soldier in the ISIS ranks being weeded out and murdered...I saw Trumpers online (especially in Yahoo Comments) defending the murder and saying: "We should do that here".
-I've seen Trumpers demonize Obama for golfing WHILE defending Donald's golfing in the same sentence.
-I have seen Trumpers say: "We will bathe the ground red with the blood of liberals".
So many things beyond that. Freaks.
Pretty soon we will have a president who DOESN'T eat McDonalds every single day of his life.
It will be wonderful to see a non-orange president again.
Of course Donald will fight the outcome. That son of a bitch knows one thing and one thing only: chaos.
And you can be sure that whatever Trump does, illegal or otherwise, his soulless cult members will nod along as usual.
After everything this evil, orange, corrupt son of bitch has gotten away with, nothing would surprise me at this point. NOTHING.
Too bad Golden Corral is the Trumper idea of a 5-Star restaurant.
No real waiters there.
AND he's defunding testing centers!
FUCK him.
It's a crime against nature, morality and justice that this orange monster can just trot along maskless and never get infected. After all the deaths due to his incompetence, this asshole is seemingly immune to the virus. Must be. He's been around infected people on a constant basis.
Only the insane see Donald as sane.