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Thoughts and Prayers: Trump's dementia took over again tonight at his NC rally

Thoughts and prayers go out to Trump tonight, as his dementia was in full swing at his North Carolina rally.

Said Trump:

“Hey you now have a president that doesn’t have to use a teleprompter. Isn’t that nice?”

Poor guy didn't realize that there were two teleprompters right in front of him which he was reading off of at the rally, and were quite visible to his FOX TV audience.

I guess he forgot to take his Donepezil this morning.


Lol that's hilarious.

Was he squirming from left to right and standing awakwardly at the podium like he's holding in farts and dirrhrea 💩again??


LOL No, it's hilarious how you are not embarrassed to post such abominable garbage. You're one sick puppy.

I know you're not too bright but you should learn to spell diarrhea since that's all that comes out of your mouth!


Good catch! He does that a lot. He always looks like he has to take a shit while he's on stage. Maybe it's a side effect from his meds ?


Agreed Melania lol


Maybe he's just used to sitting on the toilet all day and night, Tweeting.


He and his cult are just so damn creepy. He'll wave his hand like he's playing a jedi mind trick on a bunch of morons and say there's no teleprompter there and his cult will play along.


You're not even exaggeration. He's done similar enough stuff with his freaks in the past:

-Tells them to their faces that what he said on recorded video is not what he said and they believed it.

-Has them practically ready to eat out of Kim Jong-Un's hand. I saw actual defenses of both Kim Jong-Un and Vladimir Putin.

-"Truth is not truth".

-He tells his audience in a rally that people should have to carry an ID in order to buy food and his supporters are turning to each other in the crowd, nodding and smiling in agreement.

-The "Trump for dictator" psycho bitch.

-Trump totally stumbles over himself during a speech with his brain leaking through his ears as his dementia takes hold. FOX calls it a "homerun" interview and his cult follows along.

-Trump promised that Mexico would pay for his racist, authoritarian wall. Ever since, his supporters have stumbled and tripped over each other to frantically defend his breaking of that promise. Not ONE Trumper has ever held him to task for that lie. Not ONE. Speaking of broken election promises, look at the fevered, deranged way his psycho cult defends Donald doing a total 180 on his tax release promise. In fact, I'll literally seen Trumpers state that republicans should subpoena Biden's tax forms. These same psychos who defended Donald hiding his taxes want Biden's forceably exposed.

-Since Donald started farting in the White House, I've actually seen his cult members express AGREEMENT with some of ISIS' brutal acts online. Like that story of a gay soldier in the ISIS ranks being weeded out and murdered...I saw Trumpers online (especially in Yahoo Comments) defending the murder and saying: "We should do that here".

-I've seen Trumpers demonize Obama for golfing WHILE defending Donald's golfing in the same sentence.

-I have seen Trumpers say: "We will bathe the ground red with the blood of liberals".

So many things beyond that. Freaks.


Pretty soon we will have a president who DOESN'T eat McDonalds every single day of his life.

It will be wonderful to see a non-orange president again.


My God, have you seen the size of Trump these days? He's the size of a baby elephant.


Exactly Melania! You're on a roll lol👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

At this rate, there's no way he will be able to finish his 2nd term if he gets re-elected. He'll be so obese, his people would have to cover him with butter to slide him through the front door of the White House.


Melania must be so happy she doesn't have to sleep with him. She did a few times - to get her Einstein Visa, to be his wife, and to have her anchor baby. That was enough.


They can lube him up with whatever they put all over that ""slippery"" ramp he walked down.


Yep! He's growing fatter, redder in the face and extra sweaty. He can't even stand without swaying like his cheap border fence in a calm breeze.


Trumps energy is unreal...traveling like that, public speaking...

Tough and hard working guy

Biden looks like he would be easily manipulated and out negotiated.

If I were Americas enemy, I would want Biden


Trump's energy?

Whoever is handling him needs to replace his battery. Between the slurred low-key speech he gave the other day on 'Constitution Day' (ironic he would give a speech that day, ain't it ?) and his rally last night - wow! He's mumbling, he's dead behind the eyes, and he's half asleep. He didn't even realize he was reading off teleprompters when he told the audience he doesn't read teleprompters.

Someone forgot to give grampy his medication.


So...grampy? HUH? The guy IS 74. He's way past retirement age and still going strong.

He is dressed, up and at 'em and ready to roll early in the morning when many men his age are just slurping down some oatmeal and sitting on the back porch.

So, how old are YOU? What exactly have you done as far as running the country? How's YOUR energy? How hard is it to sit in front of a computer and b@tch and moan endlessly? Do YOU have the energy to play 18 holes while running the country?

Do YOU need your batteries changed? LOL If you are going to start bitchin' about the old folks running the country, let's hear what you have to say about your "hero" Biden and botox Nancy!

I would agree that after 70, no one should hold public office, IF you would agree to that too!

M&M, you are a delight!


He's way past retirement age and still going strong.

You set the bar so low for 'going strong'. He couldn't lift a glass of water to drink without using both hands. He couldn't walk down an eight foot low-rise ramp, without holding on to his chaperone (he said it was 'slippery' on a beautiful day in mid-June, must have been from the ice storm, eh?).

'Gong strong' - LMFAO!


"LMFAO"- Well I AM glad to make you happy! Your posts usually indicate otherwise, i.e., you seem miserable most of the time.

I don't recall your criticism of your hero Hillary when she had to be dragged by the Secret Service into that van. Remember the video where they dragged her like a bag of wet laundry? LOL That, and her coughing and choking. Apparently she fit all your criteria for fitness.

I DID say that he's 74! Did you miss that part or are YOU having trouble with numbers? lol

People do slow down after seventy. It's a fact of life.

Instead of laughing your a@@ off, why don't you answer some of my questions? Getting too old to do it? Slowing down?
I doubt it. You are just stubborn!


You are so confused.
He said he doesn't have to. Most of the time he doesn't use one.
See, you don't understand that what he was saying was that if Biden were president he would NEED one. Even with it he has trouble.


I think CULT45 is confused, and you're evidence of that. I think he deliberately gaslights you, and you fall for it every time.


No, your brain is made out of cement.


Are you really that fucking stupid?

Are You???

You are.



You should be offering your good thoughts and prayers for the poor guy with dementia. Not stay in denial.


Which one? The guy you hate or Joe Biden?


Trump - which is who the thread is about. You have trouble comprehending, don't you ?


And I see you are still having trouble with that wasp in your shorts! lol Have you always been so grim and humorless?


You have an odd sense of humor. I don't think Trump's dementia is anything to laugh at, but if you do - have at it.


M&M- now you are purposely trying to misunderstand! Why?

I don't think dementia is either candidate! Where and when was I laughing at it?

You must be aware of Joe Biden's gaffes and the concerns about his failing cognitive abilities. My initial question to you was about that. WHICH candidate were you referring to?

Just pretending like the question wasn't asked does not make it go away.
